Chapter 164: Battle in the West Sea, Gathering O’Hara [Asking for Custom].

After successfully capturing the Red Earl, Lu Chen let the soldiers of the naval branch return to the branch first, and he alone pressed the Red Earl to advance the city.

On the way, he notified Gang Bone Sora through the phone bug.

“The old man knows that your kid will definitely solve the Red Earl easily.”

Hearing the news that Lu Chen had successfully arrested Count Hong, Gang Bone Kong laughed with satisfaction.

Lu Chen’s prestige is constantly improving in this incident after incident, and it has now reached its peak.

Releasing the news that he personally captured Count Red is that people’s respect for him is afraid that it will rise to another level. Then, at that time, he should no longer shirk his appointment as admiral.

Thinking of this, Gang Bone Kong laughed twice: “Lu Chen, your fame has grown a lot during this time.” ”

As soon as Lu Chen heard this voice of Steel Bone Kong, he knew what he wanted to say, so he immediately interrupted his thoughts: “Sorry, Mr. Kong, I don’t have the idea of becoming a general for the time being. ”

After listening to Lu Chen’s words, Gang Bone Kong was first startled, and then said with some irritation: “Oh, you bastard boy, you really want to piss off the old man.” So many people are longing for the position of admiral, why can you kid ignore it? ”

Lu Chen looked at the white clouds floating above his head and did not speak.

“Alas, forget it, let’s not talk about these unpleasant topics.”

Unable to get Lu Chen’s reply, Gang Bone Kong no longer entangled in this topic, and then began to chat.

“Recently, it’s all you young people who are busy, and there is nothing to do with us old bones.”

Thinking of the recent transfer of generals, Gang Bone Kong couldn’t help but feel a little melancholy: “The future of this sea will belong to you young people sooner or later. ”

“Marshal Kong, I’m already in my thirties, and I’m not a young man.”

Lu Chen slightly refuted the steel bone empty,

“Moreover, no matter how many pirates are hunted, this sea will not be at peace.”

“You kid, don’t get cheap and sell well.”

Steel Bone Air almost spewed out a mouthful of water.

He could almost imagine Lu Chen crossing Erlang’s legs and saying this sentence leisurely.

“Arrested One Piece Gore · D. Roger, this is something that many navies dream of, and even Karp always thought about it before. ”

After a pause, he continued,

“Not to mention that now you have arrested Count Red.”

“No, it’s not enough.”

Lu Cheng shook his head,

“My goal is to wipe out all pirates on this sea, no matter how big or small!”

“Good ambition!”

Gang Bone Kong slapped the table with satisfaction and said to Lu Chen: “Recently, the world government seems to have paid more attention to the issue of pirates and reactionary forces, and many strong generals and strong people in the headquarters have been sent to the West Sea by the Holy Land. ”

“The order in that sea area has indeed been chaotic all along.”

The speaker has no intention, the listener has a heart.

Lu Chen immediately became alert, West Sea, but where O’Hara was. Personnel transfers of this scale are by no means meant to solve general problems.

Could it be that the world government found that O’Hara’s scholars had been studying the gap for a hundred years? This is not good news!

Lu Chen frowned, and after casually chatting with Steel Bone Kong for a few more words, he immediately hung up the phone worm and prepared to ask Orbia O’Hara about the current news.

“What’s wrong with this kid?”

Steel Bone Kong did not know the connection between Lu Chen and O’Hara, nor did he know that the Draco people had grasped the information related to Road Dust and O’Hara, Steel Bone Sora put down the phone and muttered with some doubts.

But he could feel the anxiety revealed in Lu Chen’s tone at the end of the call.

“Could it be that this kid is angry because the reactionary forces did not inform him?”


West Sea, the sea near O’Hara. Receiving orders from the CPO, several warships arrived from various branches in the West Sea and gathered together. Porusalino, Kuzan and others, who came from the headquarters of the Navy, also slowly gathered together. It was the first time Porusalino had seen such a scene.

As far as the eye can see, the strongest and most aggressive warships built by the Royal Shipyard of the Seven Waters Capital.

Each battleship is equipped with nearly a thousand clothes printed on the back

“Elite naval soldiers in white uniforms with the word justice, and a rear admiral as the deputy commander of each battleship.”

And the battleship they are on is the seat of the commander-in-chief.

This is the extremely terrifying combat power of the navy’s “Demon Slaying Order” that is enough to raze any island!


At this time, all the soldiers were waiting for the order to attack. It is said that the commander of this operation is a CPO from the Holy Land!

There are also CP9 members of the CP organization, including CP9 Chief Spandain, who has led several CP9 members into O’Hara and began a large-scale manhunt.

The West Sea, the Tree of Knowledge as a symbol of O’Hara, is located in the heart of the island. And inside the Tree of Omniscience is the largest and oldest library in the world.

Since ancient times, countless documents have been shipped here from all over the world, and many outstanding scholars from all over the world have been attracted to study these books day and night.

The island’s inhabitants are also proud of these scholars. Today, that pride is about to be wiped out.

CP9, a key member of the world government who came to investigate, claimed that the island’s archaeologists were all of them

“Demons who attempt to restore ancient weapons and destroy the world”

They launched a large-scale manhunt across the island and demanded that residents of the island not affiliated with academics immediately evacuate to refuge boats, which raised great doubts among residents.

After all, they had lived next to the scholars who were called “demons” for so long, and the excellent conduct of the scholars in their daily lives made it difficult for them to believe it.

Although they were skeptical, in the face of this menacing arrest, the residents did not say anything for fear of being arrested as “scholars related personnel”.

After all, the sentence of the enforcer

“Our obligation is only to convey the “evacuation” notice, and all other consequences are borne by ourselves”

Ruthlessness is revealed everywhere, who dares to joke about their own lives?

Moreover, this sudden arrest revealed something wrong everywhere.

Although the scholars are the pride of the island, they have brought great disaster this time, and the residents have no choice but to worry about them. Suddenly, the island was in chaos, and all the people of O’Hara fled in a panic.

And Span Quine looked at everything on the island, dialed the phone worm, and gave instructions to all the warships.

“Towards O’Hara, launch an all-out attack again!”

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