Chapter 156: A Priceless Treasure from the Mysterious East [Customized].

Badilgo, yellow sand in the sky, hurricanes raging.

The city, built deep in the desert, is now dilapidated, with broken walls and ruins. The hot wind blows by, making a rustling sound.

“Shhh Painful………. Suddenly, an exclamation came from the ground of the street. ”

The dragon woke up from the coma, only feeling like his bones were falling apart, his clothes were tattered, the blood from the wound was coagulated on it, and he looked very embarrassed after being baptized by yellow sand.

“Am I dead?”

Sobering up a little, the dragon looked at the devastated city with a look of surprise on his face. He gradually recalled in his mind what happened before he fell into a coma.

Facing the shadow of his childhood Uncle Lu Chen, even though he used all his strength, the result was very miserable. With just one blow, he seriously injured himself.

What a harsh reality this is!!!

Of course, he definitely did not doubt that his uncle cared for and loved him.

However, under the pressure of the world government, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not have a painful experience for the revolutionary army. Just as he was out of his mind, there was a sudden sound of fine sand flowing around. The dragon turned his head to look over, and his face couldn’t help but be full of joy.

“Hee-hop! Looks like I’m still alive! ”

Ivankov jumped up from the sand pile, and when he saw the dragon not far away, he immediately rushed over. See, it hurts though.

But because it is the ability of hormonal fruits, the injury heals very quickly.

At this time, he has recovered a lot, and apart from looking embarrassed, he can’t see any injuries at all.

“Just now I thought I was facing death, but I didn’t expect to be alive.”

On the other side, Murray’s huge body got up from the ground and said with a worried face.

“None of us died, did they disdain to kill us, or did they not kill us at all?”

The crow was quite embarrassed and staggered towards him.

Not long ago, when everyone gathered around the dragon, his face suddenly became a little ugly.

“What about the big bear?”

Everyone almost spoke in unison, blurting out shouts. When the words fell, their eyes all fell on the dragon’s body.

“I was in a coma, I just woke up, and I don’t know what happened.”

Long Chong frowned and said with a bitter smile: “But we are all fine, proving that my uncle will not really want to kill us, but as for why, I don’t know, but Big Bear should be fine.” ”

Speaking of this, his tone became firm: “If Big Bear wants to escape, my uncle can’t stop him at all, but since he is not there, there may be his reasons!” ”

Hearing his words, everyone thought about it and seemed to feel that it also made sense.

“What is it?”

Suddenly, Ivankov’s eyes turned and landed on the desert ground next to the dragon. There, there was a thick book, lying quietly on the ground.

The wind and sand blew by, sweeping away the yellow sand on the cover, revealing a few big words, words that did not belong to this world.

“Dragon, what is this?”

Raven and the others asked curiously.

They had never seen this kind of square handwriting.


And the dragon looked down and suddenly burst out laughing.

He picked up the book, blew away the fine sand, and held it in the palm of his hand, as if holding a rare treasure. Laughed for a long time before informing the comrades.

“This is the text that my uncle taught me since I was a child, and only me and he know the meaning of words.”

Long grinned and explained, “Even if I want to send a letter to Uncle Lu Chen, even if it is intercepted, it can cover up the content of the letter. ”

“Then what does that mean?”

Ivankov looked at the big words on the cover, and all of them looked curious.

“Priceless treasure from the far east!”

Holding the book in both hands, Long said word by word, in a solemn tone. As soon as these words came out, Ivankov and the others changed their faces drastically.

Because, the east, is the direction that Long has always mentioned, for the leader of the dragon, for them, the top level of the revolutionary army, there is an inexplicable magic.

“Dragon, is this?”

Ivankov was short of breath.

“No, the dragon once told us that the mysterious East has a great killing weapon to subvert the world government.”

Murray was also shocked.

“So, your uncle didn’t come here to arrest us, but to send this book?”

The crow frowned, his tone trembling.

“I don’t know!”

Long smiled bitterly, and then slowly opened the cover of the book in the thick curious eyes of everyone. The next moment, four square fonts instantly came into their sight.

“Protracted polemics…..”

Long couldn’t help but exclaim, his face flushed with irrepressible excitement and excitement.

Hearing this, Ivankov and Crow and others next to him gasped one after another.

This is, their leader, the great killer that he thinks about day and night?

Coastal direction of White Earth Island.

The ship, full of science fiction on the outside, slowly sailed out of the coast and galloped straight towards the sea.

“This so-called base is actually not as secret as you think, even if it is destroyed, don’t feel pity.”

Lu Chen was lying on the beach chair, his eyes slightly closed and smiled.

In the original book, the headquarters of the revolutionary army was actually found by the rabble of Blackbeard, and in fact, it was not so secretive. However, the revolutionary army deliberately avoided the detection of the world government.

But for pirates or other dark forces, it seems to be somewhat ignored.

This surprise inspection can also be regarded as a drill in advance for the revolutionary army to encounter a desperate situation.

“I understand!”

Bartholomy Bear, who was sitting cross-legged on the side of the boat, nodded and said with an expressionless face.

His clothes were tattered, but the wound had stopped, the blood was clotting, and although he was embarrassed, at least it was not a big problem. The three Han Cook sisters next to him, looking at the two, Little 107’s face was full of doubts.

Eventually, they couldn’t figure it out, so they went back to the cabin to rest. On the deck, there were only Lu Chen and Bartholomy Bear.

“Even if I don’t return, the world government won’t help me, but if you take the initiative to turn yourself in, I still make me a little surprised!”

Lu Chen glanced obliquely over and said in surprise.

“I was forced to do it before, but now, I am willing to surrender and trust the world government, and I will be surprised!”

Bartholome Bear looked up and said softly.


Lu Chen asked curiously.

“Some past, but none of it matters.”

Big Bear shook his head, his white eyes showed firmness: “The important thing is that it can play some role in you and the dragon.” ”

“I was forced before, so why are I willing now?”

Lu Chen said with a faint smile.

“The treasure you left behind!”

Big Bear was very frank and said with a solemn expression: “That is enough for the revolutionary army to have the capital to confront the world government.” ”

“The interior of the revolutionary army, without me, will have no impact.”

“But I’m outside, important to the revolutionary army…”

“Okay, don’t say such a foolish thing in front of a vice admiral, okay?”

Without waiting for Big Bear to finish speaking, Lu Chen waved his hand to interrupt, and then lay down on the beach chair and closed his eyes.

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