Chapter 155: Familiar Life for Life? 【Customizable】.

With the dragon’s voice falling.

The bear’s paw shock wave has already come to the front, squeezing the huge air of the bear’s paw, completely releasing huge energy fluctuations at this moment.

Even Lu Chen had to change the trajectory of the long sword and put the mirror flower water moon in front of him.

Boom – the shock wave raged over the past, directly drowning the road dust.

The dragon took this opportunity to stand up, and then retreated violently, widening a long enough distance before he stopped with a lingering feeling.

“Long, this is not your uncle, I look like an enemy!”

Ivankov came to the dragon’s side, his forehead covered with cold sweat.

“Did you offend your uncle, who is now here for revenge?”

Big Bear flashed and came to the dragon’s side and asked. Rao’s tone was gentle, full of horror and disbelief. ”

That sword just now.

If it is not shot in time, if it is cut, there will definitely be death or life. I am afraid that the revolutionary army will be removed from the sea.

“Don’t say stupid things now, don’t fall in love with the war, when everyone has almost escaped, you will go first, I will be the last!”

The dragon gritted his teeth and roared.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and they didn’t dare to have any thoughts in their hearts. If it weren’t for true despair, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be so decisive.

“Ah, is the naval brother going to be defeated?”

On the other side, after seeing Lu Chen being flooded by wind and sand, the three Han Cook sisters showed a worried look on their little faces.

“That’s impossible!”

A faint voice was transmitted in the wind and sand.

Hearing this, the three little girls shouted with joy. The next moment.

The wind and sand formed by the shock wave, accompanied by Lu Chen waving his long sword, instantly cut into fragmented air currents, and disappeared between heaven and earth in a short time.

His figure also appeared in the sight of everyone in the revolutionary army again.

“You children, since you are all here, let’s shoot together!”

Lu Chen smiled lightly.

Then, they continued to walk in their direction.

Every step he took seemed to step on everyone’s heart, full of a strong sense of oppression.

“Damn, you uncle, it’s really desperate!”

Ivankov was almost frightened silly.

This sense of oppression, like the coercion of the gods, makes it very difficult to even move.

“Long, as the leader of the revolutionary army, you shouldn’t take risks!”

Ivankov was under great coercion, and suddenly roared violently, and then rushed directly towards the road dust.

“Death winks!”

Boom – In response, Lu Chen only waved his long sword, like driving away flies.

Ivankov’s body flew upside down like a cannonball, smashing several buildings in an instant, leaving a series of traces on the desert floor before stopping.

people, and then completely silent.


The dragon gritted his teeth and roared.

“Incompetent rage is just the standard for the weak!”

Lu Chen kept walking and said with a faint smile.


At this moment, the desert ground under his feet suddenly became like a wave, wanting to throw him out.

“Long, you go quickly, I’ll block him!”

A delicate voice came.

The ground cracked a passage, and a huge figure blocked the road dust in front of it. It was Murray of the Giants.

Boom–Before Mori could make a move, his huge body flew out upside down in an instant, smashing heavily on the desert floor, setting off a cloud of dust. People are also completely silent.


Long Wan’s eyes cracked, and he clenched his fists and shouted.

He wanted to rush forward, but the bear and the crow were stopping, after all, in the minds of everyone, the core of the revolutionary army was the dragon. As long as he is there, the fire of revolution can be turned into a monstrous sea of fire.

The crow’s body turned into a black bird in the sky, flapping its wings and sweeping towards the road dust.

“I think you guys should be moderate!”

Facing the sky full of crows flying towards him, Lu Chen gently waved his long sword.

The terrifying sword pressure, like a big mountain, directly blasted away the crows in the sky, and finally condensed into the human shape of the crows, directly crashing into several buildings.

People, and there is no sound.

“After all, if you want to step on an ant without stepping on it, it is difficult to master.”

Lu Chen said with a faint smile.

The three Hancock sisters in the distance were already stunned. They all know that road dust should be very strong.

But what I didn’t expect was that it would be so strong.

“Sister, brother Lu Chen, it seems to be more powerful than the king!”

“What is it like, it is true!”

“Is this the Navy?”

The three sisters’ eyes lit up, looking at Lu Chen’s figure, their eyes full of adoration. And the other side.

The dragon and the bear changed their expressions drastically. Then look at each other.

