Chapter 154: Underestimating me, it’s going to die [Please customize].

Hearing the dragon’s frightened shout, everyone was stunned for a while, and they didn’t react at all. Uncle is coming? Why run away?

This is what everyone feels confused.

Even Basolomi and Ivankov, who had seen Lu Chen, widened their eyes and looked puzzled.

“Now is not the time to be in a daze, the whole army obeys the order and does everything possible to escape from here for me.”

Seeing that the comrades around him were still in a confused state, Long suddenly became anxious and suddenly made a big hole. In an instant, everyone who was stunned suddenly woke up completely.

Don’t know what happened though.

But as the leader of the revolutionary army, Long is in the organization and has supreme majesty. So after his words fell.

The cadres on the balcony turned around and left one after another.

And, while leaving, inform the members and do everything possible and as quickly as possible. Escape the city!!!

Just under a minute.

The whole castle was almost empty.

I saw that the streets of Badilgo sprang up one after another, tidying up and tidying up. There are men and women, old and young!!!

It looks, like the Great Escape.

However, even though the whole city fled, it was orderly and did not panic in the slightest. After all, for members of the grassroots.

It’s just that this escape is just a normal exercise.

“Ah, why did they all run away?”

“So many people!”

“Is it because you are afraid of Brother Lu Chen?”

Seeing this, the three Hancock sisters showed surprised expressions. An evacuation of this scale is completely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

If you look down from the sky, it looks like ants moving, and the scene is very spectacular. But.

Lu Chen just glanced at it lightly, and did not continue to pay attention.

Instead, he set his eyes on the figures on the top floor of the castle. The highest echelons of the revolutionary army.

Monchi S. D. Dragon, Ivankov, Murray, Bartholomy Bear and Raven, among others. Especially on the dragon’s face, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He looked at Lu Chen’s gaze with a thick sense of horror and jealousy.

“Dragon, isn’t this your uncle? Why are you so afraid? ”

Ivankov was puzzled by this and couldn’t help but ask in doubt.

Don’t say it’s this shemale.

Actually, this is true for everyone.

Heavenly punishment lieutenant general Lu Chen, they haven’t seen it, wasn’t the atmosphere very harmonious at the beginning? How this time, it was as if it had encountered an enemy.

Face everyone’s doubtful eyes. Dragon didn’t answer.

His gaze was fixed on Lu Chen.

In particular, Lu Chen held the long sword in his hand.

The weapon, if it is revealed, is waiting, and enters the state of battle. No doubt.

The dragon, who grew up in the shadow of road dust since childhood, understands this truth very well.

Therefore, the first time is to order, abandon this base area, and escape from the island of white earth as quickly as possible. Really.

Right at this time.

I saw Lu Chen, who was standing on the edge of the city, suddenly raised his hand, grabbed his robe, raised his hand and threw it aside. In an instant, the inner naval sword was revealed.

“Ahhh!! I see, your uncle is now, coming in the capacity of the Navy? ”

Seeing this scene, Ivankov immediately reacted and suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

“Hey, what do you think?”

Long did not answer the rhetorical question, and the cold sweat on his forehead was ticking to the ground. Da Xiong and the others also came to their senses and suddenly felt shocked. But.

These revolutionary armies were not given more time.

Standing on the edge of the desert city, Lu Chen slowly raised the long sword in his hand, and then faced the tall castle, directly slashed down with a sword and bombarded – pointed at the tip of the sword, a huge sword qi flew through the air, tearing the desert in an instant, and came straight to the castle. The sword, not yet coming.

But the huge pressure has already fallen on the hearts of Dragon and Big Bear and others.


Almost instinctively reacting, the dragon shouted and jumped straight out of the castle. Others have long since stopped telling me.

Just when Lu Chen raised his hand, he had already made dodging movements. The next moment.

The sword qi slashed, and the strong castle split in two from it and fell to the left and right. Sand and dust billowed into the sky.

The huge movement attracted the attention of the members of the organization who fled not far away, and they all turned their heads to look back.


Everyone gasped.

I couldn’t believe what I saw in front of me.

“The headquarters building, cut open?”

“Hey, hey, did anyone tell me, what does that mean?”

“The desert has been ploughed out of a deep pit.”

“How terrifying is this sword?”

The members of the organization all stopped and started talking.

But soon, they received a notification from their superiors.

“This is not a drill, everyone immediately flees here, according to the exercise, before the organization has resumed contact, everyone should not come out, good luck everyone!”


After speaking, the supreme commander’s phone worm hung up. Hearing this, some people couldn’t believe it.

However, when I saw the navy at the end of the clouds, the flying cloak of justice, I completely believed it.

“It’s the navy, everyone run away!”

For a time, countless soldiers of the revolutionary army, shouting, scattered and fled in the desert. To this.

Lu Chen ignored it, after all, he was only alone, how could he have arrested so many people. Therefore, he only needs to focus on the dragon’s body.

“Uncle, you came here without saying hello, but it scared me!”

The sand and dust gradually dissipated, and the figure of the dragon slowly walked out.

“If you say hello in advance, won’t you have time to prepare?”

Looking at his nephew who came to the front, Lu Chen smiled lightly: “Enemy, it won’t give you time to prepare.” ”

“Although I knew that the world government was preparing to deal with us, I didn’t expect that the world government would let you come personally, uncle.”

Long said with a wry smile on his face.

“That’s no way, I can only wronged you.”

Lu Chen smiled lightly.

Then, holding the long sword, he walked slowly towards the dragon.

“This is the base of our revolutionary army, and if you come like this, you will destroy it.”

Dragon teeth are low.

“Bad things, it doesn’t matter if they are destroyed.”

“You’re bringing three little girls with you? Is it too much to underestimate us? ”

“I’m enough for one person!”

“Underestimate our strength, but we will suffer.”

“But if you underestimate me, you’re going to die.”

Lu Chen smiled lightly.

As his words fell, the long sword fell towards the dragon again. This sword has not yet fallen.

But the huge air pressure is like a big mountain, directly pressing the dragon in place. Bang–his body, instantly unbearable, knees bent, kneeling on one knee in the desert. The huge force makes the desert with a radius of thousands of meters undulate like a wave.


The long sword in Lu Chen’s hand also came to the top of the dragon’s head. At this moment.


A huge bear’s paw shock wave suddenly appeared from the dragon’s back, heading straight towards the road dust.

“Even if you are an uncle, you can’t underestimate us!”

The dragon knelt on one knee, looked up with difficulty, and grinned at Lu Chen.

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