Chapter 151: Being a pirate can’t save the country [Asking for Custom].

“What happened on the island?”

Hearing the thunder roar of the Chambord Islands behind them, the little faces of the three Hancook sisters were all pale with fright.

“Why did lightning suddenly fall?”

“How strange!”

The two sisters were puzzled with little faces.

“Aha, it’s nothing, it’s just punishing the wicked.”

At this time, the road dust in the direction of the bow of the ship said without looking back.

Hearing his words, the three Han Cook sisters were directly stunned, and their little faces were confused.

For a long time, Han Cook, who is the eldest sister, reacted, and his big beautiful eyes appeared even more shocked. Lu Chen meant, didn’t it mean that the extreme thunder behind him was his masterpiece?

What a terrible person this is!

Hancock has lived on Nine Snake Island since he was a child, lacks knowledge of the outside world, and only followed his elders to come out occasionally to discover the fun of the Chambord Islands.

This time, I ran out secretly, but I didn’t expect to encounter the navy.

Moreover, it seems that the navy is still very terrible, at least in Han Cook’s cognition, the fighters of Nine Snake Island are inferior to each other

“Sister, what did he mean?”

“Could it be that those thunderbolts belong to this naval brother?”

The two younger sisters, who had not yet sensed the seriousness of the matter, asked Han Cook curiously. When he understood, he couldn’t help but tremble with fright.

To know.

During this time period, neither sister has eaten the devil fruit.

In the direction of appearance, although it is not as beautiful as the eldest sister Han Cook, it is also very cute.

Feeling the shivering of the three little girls behind him, Lu Chen felt that he was too evil. But don’t move, want to see these girls, when are they willing to confess.

“Brother Navy!”

Just as Lu Chen was thinking, Han Cook’s timid voice came.


Turn your head and look.

Hancook was found with his head down, his long hair disheveled, and his face showing a burst of anxiety and uneasiness. She lowered her head, did not dare to look at Lu Chen, and her eyes were a little evasive.

“If there is a place that has always been isolated from the world, and the people of this place, if they want to live a better life, they can only rob the ships around them, otherwise, relying on the food of that place will not be able to satisfy the lives of so many people.”

“Brother Navy, you said that the people in this place have become pirates, is it extremely vicious?”

Hancock said weakly.

The two younger sisters hiding behind her immediately nodded repeatedly, staring at Lu Chen with big eyes, wanting to see Lu Chen’s reaction. Of course.

They also thought that Lu Chen did not know their identities, but Lu Chen just pretended not to know. The place mentioned by the three sisters is naturally Nine Snake Island.

Located in the windless zone, the surrounding sea area is full of nests of sea kings. Any ship that passes through it will be destroyed and killed.

Although this extremely harsh environment has created the detachment of Nine Snake Island from the world, it has also caused a lack of materials. So the king of Nine Snake Island has been a pirate for generations.

It is to rob the materials and feed back to Nine Snake Island. So to speak.

This problem is unsolvable in the eyes of the people of Nine Snake Island and even the king. But.

When Lu Chen heard this, he smiled slightly.

Seeing the smile on his face like a spring breeze, the three Han Cook sisters, for some reason, were slightly relieved in their hearts.

“The place you are talking about is too special!”

Lu Chen smiled unknowingly.

“yes, we also heard the story, I don’t know where it is. But that place, if you don’t become a pirate, you will starve many people! ”

Hancook’s face flashed a far-fetched smile.

Behind, the two younger sisters also nodded repeatedly.

“Then why become a pirate?”

However, Lu Chen retracted his smile at this time and asked in a solemn voice. Words fall.

As soon as I relaxed the three sisters, I immediately became nervous.

“Isn’t it, if you don’t pirates, that place, won’t there be enough material to live?”

Han Cook hurriedly explained, looking like a thief with a weak heart.

“Since the materials are poor, you should not be a pirate.”

Lu Chen shook his head, his tone was a little serious,

“In this sea, in terms of materiel, the navy dares to say the first, and no one dares to say the second.”

“If there is really not enough supplies, then why become a pirate?”

“Child, become a navy, no matter where the place is, you can ensure the smooth flow of the route, then the trade is opened, will there be a lack of materials?”

“Even if it’s that place, outsiders can’t enter.”

“However, people in that place can also come out and trade with merchants on the sea in the name of the navy.”

“And after becoming a navy, no one dares to offend.”

“Even if a pirate encounters, you have to go around!”

Looking at the three Han Cook sisters who were stunned to hear, Lu Chen smiled kindly, raised his hand to rub her black hair, and said with a smile: “Think about it, is it better to become a navy than to be a pirate?” ”

“Naturally it is better to be in the navy!”

Hankuk Muna nodded in reply.

“So good!”

Lu Chen smiled with satisfaction: “In the future, you will definitely become an excellent naval female emperor.” ”

The female emperor with extremely high talent can only play to her advantages if she becomes a navy.

To know.

A long time ago, Lu Chen had imagined today’s scene.

In his heart, he has always held a more emotional idea about the future of Hancook. Qingben is a beautiful person, but what a thief!

These eight words are Lu Chen’s regret for the original future of 957 Hancook. Five days later.

Ships powered by electric current, come to a barren coast.

“Ah, this time the destination has finally arrived.”

Lu Chen put on his robe, then jumped on the shore, and then turned to the three Hancook sisters and asked, “Are you waiting on the boat, or are you with me?” ”

“Ah, of course we followed.”

Hankula immediately jumped ashore with his two younger sisters.

In the past few days, the three sisters have accepted the reality of the role of the Navy. Moreover, the understanding of road dust has gradually become quite trusting.

After all, in the past few days, Lu Chen has been telling them how powerful the navy of this sea is. Bases all over the world.

Fearless of the powerful combat power of any pirate in the world. An immortal monument to the fulfillment of justice.

There is no doubt that at this time in the minds of the three sisters. Being a pirate cannot save Nine Snake Island. But, becoming a navy can!!

“Then come together, but don’t shout hard.”

Lu Chen smiled, then took out the chopping knife at his waist, held it directly in his hand, and then led the way in front. The group entered the barren desert in a short time.

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