Boom–The dragon couldn’t bear it anymore, broke free from the big bear’s obstruction, and rushed directly towards the road dust.

His hands turned into dragon claws, covered with armed domineering.

“Dragon claw!”

With a loud drink, he came to Lu Chen’s approach.

“Oh, yes, the strength has improved a lot!”

Lu Chen chuckled, and the long sword in his hand slashed down from top to bottom.

This sword looks ordinary. But for some reason, the dragon’s expression changed, and he felt unprecedented danger. It was the feeling of death.


The dragon screamed in fright, the dragon claw buckled, directly smashed to the ground, the whole person followed the twisted body, rolled out to the side.

Just the moment he dodged.

From Lu Chen’s feet, a huge sword mark immediately spread, flying all the way to the end of the desert, not knowing where the end was.

“Hahu, hahu!”

The dragon’s eyes widened, and he exclaimed, “Uncle, you will die!” ”

It is conceivable that if he hadn’t dodged in time just now, I am afraid he would have collided. As a consequence, I’m afraid I will be killed on the spot!

“Isn’t this nonsense? When fighting, don’t be distracted. ”

Lu Chen said lightly, and then took a step.

The speed was so fast that it immediately tore the air, and in an instant, it came to the dragon’s approach, and slashed down again. With such a terrifying continuous attack, the dragon didn’t have time to react at all.

Buzzing air shook abruptly:

The huge body of the Bartholomi bear appeared in front of the dragon in an instant, his hands slammed down, and there was no huge movement and explosion when he collided with the long sword of the road car.

Lu Chen’s long knife just slashed the ball of flesh in the center of Big Bear’s palm, but the blade did not cut through his ball of flesh.

“I am the one who eats the fruit of the meat ball, and can rebound all physical attacks!”

Big Bear’s eyes turned white and he said expressionlessly.

“Oh? Is it? ”

Lu Chen grinned, then clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands, and said, “Then you rebound and try!” ”

When the words fell, his muscles bulged, and the vast power was directly instilled into the mirror flower water moon, and suddenly erupted into a magnificent sword qi.

Boom–Big Bear didn’t even have time to react, and the whole person was swept up by the sword qi and flew out upside down in an instant. I don’t know how far I flew before I finally fell down heavily.

A slight muffled sound took half a sound to pass here.

“Uncle, over the years, I have improved enough, but I didn’t expect that you didn’t stand still.”

At this time, there was no companion around the dragon.

Seeing that the members of the fleeing organization had all disappeared from sight, he couldn’t help but slowly stand up, staring at Lu Chen with his eyes deadly, and said in a deep voice: “Even so, I won’t lose to you!” ”

Accompanied by a loud roar.

Within a radius of a thousand meters, the air suddenly burst, forming a terrifying hurricane in an instant, linking heaven and earth, and directly tearing out a huge hole in the dark clouds that covered the sky.

“Uncle, this is mine, real strength.”

The dragon opened his hands, turned his five fingers into dragon claws, and rushed over again.

Everywhere it passes, the hurricane is like a blade, and everything that cuts will be shattered.


Facing his nephew’s furious state, Lu Chen raised a brilliant smile at the corner of his mouth, and finally gave a good evaluation. And then.

The long knife is pressed.

The power condensed in the blade was released in an instant.

Boom – as if a light 3.7 pillar running through heaven and earth, directly flooded the rushing dragon. Similarly, it also shattered the hurricane that linked heaven and earth with one blow.

There is no place for resistance at all.

In an instant, the dragon completely lost its sound, and fell to the ground with white eyes. The top level of the revolutionary army is all planted here.

“Of course, it’s just good.”

Lu Chen put the knife into its sheath, and then strode towards the fallen dragon.


When he came to the three-meter range, the air suddenly shook, and the huge body of the Bartholomi bear instantly blocked the way of Lu Chen.

“Huh? Do you actually have the strength? ”

Lu Chen was shocked, and a trace of surprise appeared on his face. Big Bear is in a very bad state right now.

His clothes were tattered and his head was bleeding, but he still stood in front of Lu Chen, opening his hands to block Lu Chen’s way.

“Although I don’t know why, I still hope that you will spare our leader and arrest me, and the world government will not pursue it.” Big Bear said expressionlessly. ”

The tone is still very gentle.

It’s as if, what is being told, is just a trivial thing!

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