Chapter 157: The Five Old Stars’ Decision [Asking for Custom].

The origin between Bartholomi Bear and the world government, Lu Chen chose to bother to pay attention to. As long as this operation is satisfactory to all parties, it will be enough.

However, in order to make a better arrangement, the two also reached some understanding. Three days.

At the fastest speed, Lu Chen returned to the headquarters of the Navy. Before he returned, he informed the air marshal.

Therefore, as soon as the ship entered the dock of Marin Fando, several men in black from the Holy Land came up.

“Lord Lu Chen, we have been ordered to escort Basolomy Bear to the Holy Land.”

One of the men, his tone and attitude, said very respectfully. See, this is the person from the world government.

Not a licking dog that is kept in captivity by the Draco and has no one in sight.

“Oh, people on the boat, you guys do it yourself!”

Lu Chen nodded, then moved sideways.

Behind, the three Han Cook sisters, their big eyes full of surprise, and their small faces were full of shock and surprise.

“Is this the headquarters of the Navy?”

“Wow, there are so many battleships, the navy is so powerful!”

“Look at that building, it’s nine than us…….. The throne of my hometown is almost magnificent! ”

“Really, it’s terrible!”

“This is only the strength of the headquarters, didn’t Brother Lu Chen say, the strength of the navy is in line with military bases all over the world”

“Yes, yes, no matter in that sea area, you can reach the fight pirates as quickly as possible.”

“It’s amazing!”

The three little female dolls, as if Grandma Liu entered the city, felt that a pair of eyes were not enough to see. Whoosh – Suddenly, the sound of breaking the air, came from behind.

Several black figures, from the deck of the ship, flew ashore at great speed, and landed beside Lu Chen.

“Huh? What are you doing? ”

Hancock turned to look.

I saw several people in black, cold sweat on their foreheads, and their eyes showed horror and panic.

“Lord Lu Chen, that Bartholomy bear……..”

The man in black at the head was full of shock.

“Ah, isn’t it on deck?”

Without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, Lu Chen interrupted directly.

“Yes, but… The man in black almost cried. ”

Beside him, his subordinates, all of them looked like great enemies, frightened and helpless, very pitiful.

Buzz — before the words were finished, the air was shaken.

A burly and huge figure instantly appeared beside the man in black. It was the Bartholome bear holding the Bible.

“Don’t be afraid, I’m already a prisoner!”

He said softly.

But when these words fell in the ears of the man in black, it was filled with incredible panic in his heart. Nima oh!

They also thought that Road Dust had captured the Bartholomy bear. But now, it seems that this is not the case.

Because the Bartholomy bears are not shackled, which is why they are like great enemies.

“Take it, he won’t run!”

Lu Chen reacted, waved his hand, and said with a nonchalant face.

For his words, several men in black, dubious, finally stiffened, surrounded Bartholomy on all sides, switched to another warship, and then left Marin Fando.

“As for you, familiarize yourself with the navy first.”

Lu Chen looked at the three Han Cook sisters, and then raised his hand to summon a navy, asking him to take the three sisters and go directly to Taotsu. So.

Next to Peach Rabbit, there are five little female dolls. And Lu Chen walked directly to the marshal’s office.

But halfway through, I met, an unexpected person.

“You bastard!”

Karp looked embarrassed, and when he saw Lu Chen, his eyes were about to breathe fire.

After Roger’s execution, he went to the South China Sea and did not find the person he was looking for. Then, he was told that the person he wanted to find had been brought to the headquarters of the Navy by road dust.

This embarrassment and annoyance, only Karp himself knew, how uncomfortable.

“Brother, everyone is so busy during this time, where have you been?”

Lu Chen asked knowingly and smiled.

“After Roger’s bastard died, wasn’t there a lot more pirates in this sea? I’ll just go and crack down. ”

He said with insufficient confidence.

“Oh, so it is!”

Lu Chen raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, “But since it would be better to come back, this headquarters has you sitting in the town, I believe Roger’s wife and children will be safe.” ”

After speaking, without waiting for Karp to say anything, he left directly. The sound of road dust was heard in the distance.

“By the way, I forgot to tell you that my mission is related to dragons.”

Hearing this, Karp’s face changed, and he immediately turned around and followed.

Marshal’s office. Knock knock one by one

“Come in!”

Lu Chen pushed the door and entered, followed by Karp.

“Let’s all sit down!”

For Karp’s appearance, Steel Bone Sora was not surprised. Because, on the sofa next to it, there is still a Warring States sitting.

“Mr. Sora, I probably already said something on the phone, now in detail.”

After Lu Chen sat down, he looked up at Marshal Kong and said very frankly: “The mission failed. ”

Words fall.

Although he had known it for a long time, when he personally heard Lu Chen admit, Steel Bone Sky and Warring States were all a little surprised. Only Karp couldn’t help but laugh.

“Haha, I’ll just say, don’t underestimate the manhood of the Monchi family, brother, look, your nephew can now be considered to be alone Lu Chen, glanced at Karp obliquely, and chuckled: 9898 Of course, although the mission failed, it was not without gains.”

“I captured the top of the revolutionary army, the tyrant Bartholomy bear, and destroyed the base of the revolutionary army, and after my indoctrination, Bartholomy bear was willing to submit to the world government.”

“As for the difficult process, don’t mention it!”

At the end, Lu Chen made a summary, and a smile hung on the corner of Lu Chen’s mouth. Bartholomy bear?

Karp’s face changed, and Sengoku’s eyes widened.

“By the way, Bartholomy bear, has been escorted to the Holy Land!”

Lu Chen added.

As for why it was not sent to the Advance City, it should be a question of the origin between this guy and the world government.

“Although the mission failed, your proposal, the five old stars still acquiesced.”

Gang Bone Kong nodded and said to Lu Chen. Words fall.

Karp and Sengoku both looked over with envy on their faces.

The tacit proposal of the five old stars was, naturally, about the disposal of Roger’s wife and children. You don’t have to think about it.

When Roger’s bloodline is born and the world government publicizes it, Lu Chen’s prestige will reach an unprecedented level in this sea.

Even if it is a marshal of the navy, I am afraid that there are many of them. But.

Under the empty eyes of the steel bone, a trace of regret flashed.

Because, the five old stars did not give any response to his plan to promote Lu Chen and become a naval marshal.

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