Chapter 152: Lu Chen’s vision for the future!! 【Customizable】.

Great Passage, Isle of White Earth.

The base of the revolutionary army is located here in Baldigo. It is a barren place full of yellow sand and troubled times.

The environment is very harsh, the weather is hot, there is no grass in the sand and gravel, and it is full of loneliness. Lu Chen took the three Han Cook sisters and walked in the desert one foot deep and one shallow foot.

The scorching sun hung overhead, baking the earth so hot that the air in sight was distorted. The three Hancock sisters, holding hands, followed closely behind Lu Chen.

Along the way, the little ones did not complain a word. The small face showed a burst of resoluteness.

Eyes, with the determination to move towards the goal. That’s the power of the goal.

Seeing it, thinking of becoming an excellent navy and saving their hometown, they have a endurance that adults cannot bear at a young age.

However, the climate in this barren land is too harsh.

After walking for half a day, Hancook’s two younger sisters were exhausted and almost collapsed. If it weren’t for the incomparably tenacious will, I’m afraid I would have sat down long ago.

Even so, it is fast to the limit of the body.

“Well, worthy of being a female emperor, it seems that there is still a long way to go from the limit!”

Lu Chen walked in the front, unhurried, always paying attention to the back.

Among the three sisters, Hancook also had to take care of two younger sisters, but at this time, the state completely crushed the elite naval soldiers. This talent is so high that it is simply blessed.

If you don’t become a navy, it will be too tyrannical. Of course.

Lu Chen is not only interested in Han Cook’s own talent and strength. Also, Nine Snake Island behind her.

A country of soldiers of all people, armed with domineering hands. What a terrible power that is.

In addition to high-end combat power, the headquarters of the Navy is also inferior. If the town guards the windless belt of the great passage.

That’s the role of the Poseidon needle!!

“Take a break!”

Thinking of this, Lu Chen stopped, turned his head and smiled at the three sisters who were tired and gasping. Almost as soon as his voice fell.

As soon as Hanku pulled his sister’s hand loose, the three little girls fell directly on the yellow sand. I don’t care about the yellow sand being hot, and lie directly on my back on the fine sand.

Hum–fine sand suddenly surged, as if a living creature had broken out of it, frightening the three Han Cook sisters, who got up one after another and ran to Lu Chen’s side.

The next moment. The three sisters were dumbfounded.

Under the barren desert, but at this time, a tree root like a spirit snake climbed out. Immediately after, flowers and plants vegetation and trees grew wildly.

In less than a moment, a small forest with a radius of ten meters is formed, which can be shaded by the sun and cooled in this hot weather.

“Sit down and rest for a while!”

Lu Chen smiled and smiled at the three sisters who were stunned by shock.

Immediately, he took the lead to the exuberant plant center, and as he sat down, the roots of the tree immediately outlined a chair. This scene shocked the three Hancook sisters.

“Brother Navy, is this magic?”

“Ah, it must be a miracle!”

“Good to leave!”

The three little girls suddenly lit up their eyes.

“Ahem, say okay, my name is Lu Chen, not Navy!”

Lu Chen shook his head and smiled, correcting: “Well, it’s Vice Admiral, Lu Chen!” ”

“Yes, Brother Lu Chen!”

The three Hancook sisters shouted sweetly.

Although they were very young, the eldest Hancock was only seven or eight years old.

But Lu Chen’s appearance is very young, it seems, only about twenty years old, so there seems to be nothing wrong with calling him brother. To this.

Lu Chen smiled bitterly, and then stopped tangling. I rested for about half an hour.

After the three little girls recovered their strength, the team continued to set off.

“The last stretch of the road, you guys hold on a little longer, it will be there soon!”

After stepping out of the wooded shade, Lu Chen’s eyes looked into the depths of the desert, and the corners of his mouth raised a faint arc. Under his keen perception.

At the end of the line of sight, above the hot desert, a small town stands in it. Zizi – The subtle sound of electric arcing suddenly reverberates in the surrounding air.

But the movement is too subtle.

If you don’t pay attention carefully, it will be difficult to find even if you are close to the road car.

The three Han Cook sisters, against the scorching sun, their spirits were a little sluggish, and they followed Lu Chen weakly, naturally they would not notice these movements.


As time passed, the hot sun temperature seemed to be less scorching. This change was slight at first.

The cloudless hot sky in the desert suddenly gathered faint black clouds, gradually forming inky clouds, directly covering the hot sun.

“What’s going on?”

“Ah, is it going to rain?”

“Stupid, this is the reason for Brother Lu Chen!”

Of the three sisters, only Hancock, found something. She raised her hand and pointed to the road dust walking ahead.

The back is still the same, but as the sky darkens, it is faintly visible, and between the long black hair, there is a faint arc circulating, releasing a faint white light.

The large shadows cast by the dark clouds in the sky, accompanied by the road dust, continue to rush towards the depths of the desert.

From a distance, it looks like a dark beast, opening its mouth that is enough to swallow the world, constantly eroding the desert.

“What’s going on? Why are there dark clouds? ”

“Isn’t this weather real?”

“Hey, hey, there are strangers there!”

“Is it the Navy?”

“No, did a young man with three little girls inadvertently break into this desert?”

“Don’t let them approach, go and intercept it.”

“Hmph, at this time, don’t take it lightly, according to intelligence, the world government has begun to pay attention to us.”

When Lu Chen and the others walked past a sand dune, they immediately attracted the attention of the revolutionary troops who were ambushed around.

The next moment, the ground that seemed to be yellow sand on one side suddenly stood up several figures.

“Ah, there are people there!”

Seeing this, Han Cook took his sister’s small hand and hurriedly ran a few steps to Lu Chen’s back. It was as if the three sisters would feel safe only by Lu Chen’s side.

It was a few, men in simple coats.

The skin is very rough, and it can be seen that they are all weathered men.

“This little brother, you don’t look like locals!”

Coming closer, a big man at the head asked with a sincere smile.


Lu Chen glanced over and said with a faint smile.

“In front is known as the land of death, you are not locals, it is best not to go in, it is easy to get lost.”

Hearing Lu Chen’s words, several men suddenly thought that they were tourists.

“I know!”

Lu Chen nodded.

“Since you know, it’s best to go back the same way, you take the little girl, it’s best not to go any further.”

“This can’t work, I still have to find someone!”

“Looking for someone? Do you know any friends in the desert? ”

Several revolutionary soldiers disguised as local residents frowned and asked. However, their tone is still very easygoing.

At least it doesn’t seem to make people wary, or scared.

The three Han Cook sisters, who were hiding behind Lu Chen, all secretly looked out, with a curious look on their faces.

“Of course there is, otherwise why would I come to this ghost place!”

Lu Chen said with a faint smile.

Hearing this, several humble men suddenly looked puzzled. I was dubious in my heart.

But before they could ask again, Lu Chen continued to speak.

“If I’m not mistaken, the person I’m looking for should be your leader, Munch J. D. Dragon! ”

The voice fell.

In the scorching desert weather, several men felt as if they had fallen into a cold winter lake, and the sweat hairs all over their bodies instantly exploded

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