Chapter 166: Lu Chen appears, frightening everyone [Asking for Custom].

The ignored Sauro was a little overwhelmed, but his rank was limited to this, and he could not interfere with the command of the higher levels. In a panic, Sauro thought of his friend Kuzan one by one.

He is a senior commander transferred directly from the naval headquarters, and presumably he should be able to talk directly to the commander-in-chief. On the warship, Kuzan was lazily laying out sun loungers, waiting for orders to attack.

In fact, he was actually more resistant to this military strike in his heart.

In his opinion, only those heinous pirates should spare no effort to deal with them. Instead of dealing with these powerless scholars, let alone innocent ordinary people.

Although these scholars have indeed violated the laws of the world, the complete destruction of O’Hara Island is a bit too much. In addition to these criminal scholars, more ordinary people live on the island!

Although the demon slaughter order can erase these demons, it will also cause countless ordinary people to lose their homes. But as a navy, even if you do not agree with it in your heart, you must obey the order.

This is his consciousness as a naval serviceman!

Couzin was silently sighing in his heart.11 Suddenly, the ringing of the phone worm interrupted his thoughts—it was from his friend Sauro.

“Kuzan, something is wrong!”

As soon as the call was connected, Sauro shouted out anxiously,

“Lieutenant General’s wife and daughter, on O’Hara Island!”


Kuzan was taken aback, and a crack appeared on the face of the iceberg that had remained unchanged for ten thousand years.

One was surprised that Lieutenant General Heavenly Punishment actually had a wife and daughter, and the other was surprised that his wife and daughter were actually residents of O’Hara!

“Kuzan, I just contacted the commander-in-chief, but I didn’t get a response.”

“In this operation, in addition to the chief commander, the highest level is you, quickly think of a way!”

Kuzan was still immersed in surprise, and Sauro’s words pulled him out at once.

However, they are too far away to know the truth of the matter.

“I know, I’ll figure it out.”

Kuzan let out a long sigh and turned to prepare to land on the island to find the commander of the CPO.

It really didn’t work, so he first used his identity as a guarantee to protect the safety of Olbia’s mother and daughter. A naval hero like Vice Admiral of Heavenly Punishment should not be chilled by these things.


Suddenly, a violent noise sounded at the root of the Omniscient Tree, and smoke rose up, interrupting everyone’s thoughts. Navy, launched a shell attack on O’Hara.


“What do you think of this library!”

The angry shouts of the scholars came one after another, and even Dr. Clover, who had prepared for the worst, could not help but sweat anxiously

“I didn’t expect the navy to be so barbaric!”

They can die for the truth and dedicate themselves to knowledge, but they must never allow knowledge to be destroyed!

Are the countless books containing the wisdom of our ancestors in the Tree of Omniscience about to be burned today? This is absolutely unacceptable to them!

“What are you doing, stop!”

Olbia’s pupils contracted violently, and she shielded Robin behind her, shouting angrily.

The members of CP9 did not stop arresting their mother and daughter, but walked faster and ahead.

“Ouch! Can you tap! ”

At this moment, a cry of pain came from behind Olbia.

Lu Chen suddenly appeared behind Olbia, beside the Red Earl who was tied into rice dumplings. This is a sudden change.

Immediately, the atmosphere filled with gunfire in the field was delayed.

The CP9 members who wanted to step forward were stunned, and then they were frightened and froze in place. Heaven punish lieutenant general!

How could he be here!

Spandain was also dumbfounded, not knowing how Lu Chen appeared here in an instant, but the fame of the legendary hero of the navy was enough to make these spies dare not move.

The appearance of Lu Chen, like a god descending from mortality, brought a ray of hope to save O’Hara. Olbia looked at Lu Chen’s handsome face, tears flashing in her eyes.

“This, Lieutenant General of Heavenly Punishment, why did you suddenly come to O’Hara?”

Spandain rubbed his hands and sneered.

And Lu Chen put his arm around Robin with one hand and Olbia with the other, and said lightly to Spandain: “I’m here to pick up my wife and daughter.” ”

Hearing Lu Chen’s words, Olbia lowered his head a little shyly. Wife and daughter?

Spandane was stunned suddenly, he could not have imagined that Lu Chen would actually have something to do with O’Hara’s scholars.

And the scholars who were tied up on the side couldn’t help but widen their eyes, they had never heard Olbia say that her husband was actually a big man in the navy!

For a moment, the audience was silent.

And the scene here was naturally seen by everyone on the warship.

Sauro breathed a sigh of relief, holding the phone bug and couldn’t help but shed tears of joy.

Great, Lieutenant General Heavenly Punishment is personally present, and the safety of the lady is fully guaranteed.

Couzin also relaxed for a moment, and he stopped his hands ready to release the fruit ability, and leaned leisurely on the edge of the boat. And Porusali and other admirals were puzzled and surprised by this.

Lu Chen, but went to the New World to capture Count Red.

That “Lonely Red Height” is a sea thief whose strength is comparable to Roger!

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen successfully captured Count Red so easily and rushed from the New World to the West Sea in a limited time. The strength of the legendary hero of the navy, 320 is terrible!

Looking at the Red Earl in shackles beside Lu Chen, the navy couldn’t help but fall into silence. This strange picture made all the admirals dumbfounded.

Surrounding the tallest battleship off the coast of O’Hara, the CPO who commanded the operation trembled uncontrollably.

Lu Chen, once made the Draco a Rozwald saint face to the ground.

And in this action, in addition to destroying O’Hara on the orders of the five old stars at the highest level of the world government, there was also an order from the Draco Rozwald Saint in secret.

Erase all traces of road dust on this island!

Originally, he was still planning what kind of reason to use to support Road Dust, and it just so happened that at this time he caught up with the Red Earl to attack the naval branch, and apart from Road Dust, there was no one more suitable for him to pursue the Red Earl.

Even the heavens are giving them a chance!

A great opportunity to dust away O’Hara!

But everyone never expected that Lu Chen could solve the problem of Count Red so easily. What to do!

The chief commander of the CPO has cold hands and feet, and if he fails to complete the task assigned by the Draco people this time, his fate will definitely be very tragic.

However, Lu Chen personally came here, and who can move O’Hara again?

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