Chapter 160: Road Dust, Related to O’Hara? 【Customizable】.

The news that One Piece’s bloodline was born in Marin Fando and was accepted as a student by Lieutenant General Heavenly Punishment soon spread around the world for a while, and Lu Chen’s prestige reached an unprecedented level.

The five old stars are very satisfied with such a soldier in the navy whose prestige and strength are invincible.

It was only because of the shadow left by the revolutionary army that they did not immediately make a decision on the position of marshal.

But as soon as this matter came out, the mentality of the five old stars has relaxed now, and they even discussed the possibility of Lu Chen becoming a marshal.

“Lu Chen’s move, although the risk is great, but the effect looks good.”

The old man with long white hair said.

The gray curly-haired old man who had dealt with Lu Chen said approvingly: “From the first time I saw him, I knew that this guy was not ordinary. ”

“As a Monchi family, he is bold and intelligent, and above all he insists on justice, and I think he has the qualifications to become a marshal of the navy.”

“Yes, if he is the naval marshal, the world government will also have greater prestige, and it can achieve twice the result with half the effort in fighting pirates.”

The old man with short blonde hair said with a smile.

Regarding the important position of Marshal of the Navy, they were like chatting about homely things, and they couldn’t stop praising the road dust, as if the previous unhappiness had never happened.

But right now. Dadada—Footsteps came, and a man in a spacesuit walked in. It was Lu Chen who made him lose face to the Draco one by one Rozwald Saint.

“Rozwald Saint, what wind is blowing you?”

The conversation was interrupted, and the bald old man with glasses said with an unhappy face.

They all knew that the Rozwald Saint hated Lu Chen and had been trying to get revenge on him.

But Lu Chen’s reputation has reached the extreme now, and it is impossible for the five old stars to pry the interests of the world government for him.

Facing the impatient gaze of the five old stars, Rozwald Saint sneered, took out a thick stack of materials from his arms, and threw it to the bald old man.

The bald old man took the information, and only after taking a look, the expression on his face became solemn.

“This is!”

The other five old stars watched his face change greatly, and their expressions couldn’t help but become solemn.

“The legendary heroes of your navy seem to have something to do with O’Hara.”

Rozwald Holy looked at the five old stars with a gloomy face with a venomous look, and there was an indescribable pain in his heart.

He ordered people to investigate the road dust with all their might, and after many days of inquiries, he finally found that O’Hara had traces of road dust. Moreover, Lu Chen seems to have a wife and daughter there!

This information completely shocked the five old stars.

The words of those scholars about O’Hara have to be taken seriously.

They learned from recent intelligence that O’Hara’s scholars were secretly studying the text of history, trying to decipher the true face of the hundred years of blanks erased by the world government.

Once their research is exposed, it will inevitably deal an unprecedented blow to the entire world order. Not to mention, the current road dust actually has a connection with O’Hara!

“O’Hara, it seems that you can’t stay.”

For a long time, the old man with long white hair said slowly, and the other five old stars also agreed. It’s time to advance the plan to erase O’Hara from the world map.

As soon as he walked out of the door of the World Government headquarters, Rozwald Saint couldn’t help but laugh. Thinking of Lu Chen’s painful expression, Rozwald Saint couldn’t help but blossom in his heart.

“Lu Chen, Lu Chen, do you think that you are a so-called naval hero, so you dare to disrespect this Tianlong people?”

“The evil consequences of opposing me will definitely be experienced in the future!”


The attention of the world is attracted by the birth of Ace.

Some pirates who wanted to become famous quickly took advantage of this opportunity to make trouble all over the world. The naval headquarters also surrounded these pirates and became busy.

As Ace’s master, Lu Chen had to stay at the naval headquarters and take on the responsibility of guarding him. He became the most idle lieutenant general in the headquarters again.

“What kind of waves can such a young child make? I see that these people are still idle. ”

And Karp, who has been clamoring to be Ace’s grandfather, pulls Lu Chen to visit Ace in a special lounge every day.

“Look how cute this little guy is, it’s nothing like his father.”

Karp held out his finger to tease Ace, causing him to giggle.

While busy, he did not forget to complain about Lu Chen: “Brother, when will you bring Robin back for me to see!” After so many days, she should have grown into a beautiful big girl..”

“How can it be so fast.”

Lu Chen couldn’t help but complain.

But also, he was busy during this time, and he hadn’t returned to O’Hara to visit Olbia and Robin for a long time, and he didn’t know how they were doing now, did Robin miss her father very much?

Just take advantage of these days and go back and have fun with them for a while.

“Alas, that stinky boy of the dragon, I have to make some kind of revolution, and I don’t know when I can hold my grandson.”

When he mentioned his son, Karp was angry.

I think about it, I am in the navy, but my son has become a wanted criminal, and it is difficult for anyone to accept it.

“Brother, this is your fate.”

Looking at Karp’s lost look, Lu Chen couldn’t help but laugh.

“Hmph, don’t think I don’t know, what that kid is doing now, you also have a responsibility.”

Karp grinned back.

“Hehe, brother, you are not right, I always teach him to carry out justice, but I didn’t take him on a crooked road!”

Lu Chen said with a smile, and then his face showed a faint reminiscence, and said: “I haven’t gone back to see their mother and daughter for a while, I plan to go back to O’Hara in the next few days, brother, you can play with Ace by yourself.” ”

“Cut, you irresponsible master.”

Karp pouted, turned his back to Lu Chen and said, “Tell Little Robin for me that Uncle 1.7 misses her very much, and prepared delicious cookies for her, asking her when she can come to see Uncle.” ”

Looking at the empty nester-like resentment emanating from Karp’s body, Lu Chen smiled and said, “Good.” ”

Leaving Ace’s cultivation room, Lu Chen returned to his office and carefully sorted out the materials on the desk. Just as he was about to use the Flying Thunder God to leave, there was a knock on the office door.

Lu Chen frowned, although he was very unhappy in his heart, but the work still had to be dealt with.

“The report will! Marshal Air has something important to look for you, please come to his office as soon as possible. ”

Gang Bone Kong is so anxious to see him, what is the matter?

Lu Chen raised his eyebrows, and after he answered, he immediately walked towards the marshal’s office.

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