Chapter 169: From now on, isolated from the world! 【Customizable】.

After listening to the news conveyed by the CPO, everyone fell into silence.

Olbia has particularly mixed feelings, as she doesn’t want the archaeologists to be harmed or embarrass her husband. But she also knows that there is no way to do both, and she must choose between them.

Dr. Clover was also shocked when he learned about the relationship between Lu Chen and Olbia.

He always knew that Orbia had been saved by a navy that was now famous when she was a child, and she had always wanted to repay that navy.

But what he didn’t expect was that Orbia actually saw the navy again and became his wife!

Seeing that the atmosphere was solemn, Dr. Clover stood up, glanced at the gloomy Olbia, and said with a serious expression: “Mr. Lieutenant General, we are indeed studying the taboo for a hundred years, we have violated the law, and we plead guilty. ”

“But, your wife and daughter are innocent!”

“They’re just innocent residents who adore us archaeologists, and we don’t want to implicate them.”

Dr. Clover stared at Lu Chen, hoping he would understand the meaning of his words.

As Lu Chen’s wife and daughter, Olbia and Robin believe that the world government will not embarrass them too much.

At this time, he drew the line between O’Hara scholars and them, and all the members of the CP institution heard his words and were able to serve as witnesses to protect the safety of their mother and daughter.

The rest of the scholars understood what Dr. Clover meant the moment they heard him speak, so they all spoke up.

“Yes! Mr. Lieutenant General, we, lawbreakers, must be killed and obeyed! ”

“It doesn’t matter if we die, please don’t involve other innocent residents of the island.”

“Come on, Mr. Lieutenant General! Studying these histories, we have long put life and death on the line! ”

“Mr. Lieutenant General, please give the order!”


Countless archaeologists have heard one after another, believing that as long as Olbia and Robin can safely evacuate, the fire of archaeology can be passed on.

For the sake of scholarship, for the sake of exploration, even if they die, they will not hesitate!


Robin tugged at Lu Chen’s hand, his big watery eyes full of worry.

She was too young to understand why these archaeologists were treated like this just to find out the truth about the world. She just thought that Dr. Clover was nice to her, like the eldest uncle, and she didn’t want to lose this loved one.

Orbia also silently squeezed Lu Chen’s hand.

Although she didn’t say anything, her actions had shown that as long as it was a decision made by Lu Chen, no matter how cruel it was, she would accept it!

Looking at the silent road dust, Dr. Clover signaled the other scholars to calm down and made a request to him: “The literature in the tree of omniscience, I hope the world government can recycle!” These are precious materials from all over the world, and even blocking them would be much better than destroying them. ”

Say, he let out a long sigh, this was the last little contribution he could make to the archaeologist.

At this moment, I only heard Lu Chen snort coldly: “As archaeologists, how come you are still as calm as the hairy boys of the navy.” ”

Everyone looked towards Lu Chen one after another, only to see that his expression was still so indifferent, as if this matter had nothing to do with him at all.

“Since you have broken the law, you shall be punished.”

“I announce, O’Hara, completely closed from today onwards, only in and out!”

As soon as the words fell, Lu Chen cast a wooden escape.

On the edge of the island, the wooden city wall stood up in an instant, and the city wall was hundreds of meters high and extremely hard, directly wrapping the entire island.

From above, it looks as if a palm is dragging the island of O’Hara. This picture shocked everyone.

The O’Hara scholars, led by Dr. Clover, all looked at this incredible scene in front of them in shock.

They thought that they would inevitably escape the fate of death, but they did not expect that Lu Chen had such a solution. The members of CP9 were all stunned by the powerful ability displayed by Lu Chen, and they looked at each other, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

Looking at the wall that wrapped O’Hara in a flash, the warships in the sea area were silent for a while.

The CPO commander’s face instantly darkened, and he didn’t expect that Lu Chen actually had such a solution! The huge wooden wall has only one exit, and ordinary people cannot climb it.

By blocking the entire O’Hara from contact with the outside world, their research cannot be communicated to the outside world.

Even if O’Hara has the intention of destroying the world, the navy stationed here can get the news as soon as possible. In this way, the world government has nothing to say. Lu Chen was really underestimated by all of them!

It didn’t take long for Lu Chen to walk out of the only exit.

He raised his hand in the direction where Sauro was, and when his ship approached, he gave an order for him to stay there and not let anyone out.

“Yes! Lord Lieutenant General! ”

After Sauro received the order, the road dust turned into lightning and instantly came to the CPO commander.

Looking at the CPO commander who was frightened into a cold sweat, Lu Chen said with a smile: “Is the world government still satisfied with this result?” ”

How dare the commander of the CPO say no, he nodded hurriedly in response to Lu Chen…

Satisfied with the answer, Lu Chen returned to O’Hara again.

By this time, the members of CP9 had long since left, the archaeologists had been released safely, and Huanerbia and Robin were dressing their wounds.

“Olbiah, Robin, let’s go.”

After the archaeologist’s wounds were all bandaged, Lu Chen spoke.

“Are you leaving now?”

After all, it is a place where you have lived for so many years, and anyone will feel reluctant to leave suddenly.

Looking at his wife and daughter who looked lost, Lu Chen smiled at them: “Say goodbye to them, I will find time to bring you back in the future.” ”

“Dr. Clover, you have to pay attention to your body, don’t stay up all night every day.”

Robin stepped forward and hugged Dr. Clover tightly and said reluctantly.

After they had done their farewell ceremony, Lu Chen took them home to simply pack their bags and leave O’Hara Island. Although there was a lot of reluctance in their hearts, the thought of being able to live with Lu Chen in the future, Olbia and Robin couldn’t help but get excited.

Looking at their smiling faces, Lu Chen’s expression couldn’t help but soften.

They took the warship of the general of the headquarters, unescorted the Red Earl, and began the return voyage in a mighty manner. Behind, the island that carries knowledge is completely isolated from the world.

The huge wooden wall, seen from a distance, is like a behemoth palm, holding the entire island in the palm of the hand. The inhabitants of the island can no longer get out of its five fingers!!! Above!.

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