Chapter 168: O’Hara, handed over to Road Dust [Customized].

The conversation with the five old stars is actually only a few minutes.

However, due to the huge psychological pressure, the commander of the CPO has been living for years, and the sweat on his body has soaked his shirt.

After receiving the reply from the five old stars, the former supreme commander CPO could no longer care how shocking the content of the news was.

He hung up the phone worm, and then breathed a long sigh of relief, and when he cast a moon step, he entered the interior of O’Hara Island. Of course, the Demon Slaughter Order has long been suspended because of the appearance of Lu Chen.

O’Hara, near the Tree of Omniscience.

Since the shelling was only momentary, the ancient “library” was not much threatened. In the smoke and dust, Lu Chen stood indifferently in front of everyone in the CP institution.

Lu Chen, a legendary naval hero with great prestige, suddenly appeared here, and claimed that among these archaeologists he had his wife and daughter, and everyone present was in great shock.

Even if he didn’t say anything now, everyone present didn’t dare to move for half a minute.

With this invisible momentum alone, everyone in CP9 was completely shocked, let alone want to move under his eyelids. Spanda laughed and wanted to step forward to talk to Lu Chen, but he completely ignored it.

Just when the people of CP9 were at a loss, the commander of CPO came to them on the moon step 833.


Spandain cried out in surprise, he was almost crushed by the sluggish atmosphere of the scene, and now someone can finally come and break the deadlock!

And the CPO commander did not take care of Spandain, he went straight to Lu Chen, and said respectfully: “Hello, Lieutenant General Heavenly Punishment.” ”

Lu Chen nodded in a gesture.

“I didn’t expect you to arrest Count Red so quickly, worthy of being a legendary hero of the navy, and really strong.”

The commander of the CPO first flattered Lu Chen a few words, saw that he did not react, and then looked at Olbia and Robin beside him, and said with a slight hesitation: “You suddenly visited this place, is there something important?” ”

“No, I just miss my wife and daughter, and I plan to come back to accompany them for a while.”

Lu Chen squeezed Olbia’s hand and said lightly,

“I wonder why the navy has gathered such a large force in O’Hara?”


Although Lu Chen’s tone was flat, the commander of the CPO still felt that he was surrounded by huge pressure in an instant.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and after thinking for a moment, he said: “According to the investigation of the world government, these archaeologists of O’Hara are demons in this world who vainly attempt to restore ancient weapons and destroy the world!” ”

“In order to prevent the encroachment of the world order, the world government decided to destroy these demons in order to guarantee peace.”

“Is it? Little did I know O’Hara’s academics were so ambitious. ”

Lu Chen pretended not to know, showing surprise.

Little Robin, who was held by Lu Chen, said indignantly: “Dr. Clover, they didn’t think so!” Their purpose in excavating history is to preserve it, and they do not want to make it public, nor do they want to destroy the peace of the world! ”

Listening to Little Robin’s words, not only the CP organization members present were shocked, but even Lu Chen was slightly taken aback.

Unexpectedly, Robin was not afraid of such a scene at a young age, and even dared to stand up to protect others. Worthy of being his daughter.

For little Robin’s words, Lu Chen was noncommittal.

He and Olbia looked at each other, smiled and touched little Robin’s head.

However, these scholars of O’Hara have always broken the law, and the people of the world do need a reasonable explanation. Punishment is also inevitable.

“Therefore, considering that Lieutenant General Heavenly Punishment is also here, the World Government has decided after deliberation that this operation against O’Hara will be handled by you.”

The CPO commander wiped the cold sweat that broke out on Qian’s head, and finally said the final decision of the five old stars. Such a big matter was actually handed over to the full authority of the Heavenly Punishment Lieutenant General!

This is a right that even the admirals do not have! As soon as these words came out, everyone was taken aback.

Spandain, in particular, had his eyes wide open, and his jaw almost fell to the ground in shock.

Knowing the relationship between O’Hara and Lu Chenjun, he actually asked him to decide O’Hara’s life and death!

Orbia’s eyes widened in disbelief, she subconsciously looked at Lu Chen, only to see that his handsome face did not have half a wave world government, and he was really a good chess game!


On the warship, Porusalino and other admirals looked at the calm sea level and were silent.

Since the arrival of Lieutenant General Heavenly Punishment, the Supreme Commander has issued an order – all operations are suspended and stand by! And now, although they have noticed that the atmosphere on O’Hara Island is a little strange, they don’t know what is going on. But they also vaguely guessed in their hearts that this O’Hara incident was not related to Lu Chen.

Only Kuzan was lying on a sun lounger, his heart clear.

Since Lieutenant General Heavenly Punishment has arrived, I am afraid that this military operation will end here.

Just when the admirals kept speculating in their hearts, the commander of the CPO returned to the commander-in-chief battleship with a moon step.

“All warships obey orders! From now on, the overall command of this operation will be transferred to Lieutenant General Heavenly Punishment! ”

“Whether to launch an attack or not, the order will be given by the Heavenly Punishment!”

The command was actually handed over to Lieutenant General Heavenly Punishment!

Hearing this, although the admirals had already guessed in their hearts, they were still shocked. As a result, all the focus of the scene instantly fell on Lu Chen’s body. Hearing this, Kuzan sighed silently.

Family and responsibilities… Lieutenant General Heaven Punishment, I’m afraid I’m going to be in big trouble this time.

At this time, the CPO had also come to his senses, and the O’Hara incident was also a very tricky issue for Lu Chen.

Five old stars, it’s really terrible.

They left this mess to Lu Chen to deal with it himself.

If he gave up his attack on O’Hara, it would be a violation of naval law, and even if he was a legendary hero of the navy, the world government would surely hold him accountable.

But if he continues to attack O’Hara, it is almost impossible for his wife and daughter, as “close” to archaeologists, to escape.

Even if Lu Chen used his power to let them live, they would definitely hold a grudge against him in their hearts! No matter which choice Lu Chen makes, the consequences must be what the Rosewald Sanctuary wants to see. Thinking of this, he laughed sinisterly.

Road dust, road dust, this two topics, what will you do next?

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