Chapter 161: O’Hara’s Plan of Annihilation [Customized].

Soon, Lu Chen came to the door of the marshal’s office.

Just knocked on the door, the door of the marshal’s office was opened, and the slightly anxious face of the steel bone appeared in Lu Chen’s sight.

“Marshal Kong, is there anything to do with me?”

Lu Chen was a little surprised, Steel Bone Kong rarely showed such an expression, what kind of big thing could make him so anxious. Steel Bone Kong did not speak, but turned around and signaled Lu Chen to sit down first.

“You should know, Red Earl Baroric Ledfield, right?”

After both of them sat down, Gang Bone Kong looked at Lu Chen and asked with a solemn expression.

“What’s wrong, isn’t that a pirate?”

“Yes, but he is not an ordinary pirate, but a man with Gol · D. Roger, Edward Newgate’s famous sea thief! ”

Lu Chen disagrees, no matter how famous it is, pirates are pirates, all some lawbreakers who like to stir up trouble and flaunt freedom are known as One Piece?

Roger’s strength is only that, not as he was arrested by 11.

“Two days ago, a branch of the Navy was attacked by pirates.”

Taking a deep breath, Steel Bone Air slowly arrived at the end of the matter.

“The attacker was the Red Earl, and with his own strength, he injured many high-ranking officials of that branch and snatched the heavenly gold”

“Oh? Is he so arrogant? ”

Lu Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly, it was not ordinary pirates who dared to attack the naval branch, but pirates who would definitely be arrested by him and imprisoned in the advancing city.

Moreover, most of the pirates who dare to make trouble at this juncture are some anti-bones, so it is better to clean them up as soon as possible.

“It used to be a small fight, so we didn’t pay too much attention to him, but lately it’s been a lot of noise.”

Steel bone rubbed his temples emptyly, looking at Lu Chen with a headache,

“However, ordinary people are not his opponents…”

Lu Chen took Gang Bone Sora’s words: “So, does Mr. Kong want me to solve him?” ”

“That couldn’t be better, I think the entire naval headquarters, it seems that only you can easily solve it!”

Gang Bone Kong breathed a sigh of relief, and then handed a document to Lu Chen: “This is the whereabouts of Count Red that we investigated, and he should be hiding on an island in the New World.” ”

“Which island it is, our investigators will continue to give you information.”

Lu Chen looked through the documents a few times, confirmed that it was correct, and left with the order.

Although I miss my wife and daughter very much, it is also very important to follow the justice of my heart, and I can only wronged them for the time being. When this mission is over, he will definitely be granted a small long vacation to Steel Bone Sky and go back to accompany them well.

Later, he went to the training ground to instruct the training of five little girls, and the little girls all looked a little reluctant after learning that he was leaving for a while.

“Brother Lu Chen, how long will it take you to come back.”

Yamato, the most outgoing personality, looked at Lu Chen and asked, his beautiful big eyes full of reluctance.

“I don’t know, it’s as little as a few days, or more than half a month.”

In this regard, Lu Chen is not sure.

He didn’t know the specific hiding place of the Red Count, so he couldn’t use the Flying Thunder God, and could only sail constantly at sea.

“Ah! It’s going to take so long! ”

Hearing this, Yamato pouted, Boya Hancock let out a long sigh, and the other three little girls also expressed their loss.

Lu Chen was helpless, so he could only touch their heads one by one.

“During my absence, you are not allowed to be lazy.”

Listening to Lu Chen’s words, several little girls quickly gathered their spirits, especially Yamato, and kept shouting that they would definitely cultivate to a higher level before returning from the journey.

“Brother Lu Chen, just wait and see! I’m definitely going to get better! ”

Lu Chen smiled, Yamato this little girl is really lively.

These girls are still young, and they don’t need Lu Chen to teach them all the time, so he directly threw them all to Taotu to watch over them. With Peach Rabbit there, he can also capture Count Red without worries. After explaining the matters after he left, Lu Chen carefully flipped through the information handed to him by Steel Bone Kong.

According to the data, the Red Count belongs to the lone strong, and he can annihilate a small and medium-sized fleet on his own. In the original book, the Red Earl alone is enough to compare with Roger’s pirates.

As you can imagine, although it is a lone ranger.

However, the strength is very strong. And the whereabouts are elusive.

It’s not easy to find him.

After Lu Chen selected a few branch soldiers who were reasonably strong and knew the details of the Red Earl’s attack as a crew member, he left the headquarters on a small ship and embarked on a journey to hunt down the Red Count.

Just after Lu Chen left.

The Holy Land suddenly secretly summoned several high-ranking naval officials, including but not limited to Porusalino, Kuzan, Ghost Curry Spider, these Mesozoic generals.

They were ordered to a large warship, and everyone looked at each other blankly and at each other.

This is a direct call of the world government, and somewhere in the world, something incredible must have happened! But…..

Porusalino looked around at the generals standing in front of him, his heart full of doubts.

For such a big thing, why is there in the heavenly punishment? He is a pillar of the navy.

Suddenly, Porusalino’s gaze swept to the silver telephone worm on the central table of Class A, and his pupils contracted violently. If you guessed correctly, this is 380 to launch the Demon Slaughter Order!

The Order of the Demon Slayer, authorized by the World Government and formed by the Naval Headquarters, carries out indiscriminate and destructive attacks on the signaled areas.

This is a great killer used to completely wipe out all people and things in an area that threatens the rule of the world government!

At this time, a vice admiral walked out of the cabin.

Facing the other lieutenant generals, he read out the document in his hand: “O’Hara’s intention to resurrect the ancient weapons is a demon who wants to destroy the world!” In order to protect the peace, the World Government hereby sends us to O’Hara to destroy the demons! ”

After hearing this, all the navies suddenly realized and drove the ships to quickly head towards the South China Sea. Only Couzin was secretly worried in his heart.

On the other side, CP9 also received the message.

Spanda looked at the order given by her superiors and frowned slightly.

“Collect O’Hara’s research on the ‘Vanishing Hundred Years’ and erase it from the map…..”

It is really a group of ignorant and ignorant scholars who are still studying such taboo matters. Spandane smiled contemptuously, and immediately began to gather the members of CP9 and gave orders.

Secretly go to the South China Sea, mobilize the forces of the Sauro branch of the South China Sea, and launch an attack on O’Hara together! O’Hara’s plan of annihilation is about to begin!

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