Chapter 162: Dracula Island, the despair of the Red Earl.

This is the seventh day that Lu Chen hunts down the Red Earl.

I have to say that this sea thief with the same name as Roger still has some effort in hiding his tracks. At ten o’clock at noon, there was a scorching sun overhead, and there was not a cloud in the sky, nor a trace of wind.

Suddenly, a naval scout shouted excitedly: “To the southeast, about five nautical miles, a small island has been found!” ”

Hearing this, all the naval soldiers were excited.

As expected, that’s where the Red Count is hiding.

Lu Chen slowly walked to the bow of the ship and gave the order: “Go full speed.” ”

Soon after, the warship docked on the shore, and Lu Chen led the navy soldiers to land on the island. Dracula Island.

A strange island in the New World.

Seeing that the domineering spirit was released, it didn’t take long for Lu Chen to lock on the Red Earl who was in the middle of the island.

The sea thief, who had just attacked the naval branch, snatched the heavenly gold and was about to leave, and whose fame rivaled Roger and Whitebeard, was very surprised by the sudden appearance of Lu Chen.

His level of concealment is first-class, how did the Navy find here?

Although he was puzzled, he was not afraid to retreat, but directly attacked Lu Chen’s landing place. Not long after, a crimson figure appeared in front of Lu Chen.

The man was tall, thin, with white hair braided into two braids hanging over his shoulders, a crimson shirt and trousers, a wide cape draped over his shoulders, and a blue rose tied around his neck.

He was Baroric Ledfield, known as the Red Earl. But Count Red did not have the self-consciousness of being a “fugitive”.

He still behaved elegantly and said to Lu Chen: “This is the Heavenly Punishment Lieutenant General who arrested Roger all the way. ”

Although he used a question, there was not a trace of doubt in his tone.

Lu Cheng bowed his head slightly, and said with a smile: “Ledfield, it seems that you are very self-aware, and you directly turned yourself in.” Rest assured, we will arrange for you to arrange one, Holding, Prison at the bottom of the advancing city. ”

“Hahahaha, want to arrest me?”

After listening to Lu Cheng’s words, Count Red laughed.

“I’m not as worried as Roger. Want to arrest me? Dream on,]! ”

With that, Count Red moved.

I don’t know when an extra slender bat handle umbrella appeared in his palm, extremely fast, and instantly appeared beside Lu Chen.

The long umbrella wrapped around the domineering power of the armed color and swept directly towards the road dust.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, disappeared in place in an instant, and then appeared behind Count Red. So fast!

Count Red was taken aback, but he also reacted immediately, jumped several times in a row, and left Lu Chen’s attack range. The strength of this Heavenly Punishment Lieutenant General should definitely not be underestimated!

It seems that if you want to leave here today, you have to make some effort. Count Red made up his mind and activated the perception of seeing and smelling.

He is born with the ability to see and hear domineering, not only can perceive the next move of others, but even know the hearts of others.

It is precisely with this ability that he has mixed so well in the pirate world, and with the power of one person, he can compete with Roger and Whitebeard.

Let him see what the heart of the vice admiral is really like! Count Red smiled sinisterly.

But in the next second, the expression on his face completely froze. He was completely unable to probe Lu Chen’s heart!

Such a situation has never been seen before since he was born!

Count Red could only convince himself that the situation just now was an accident, as long as he calmed down and tried again. However, Lu Chen’s heart was like a pitch-black bottomless pit, and he couldn’t see the end at all.

That’s impossible!

The Red Earl’s consciousness stood in the endless darkness, roaring unwillingly.

Lu Cheng naturally also knew Count Red’s movements, his consciousness moved slightly, and he also used a domineering look.

Count Red suddenly found that Lu Chen’s inner world had turned into a swamp, which was rapidly engulfing his consciousness. His pupils contracted violently, and he immediately gave up the use of color perception.

Looking at the somewhat lost Red Earl, Lu Chen smiled contemptuously.

“The sinful pirate will never be able to probe the heart of the Righteous Navy.”

Speaking, Lu Chen pulled out the mirror flower water moon, and the powerful power emanated, pressing the red earl a little breathless. No, he has to escape!

Count Red became more and more determined in his heart, this idea could make his perception of seeing and hearing invalid, and Lu Chen’s strength was unfathomable. If he doesn’t escape, he will definitely be captured alive by Lu Chen.

Count Red adjusted his mentality, then raised his umbrella sword, and slashed out one after another with sword qi. Countless terrifying black sword qi struck towards Lu Chen.

At the moment when the sword qi was about to engulf Lu Chen, he raised his hand slightly, and a storm of sword qi soared into the sky, directly scattering several sword qi close to him, and then attacked towards the red count who was trying to escape.


The storm of sword qi rolled up a burst of sand and dust, enveloping the Red Earl.

The Red Count was blown so much that he almost couldn’t open his eyes, but fortunately, seeing the domineering color was not a decoration. The umbrella sword drew a cross in front of him, and the majestic sword aura steadily blocked the oncoming storm.

Looking at the battle between Lu Chen and Ledfield, the native soldiers of the naval branch were all excited. It was the first time they had seen Lu Chen’s battle with their own eyes.

This is the power of the Heavenly Punishment Lieutenant General, incomparable, incomparably powerful! Just a single sword qi can sweep through the storm!

There is a heavenly punishment vice admiral, I believe that the navy will soon be able to eliminate all these evil pirates! The reverence of the soldiers of these naval branches for Lu Chen became even more profound.

After resisting the storm of sword qi, Count Red’s eyes became more solemn.

He knew that Lieutenant General Heavenly Punishment was a master of swordsmanship, but he did not expect that his swordsmanship level had reached such a height. Suddenly, a sword aura flew out of the sand and dust that had not yet dispersed and swept past the feet of Count Hong.

Lu Chen’s figure appeared from the separated sand and dust cracks, and the Mirror Flower Water Moon Sword Qi in his hand condensed, and then the sword body shook slightly. Eight sword qi shot out like shooting stars, heading towards the joints of Count Red’s body.

But Count Red was not vegetarian either, and he hurriedly performed swordsmanship.

It was the same eight sword qi, but it was more ferocious than the sword qi attack released by Lu Chen.

After shattering Lu Chen’s sword qi, these cloud-covering sword qi groups descended towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen didn’t even blink, countless trees quickly grew from the ground, and in an instant, a forest grew on the gloomy island.

Mu Duan Tree Realm Advent Dog!

Layers of branches resisted the attack of the sword qi, and Lu Chen condensed the domineering energy on the blade and appeared in front of Count Red like an arrow.

“This is… Navy Six? ”

Lu Chen’s overly fast movement made Count Red lose his mind for a moment, but he quickly reacted, and the armed color domineering energy was also condensed on the umbrella sword, hastily resisting Lu Chen’s attack.

Lu Chen’s too strong force shook the red earl’s mouth numb, and he took several steps back.

Lu Chen did not give Count Red time to breathe, his figure flashed again, and the mirror flower in his hand was tilted on his chest and slashed out fiercely.

The violent sword qi was domineering and ferocious, turning into a long black dragon, roaring and pounced towards Count Hong.

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