Chapter 158: Ace, the most evil bloodline born in the headquarters of the Navy [Customized].

After listening to Gang Bone’s words, Lu Chen nodded.

Of course, it is best to get the tacit approval of the five old stars.

However, even if they don’t agree, they have a way to keep Roger’s bloodline righteously.

“Mr. Sora, then I’ll go to other matters first.”

After saying goodbye to the steel bone, Lu Chen went straight to the naval scientific research department. I don’t know how the three Hancock sisters get along with Yamato…. While thinking, Lu Chen quickened his pace and soon reached his destination.

Before reaching the door, a pleasant laughter like a silver bell came from the house to Lu Chen’s ears, mixed with bursts of frolics, and it seemed that the five girls got along very happily.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, pushed open the door and walked in.

“At that time, Brother Lu Chen summoned a tree that was so big!”

“All of a sudden, it completely enveloped that big nine-mile area!”

With his back to the gate, Yamato sits on a free lab bench and describes it eloquently, with the three Hancock sisters shining in their eyes and Hiyori smiling with a smirk.

“Brother Navy!”

Boya Hancock was the first to discover Lu Chen, and she ran over excitedly 937, her delicate little face full of surprise. Several other little girls also rushed forward, and without exception, they all deeply admired Lu Chen.

“It seems that you guys had a good chat.”

Lu Chen smiled and rubbed Boya Hancock’s black hair.

“Brother Lu Chen, why only touch Han Cook alone!”

The ignored white-haired girl pouted and shouted disapprovingly.

Lu Chen smiled helplessly, then put his other hand on top of her head and rubbed it fiercely: “Good, good, everyone has a part, and then, he touched the heads of the other three female dolls.” ”

The girls were all jubilant and laughed happily.

After laughing like this for a while, Lu Chen estimated that it was almost time to end the small talk time and talk about business.

“Okay, let’s all quiet down first.”

Seeing Lu Chen’s suddenly serious expression, the five female dolls couldn’t help but get nervous.

“After so many days, I believe that you have the determination and will to join the navy and be loyal to justice.”


They all replied categorically.


Lu Chen smiled slightly.

“However, judging from your current physical fitness, it is far from meeting the requirements of the Navy.”

“So, I’m going to train you guys in the next period of time.”

“I hope you can complete your training and become excellent naval soldiers!”

“I definitely want to be a navy! No matter how difficult the training is! ”

Yamato took the oath first, and the other little girls followed suit and made the oath.

“Okay, then come with me.”

Saying that, Lu Chen brought them to the training ground.

On the way, the five little girls, their big eyes still flashing with excitement, and their cheeks flashed with expectation. But.

When the training started, they really felt what hell it was!! Time flies, and half a month passes like this.

To Lu Chen’s surprise, all the girls were very firm in willpower.

Under the devil’s training, none of them cried bitterly and tired, but silently wiped their sweat and kept gritting their teeth to persevere. Among them, the most talented Yamato and Han Cook have already begun advanced training.

Before you know it, Portocas D. Lujiu has also reached the stage of labor. On this day, a heavy news spread throughout the headquarters of the Navy – Portcas. D. Lujiu is about to give birth!

As soon as the news came out, the atmosphere at the headquarters of the Navy became extremely depressing.

In addition to Lu Chen, Karp and Sengoku, other high-ranking naval officials gathered outside Marin Fando’s hospital door. Although they were prepared, when it came time to face it, everyone was still very nervous.

“Should Roger’s bloodline be preserved in the world?”

Someone muttered like that.

“The son of the Extremely Evil One Piece, can he really carry out justice?”

Someone wondered.

But Lu Chen and the others were silent, quietly waiting for the moment to come.

In the hospital, all the doctors and nurses were also extremely nervous, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out. After all, this is Roger’s bloodline, and it is also a presence that has attracted the attention of the Navy. There must be no mistakes!


A loud cry came from the hospital, and these big figures in the navy outside the hospital had extremely complicated feelings for a moment. Ace is born!

One Piece’s bloodline, in the headquarters of the navy, Marin Fando, was born! For a time, the atmosphere was dull, and everyone fell into silence.

After a while, Karp was the first to react, he directly pushed open the hospital door and rushed into the baby room. Lu Chen and Sengoku followed.

Then, other senior naval officials followed suit.

In the small hospital, it was suddenly crowded and stuffed.

Seeing the swaddling baby boy still crying, Kapuhaha laughed and lifted him up.

“Hahahaha, this kid is not like his father at all, the old man is also older, and he should be the grandfather of this little guy!”

Everyone was speechless, this was clearly to take advantage of the dead Roger.

“Then I’ll be his teacher.”

Lu Chen touched his chin and said.

While everyone was shocked, they were even a little accustomed to it, this is the addiction of the apprentice who collects the blood of pirates.

However, One Piece’s bloodline was born in the naval headquarters, and he was also accepted as a student by Lu Chen, and as soon as the news spread, the world of pirates was about to change again.

“One Piece’s son, Ace, was born in Marin Burn!”

“Moreover, Lu Chen, who was punished by heaven, accepted as an apprentice!”

The news is now spread throughout the major newspapers, and all the staff are rushing to write news stories. The naval headquarters personally gave the order, this is an absolutely big event!

They want to warn all pirates that the navy will always protect this world, even the most powerful pirates cannot stir up trouble here!

For a time, countless news birds flew out of major newspaper offices, and snow-white figures directly enveloped the sky. Pirates all over the world raised their heads in confusion.

The last time so many newsbirds appeared, or when the news of Roger’s execution was issued, I don’t know what happened this time? The newspapers fell one after another, and the moment they saw the headline clearly, all the pirates were shocked!.

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