Chapter 170: Agreed, Admiral appointed [Customized].

With Orbia and Robin, Lu Chen released the Red Count and embarked on a journey to the headquarters of the Navy. This is little Robin’s second time at sea.

Along the way, she was very excited, and she saw that she had to come to “report” to Orbia and Lu Chen.

“Mom and Dad! This way! ”

“Mom and Dad! Come and see this! ”

Lu Chen hugged Olbia, helplessly looked at Little Robin running around, and said: “When I return to the Navy headquarters, I have to let my brother take Robin out to play again.” ”

“Huh? Wouldn’t that bother my brother too much. ”

Thinking of the duties shouldered by the navy, Olbia was stunned, and quickly waved his hand,

“Lu Chenjun, it’s good for my mother to take Robin out.”

“Have you forgotten how much brother likes little Robin? I think he would have hated to stick to her every day after he knew that little Robin was going to live in the headquarters. ”

Recalling Kapu’s slightly silly smile, Lu Chen couldn’t help but laugh.

“Besides, we haven’t lived in the two-person world for a long time.”

Hearing Lu Chen’s words, Olbia’s face turned red and he shyly lowered his head: “Lu Chenjun…”

However, she was also looking forward to spending a wonderful time with Lu Chen in her heart.

After all, this was the love of her life. With laughter along the way…

Half a month later.

Navy headquarters, Marin Fando.

As soon as the warship docked in the port, it was surrounded by countless people who rushed to hear the news. High-ranking officials such as Marshal Steel Bone and General Karp are here.

Among them, Karp looked at the returning warship in the distance, and his old face was full of a smile that could not be hidden.

In his eyes, only the little girl who was in his mother’s arms, staring at the surroundings with big eyes and curiosity. The niece has grown up again!

“It’s back!”

Standing next to the air marshal and other naval high-ranking officials was a man in a black suit. This is the envoy of the Holy Land!!!

In this regard, everyone in the navy is already strange. According to past experience.

Special envoy to the Holy Land, this trip is also in vain. So, naturally, no one cares!! Not for long.

Amid the cheers, Lu Chen escorted the Red Count and led Robin and Olbia off the ship.

As soon as the Red Count was handed over to the Marshal of the Steel Bone Sky, the envoy of the Holy Land immediately walked out: “Vice Admiral of Heavenly Punishment, after many considerations, the World Government once again hopes that you can take the position of admiral. ”

Expected thing.

In the unsurprising gazes of everyone, Lu Chen smiled slightly, just when he was about to directly refuse this appointment.

The envoy to the Holy Land immediately took out a document from his pocket and respectfully handed it over with both hands.

“Lord Lu Chen, please take a look before deciding!”

This statement came out.

Everyone on the dock couldn’t help but turn their heads to look over.


Even Lu Chen looked surprised.

However, he didn’t think much about it, and after taking the file, he opened it directly. And then.

Lieutenant General Heavenly Punishment frowned and fell into silence.

“Really fake? Is there any turning point? ”

The green pheasant was behind Lu Chen, and suddenly looked up, and couldn’t help but widen his eyes. In his opinion, Lu Chen now seems to be caught in thought.

Think about the decision on the appointment of admirals? Don’t say the pheasant was shocked.

As long as you have understood that Lu Chen has refused to be promoted to general dozens of times, you know that when Lu Chen begins to think silently, it is enough to make people feel unbelievable.

Especially Steel Bone Kong, he repeatedly wanted to let Lu Chen take the position of admiral, but was rejected by the latter every time. For this, he felt helpless and distressed.

So when he saw it, Lu Chen fell into deep thought. Steel Bone Kong couldn’t help but look forward to it in his heart.

This moment.

The atmosphere on the pier is eerie.

The fact that a legendary hero who refused to be promoted to admiral dozens of times, but at this time is silent in the face of the appointment of admiral, which in itself feels magical and strange.

Seeing such a scene, a sense of excitement faintly rose in Gang Bone’s heart.

Before, Lu Chen refused without thinking when he heard the appointment of the general, and now his hesitation proved that his heart was shaken.

He had a hunch, this time, there was a chance!

And Karp, as Lu Chen’s brother, also noticed that the latter was wrong this time.

“This guy, is it about to make a change?”

Behind, Kuzan and the others, who witnessed the powerful power displayed by Lu Chen in the O’Hara incident, also held their breath. They all looked forward to Lu Chen being able to take over the appointment of the general, but thinking back to the nonchalant look he had shown about this position before, they couldn’t help but feel a little bit of “knowing this earlier” in their hearts.

Lieutenant General Heavenly Punishment, what decision will be made this time? Everyone is waiting for Lu Chen’s decision!

After a long sound in everyone’s hearts as if a century had passed, Lu Chen spoke. He still had a light and cloudy expression on his face: “I accept the appointment of the admiral.” ”

Lu Chen, accepted this appointment of the World Government!

When the words fell, the entire headquarters of the Navy exploded!

Even Steel Bone Kong felt unbelievable, did not react for a while, and for a long time, he muttered: “This kid, actually really agreed?!” ”

You know, Lu Chen has refused the appointment of admiral again and again, and he has complained to Karp many times because of this.

Although he knew that the conditions offered by the world government this time were enough to make Lu Chen waver, he did not expect that this ox was actually enough to make Lu Cheng agree to the appointment of the admiral!

Although he was shocked, a great sense of joy rose in his heart. The things on his mind can finally be let go.

“Hehe, worthy of the man of the Monchi family!”

Karp grinned, excitedly walked over to Lu Chen and patted him on the shoulder. Although he was shocked at first, he was more excited and excited in his heart.

This younger brother of his is so strong and prestige that he has already reached the level of a general. This is also deserved!

Olbia squeezed Robin’s hand, and her eyes were full of pride and pride when she looked at Lu Chen. This is her husband, a mighty naval legend!

He is not only a proud existence for himself, but also the pride of the world!

Compared to these acquaintances, the other admirals have no extra emotions, and they are now shocked in their hearts in addition to shock.

Kuzan was stunned and muttered: “Really fake?” Mr. Lu Chen, he actually agreed? ”

Porusalino puffed out his mouth exaggeratedly, which was a sign of his over-shock.


Although they all expected Lu Chen to become a general in their hearts, they really didn’t expect Lu Chen to agree like this, and behaved so plainly, as if they were saying what to eat tonight.

Unexpectedly, this man, who had refused dozens of promotions to the world government, would dramatically agree to the appointment of admiral at this moment.

For a while, everyone on the dock had different expressions, but their eyes revealed an indelible sense of shock. Once the news of Lu Chen’s appointment as the admiral came out, the entire sea area would usher in earth-shaking changes!

Robin looked at Lu Chen, who was flipping through the documents, and then looked at the silent naval people, and finally looked at the excited Olbia.

Although she didn’t know what exactly happened, the position of admiral was very powerful and admirable.

I must be as good as my dad! Robin swore secretly in his heart.

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