Chapter 165: Is that the wife of the Lieutenant General of Heavenly Punishment? 【Customizable】.

Several warships received orders and headed towards O’Hara in unison.

The scene was spectacular. And in the new world.

After hanging up the call with Gang Bone Kong, Lu Chen immediately contacted Orbia.

“Hey? Is it Lu Chenjun? ”

The moment he heard Olbia’s voice, Lu Chen’s heart that had been hanging fell to the ground.

“Well, it’s me.”

Thinking of the gentleness and cuteness of his wife and daughter, Lu Chen’s face unconsciously put on a smile,

“I’m going to go back and see you guys recently.”

“Really! Great, Lu Chenjun! I really miss you so much! ”

Listening to Lu Chen’s words, Olbia’s voice was full of surprise.

“I miss you and Robin too.”

Lu Chen said with a smile, although he was glad that his wife missed him so much, he did not forget the business.

“By the way, how is your research doing?”

“Yay! Haven’t I told Lu Chenjun about this yet? ”

Olbia was taken aback, and her voice was full of chagrin,

“When I held the last research meeting, I shared Lu Chenjun’s ideas with everyone, and many scholars agreed with it.”

“They said that archaeologists have been pursuing the meaning of archaeology for many years, and they are really grateful to Lu Chenjun for pointing out the direction for them?”

From Olbia’s words, Lu Chen learned that O’Hara’s scholars were now divided into two factions.

One of the factions, headed by Olbia and Dr. Clover, is the conservation archaeology that Lu Chen called at the beginning. The core of the other faction is in the name of archaeological excavations, wanting to obtain the truth that has been blank for a hundred years.

This is still a bit of a headache for him.

Perhaps, the world government knew that these scholars wanted to study this blank hundred years, and decided to destroy O’Hara in advance.

Lu Chen was about to say something more, when a violent explosion suddenly came from the other end of the phone, and Olbia suddenly lost his voice.


Lu Cheng asked anxiously, and after a few seconds, Orbia’s worried voice came over: “Lu Chenjun, there has been an explosion in the Tree of Omniscience, I have to go over and take a look now.” ”

With that, she hung up the phone bug.


West Sea, O’Hara.

After interrupting the call with Lu Chen, Olbia took Robin and anxiously rushed to the Tree of Omniscience. Around this ancient tree, which claims to carry the knowledge of the entire world, a raging fire has been ignited.

Under the roots of the Tree of Omniscience, a government official wearing a black suit and a gentleman’s hat is assigning tasks to his men. After receiving the order, the members of CP9 also accelerated the pace of search.

Those scholars had to be careful even if they flipped through them on a daily basis, for fear that damaged ancient books and well-written works would be thrown randomly on the floor, tall bookshelves would be overturned, and pieces of smoke would rise.

The CP9 members who searched randomly opened the storage room containing precious ancient artifacts and turned it over in a mess.

No one could come to stop their atrocities, because Dr. Clover and a group of academics who tried to stop them in the first place had already broken their heads under the strong arrest of Spandein and other CP9s.

Government agents in charge of guarding guards armed with spears formed a circle around the arrested scholars.

“Dr. Clover!”

Robin couldn’t help but scream out when he saw the injured scholars, and Orbia covered his mouth in shock. Their research was finally discovered by the world government!

Olbia looked out into the surrounding sea, seven or eight warships docked in the distance, and their guns aimed at O’Hara, forming a powerful deterrent.

She immediately reacted and wanted to call Lu Chen’s phone bug. Bang!

Just then, a bullet shattered her Shen Talk Worm. Spindyne held a spear and led several CP9 members towards the Orbia mother and daughter in an imposing manner.

“What do you want to do?”

Orbia frowned and looked at Spandane warily.

“As long as we dig three feet here, we will immediately find evidence that you have studied the text of history, and the world government has long been confident.”

Spandine spread his hands and explained happily,

“How come the historical text explorers we arrest around the world are always inextricably linked to O’Hara?”

Hearing this, several warships docked in the sea area of the Union, with the wisdom of Orbia, immediately guessed the plan of the world government: She said with a trembling voice, “Are you going to give O’Hara…”

Spandane raised his hands and laughed proudly: “That’s right, as long as O’Hara, the holy place of archaeology, is destroyed, the whole world will be shocked, and they will all understand what the end of studying the “blank hundred years” will be!” ”

“Killing chickens and intimidating monkeys… O’Hara is the chicken that is about to be slaughtered! ”

Thinking through the joint, Olbia stared at the domineering man in front of him, his eyes full of anger.

“But we didn’t want to make these studies public! Our purpose is to preserve history, not let it destroy the order of the world! ”

“Hmph, what do I care about your purpose?”

The corners of Spandain’s mouth split widely, this operation was already in hand, and as a victor, it was simply not too good to talk about a dying man as a mastermind.

“Clean her up!”

As Spandain’s voice fell, several CP9 members looked at Olbia with fierce looks in their eyes.


Just as Olbia confronted Spandain, Sauro also saw her through the telescope.

Isn’t this the wife of the lieutenant general of heavenly punishment!

Sauro was suddenly frightened, he knew the relationship between Olbia and Lu Chen, if he injured Olbia by mistake, the anger of the lieutenant general of heavenly punishment was unbearable for them! 0.1 Sauro did not dare to delay, immediately dialed the phone worm and reported to the CPO who served as the chief commander of the operation.

“Sir, the woman standing in front of CP9 is the wife of Lieutenant General Heavenly Punishment, and that girl should also be their daughter”

“Sir, should we take action to help Lieutenant General’s wife evacuate O’Hara?”


Listening to Sauro’s words, the operator broke out in a cold sweat, and he looked at the commander of the CPO with a pleading look.

“Leave her alone, attack according to the original plan!”

And the CPO smiled sinisterly, signaled the navy to hang up the phone worm, and directly ignored Sauro’s report. And, in the next second, he directly gave the order, asking numerous battleships to prepare for shelling!

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