Chapter 163: Shatter! Mirror Flower Water Moon [Customized].

“Not good, it’s too late!”

The red count was able to stabilize his figure, and the sword qi black dragon was close in front of him. If this blow hits his body, he will definitely have no power to fight back.

His face was extremely heavy, there was no time to dodge, and now he could only fight back!

“Damn, I won’t lose!”

Count Red roared, the momentum on his body instantly climbed to the peak, and the armed color domineering energy was launched with all his might, covering his entire body at once.

Several sword qi slashed out, successfully weakening the power of many black dragons.

Then, Count Red put the umbrella sword in front of him to resist, and after a “bang–“, the black dragon of sword qi instantly engulfed Count Red. Under the huge pressure of the sword qi, the ground was directly blasted out of a large pit.

In the next second, the black fog dispersed, revealing the figure of the red earl.

“Worthy of being a lieutenant general of heavenly punishment.”

Count Red gasped and sighed.

His whole person was a little embarrassed, and the tiger’s mouth holding the umbrella sword was also shattered by a huge force, and a few drops of blood fell to the ground, and the red count gritted his teeth and decisively took the lead.

A huge sword aura mixed with armed domineering energy rushed straight to the road dust that remained motionless. After releasing this all-out blow, Count Red turned around, pulled out his legs and ran.

He didn’t want to continue fighting this terrible navy.

But Lu Cheng’s face was calm, without waves, he slowly held the handle of the sword, and his eyes contained earth-shattering sword intent.

Count Red couldn’t help but glance back, and wherever his eyes went, there was no figure of Lu Chen at all, only a black streamer, fast as lightning, struck straight towards him.

Count Red’s eyes widened in shock, and there was only one thought in his mind at this moment. Fast! So fast!

The red count immediately urged the armed color domineering to resist, but the black lightning still passed through him in an instant. In front of him, Lu Chen’s figure slowly emerged.

He turned around and looked at the Red Earl, who was standing motionless not far away.

The mirror flower Shuiyue in his hand was stained with a bit of blood, and the blood fell down the tip of the knife.


Count Red was as close as a world away from what had just happened, but a sharp pain was coming from his chest. He instantly realized that he was injured.

With a “pop”, Count Red got down on one knee.

He touched the wound on his chest with his hand, feeling the pain that had been lost for a long time.

Because of the protection of armed color domineering, the scars are not too deep, Rao is so, still not to be underestimated. Is this the strength of the vice admiral who arrested Roger?

Count Red had always believed that his swordsmanship could be called the best in the world, but today, he felt the pressure.

It turns out that there are really people in the world who are so proficient in swordsmanship!

Looking at the red count with a pale face, Lu Cheng said lightly: “You can’t escape.” ”

“Since you chose to become a pirate, you must have the consciousness of being arrested by the navy and give up the struggle.”

But Count Red was unwilling.

He has not yet become a pirate like Nose Song Brook, how can he just give up here! Thinking of his idol, Count Red once again ignited his fighting spirit.

“I’m not going to throw in the towel here!”

Count Red held the umbrella sword and stood up steadily, and the expression on his face gradually became hideous. And Lu Cheng sneered, which immediately hit his fighting spirit.

“Then you just try. Struggling will only make your end more tragic. ”

Speaking, Lu Chen raised the mirror flower water moon in his hand, and the tip of the knife pointed at Count Hong, and the cold meaning kept emanating outward.

He said coldly: “It’s my turn next.” ”

He has been in the mirror for so long, and he has not used its power once, this time it is just right, he can experiment with Ledfield.

Listening to Lu Chen’s words, Count Red raised his head and looked at Lu Chen blankly. Chopper Liberation: Shatter! Mare’s nest.

Count Red was shocked to find that Lu Chen had disappeared in place, and the forest he had summoned disappeared without a trace in an instant.

What is the situation here?

Count Red rubbed his eyes in disbelief, was he dreaming just now?

Just when Count Red was full of doubts, Lu Chen suddenly appeared behind him, raising the long knife in his hand and about to stab at him. Count Red was startled at first, and then dodged, but Lu Chen disappeared.

In the next second, Lu Chen appeared on his side again, still looking ready to attack him. The Red Earl jumped up and once again dodged the blow.

Before his brain could react, Lu Chen’s figure appeared in different directions again and again, forcing him to keep dodging all the way, and the Red Count quickly exhausted what little physical strength he had left.

At this moment, several road dust appeared around Count Red, all of them with ruthless faces, holding up the mirror and surrounding him. One did not pay attention, the red count slipped under his feet, only to hear the “poof”, he fell to the ground in a very indecent posture and finished!

Count Red thought desperately, for a moment, the memory of the past flashed in his mind, and finally fixed on Lu Chen’s face The expected pain did not appear, and for a long time, Count Red was sure that Lu Chen did not make another move against him.

Could it be that heaven heard his prayer?

Rubbing his somewhat aching chest, Count Red slowly got up.

As soon as he looked up, he found that there were more naval soldiers in front of him. One by one, they were all trying to hold back their laughter, and they couldn’t help but blush. What’s going on here!

The Red Count was already completely scratching his head.

At this moment, Lu Chen slowly walked out of the forest behind him, clapping his hands and saying: “The performance is good, it seems that my soldiers like it very much.” ”

The ability to slash the sword is “total hypnosis”—dominating the five senses of the liberator as seen, making him fully believe in everything about a particular object as the owner wants it to be.

When he liberated the mirror and the water moon, the red earl just looked directly at his slashing knife, and he was hypnotized by him at once. He convinces the Red Earl that every tree in his “Tree Realm Arrival” is about to attack him.

In the eyes of others, the Red Count was like a clown, afraid of these trees, and the slightest movement of wind and grass could make him greatly frightened.

Lu Chen got the mirror flower water moon for so long, the first test exerted almost thirty percent of the power, and controlled the red count to death.

Although there may be factors such as the Red Earl consuming too much physical strength and mental weakness, this can be regarded as a success. Even such a strong person can control it, and the indigo dye template is indeed very strong.

“Is this your ability?”

The Red Count was already dead at this time, and he lay on the ground in despair, allowing the soldiers of the naval branch to handcuff him in sea towers.

“I told you, you can’t escape.”

Lu Chen stood in place, the cloak with the word “justice” written on it behind him fluttered in the wind, and in the eyes of the soldiers of the naval branch, he was like a god under the sky.

At this time, the Red Earl had mixed feelings in his heart.

With the existence of this guy Lu Chen, the world of pirates may soon usher in a fatal blow.

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