Chapter 167: This man, can’t move [ask for customization].

On the red earth continent, the holy land is Marijoya.

The headquarters building of the World Government is still extraordinarily magnificent, and from a distance, the glorious aura alone can make people feel like the five old stars who represent the peak of power like dreams, sitting in the palatial conference room discussing matters about O’Hara.

It is not for nothing that the world government strictly prohibits the study of this history, why there are always “lawbreakers” who want to touch this forbidden area. ”

An old man with short gray hair sighed.

“At present, under the governance of world governments, the vast majority of countries are at peace. But if those O’Hara scholars had researched the truth about the “blank hundred years”…”

The old man with a long white beard held his chin and said with a solemn expression.

“The hard-won peace will be shattered and the whole world will once again face the threat of war.”

The old man with short blonde hair took his words,

“Even if those scholars in O’Hara only look at these histories from an academic perspective, it is inevitable that some reactionary forces will focus on their research and use these historical papers and even ancient weapons to write great articles.”

The old man with glasses let out a long sigh and said, “We will never allow such a thing to happen, even if it destroys the whole of O’Hara.” ”

As these words fell, the entire conference room fell into silence again.

It didn’t take long for the ringtone of the phone worm to break the silence and it was CPO’s dedicated communication device.

If everything goes well, it should be the moment when the demon slaughter order is launched, how could the CPO call at this time?

The five old stars all frowned, and at such a critical time, there could be no more mistakes. After they looked at each other, they connected the phone bug.

Before the five old stars could open their mouths to inquire about the current situation, the panicked voice of the CPO commander came out of the phone worm.

“Adult, the big thing is not good! Road dust… Road dust he appeared in O’Hara. ”


What the?

How could road dust appear in O’Hara?!

Listening to the CPO commander’s words, the expressions of the five old stars all became extremely angry.

According to the information they have in real time, Lu Chen at this time should obviously be in the new world.

Not long after he had just arrested Count Red, he was on his way back to his headquarters, and it was categorically impossible to suddenly appear in the West Sea. Isn’t it that the CPO made some mistake on the way to carry out the mission, so he made up such a lie to deceive them?

Although they were given the name of “official”, in the end, it was just a group of agents serving the Draco, and now they even came up with such outrageous lies to deceive the Draco!

CPO guys, the guts are really getting bigger!

For a while, the atmosphere in the conference room became extremely heavy.

Even the guards standing outside the door felt this low pressure and couldn’t help but shiver.

They silently wondered in their hearts what kind of big thing would be to make the five old stars in a high position so angry.

“How could road dust appear in O’Hara?”

The old man with gray curly hair said in a very displeased tone, and a strong sense of oppression came from his words.

“This… We don’t know what’s going on, but Lu Chen did appear here! ”

The CPO commander was about to cry, and in order to prove the fact that Lu Chen had indeed arrived at O’Hara, he immediately ordered his men to take a picture and pass it to the headquarters of the World Government.

Looking at the photos coming out of the phone worm’s mouth, the five old stars were all stunned.

In the picture, Lu Chen wrapped his arms around a long-haired woman and a little girl, with a gentle expression on his face that they had never seen before, and at his feet, there was also the Red Earl, who was shackled and tightly bound.

“How is this possible!”

A white-haired old man was so surprised that he couldn’t help but shout.

How could Lu Chen rush from the New World to O’Hara in such a short time!

The blond old man’s face was solemn, and his eyebrows were wrinkled together; The old man with gray curly hair had wide eyes, filled with disbelief; Although the white bearded old man and the glasses-behaved old man did not make much moves, they looked at each other, and they both saw indescribable shock on each other’s faces.

Who revealed the information to Luchen O’Hara’s attack?

Moreover, how did Lu Chen manage to cross most of the world and come to O’Hara?

“My lord, what should we do now? Will the plan be able to proceed as usual? ”

The CPO commander also wanted to know why Lu Chen suddenly appeared, and he wanted to cry and ask the five old stars for a solution. However, there was silence in the phone bug.

Moreover, the continuous stream of phone calls from other warships was ringing, stimulating his already tense brain. Stop fighting! He didn’t know what to do!

The CPO commander was heartbroken.

Bearing the wrath of the Five Old Stars and Rozwald Saint at the same time, the CPO commander’s whole person had a huge psychological shadow on Lu Chen, and he secretly swore in his heart that he would never provoke everything related to Lu Chen in the future!


Inside the headquarters of the World Government, the five old stars looked at each other in silence.

They were all very sure that the intelligence of the world government could not be wrong. Therefore, not long ago, Lu Chen must have been in the New World Zone.

In other words, after learning the news of launching a demon slaughter order against O’Hara, Lu Chen moved from the New World to the West Sea in an instant. Such an ability, he had never shown before.

And now, Lu Chen has shown the world this ability to appear somewhere in an instant, and in their opinion, this is an act of deterrence.

This ability is enough to make everyone feel jealous!

The pirates couldn’t help but fear him a little more, and even they, as the supreme leaders of the world government, had to be afraid of him by three points.

Because of this, they could no longer easily attack O’Hara.

“It’s not easy to do now…”

The old man with gray curly hair let out a long sigh and was the first to break the silence.

Although he had seen Lu Chen fight with his own eyes and knew that Lu Chen was very strong, he still did not expect that his true strength would be so strong.

“O’Hara, can’t be ignored! However, road dust must not be moved……..”

With road dust, how to do it becomes a big problem…….

The five old stars looked at each other, it was the first time since they succeeded them to encounter such a thorny problem. The development of the navy in recent years can be described as road dust and defeat.

The five old stars thought for a long time and gritted their teeth to make such a decision.

The long-haired old man answered the CPO commander’s phone bug and said slowly….

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