Chapter 174: To cover the sky in the country of Wano [Ask for Custom].

Following the straight passage, several people soon arrived at the door of Lu Chen’s office.

The soldier knocked on the door and said respectfully: “General Lu Chen, your guest has arrived. ”

“Come in.”

After hearing the answer of Lu Chen coming from the house, the soldier opened the door of the office, and after several people entered the house, he consciously walked out and gently closed the door.

Seeing the white-haired old man at the head, Lu Chen smiled slightly and said, “You’re here, Kaliku.” ”

This white-haired old man is the CPO who survived the Valley of the Gods incident that year, and can be regarded as one of the originators of the conspiracy. Finish.

Because after the Valley of the Gods was exposed.

The spies who knew all the secrets there naturally had no need to survive.

Therefore, this man, who is considered the head of the CPO, has actually died in the eyes of the world government and the headquarters of the navy.

Kariku respectfully saluted Lu Chen and said, “Thank you for saving your life back then, so that this broken body can be remnant to this day.” ”

Lu Chen smiled and did not continue to speak, but set his eyes on a few children who were a little cramped behind him. On the shoulders of the child standing at the forefront stands a white dove wearing a tie; To his left is a child with a square face and a long rectangular nose; To his right is a child with a fierce expression and a terrible scar on one eye; Standing at the end was a tall child with long pink hair who looked like a lion.

It seems that they are the young Rob Lutch, Bruno, Gabra and the lion snuggle.

Although they had been mentally prepared for a long time, after feeling Lu Chen’s gaze, the few future CP9 members couldn’t help but get nervous.

Seeing their restraints, Lu Chen smiled faintly at them and focused his attention on Kariku in front of him.

Because Kariku had been undercover for a long time, his intelligence gathering ability had also been greatly exercised, and he could be called the world’s top level at that time Wano Country, which was in ruins.

And due to the peculiarity of its occupation by pirates, the establishment of an intelligence network is also indispensable. Lu Chen looked at Kariku and asked, “How is the layout of the intelligence network?” ”

Hearing Lu Chen’s inquiry, Kariku sobered up from his memories, and he took out a piece of information from his arms and handed it to Lu Chen: “At present, the progress is quite smooth, and the informants under the place have infiltrated 80% of the area. There are a few difficult bones left, which I believe will also be able to be broken in the coming weeks. ”

Seeing that Lu Chen carefully looked at the information, Kariku paused and continued: “Since the current Wano Country has been directly guarded by you, then let it be notified below, and the center of the network will be converted to your branch building in the future, and all the latest information will be directly received by you.” ”

“Hard work, Kariku, you’re doing very well.”

Lu Chen nodded, he was still very relieved about Kariku’s speed and ability.

Judging from the data, the intelligence network established by Kariku is very meticulous, and some places that he did not even notice were planned by him.


Lu Chen looked at Kariku and took out a copy of the information they had gathered from the drawer and handed it to him.

“This is…..”

Kariku had just read two pages when his brows couldn’t stop locking. The Holy Land actually sent spies to come!

In the current Kariku heart, the weight of Lu Chen is significantly higher than that of those Draco people, so he has a deep resentment towards the Holy Land’s distrust of Lu Chen.

“Those guys want to meddle in everything.”

Lu Chen sighed and said,

“Kariku, I would like to ask you to use this intelligence network to find out the spies planted in the Holy Land in Wano Country.”

“What do you mean?”

Kariku was moved, shrewd as he was, and already had some guesses in his heart.

Lu Chen stared at Kariku, his eyes full of confidence in him: “That’s right, I want to deliberately control the intelligence information obtained by those spies, so that the Holy Land can no longer interfere in the affairs of Wano Country.” ”

Kariku gave Lu Chen a standard military salute and said firmly: “No problem at all!” Under the guaranteed completion of the task! ”


Lu Chen nodded to show his approval.

Because of his identity as a spy, Kariku and the others did not stay long, and after discussing with Lu Chen for a while the means to control the spy, he left here with his children.

Before leaving, Lu Chen suddenly stopped him.

“There are a few devil fruits, which will be very adapted to the characteristics of these children in the future, you can check their news.”


“This is?”

Just one glance at Kariku was shocked at first, and then his admiration for him deepened a lot.

“Find the news of these fruits, if you can’t get it, then notify me.”

Lu Chen said with a faint smile. The tone is like a statement about a trivial matter.

But in the ears of Kariku and Luqi, they deeply felt the domineering and self-confidence in this. But it’s understandable when you think about it.

If I come, it will be worth 100,000 elite troops.

There is Lord Lu Chen’s hand, not to mention a few devil fruits, I am afraid that the ancient weapon, as long as he wants to get it, it is easy 00 Thinking like this in his heart, Kariku led these children out of Lu Chen’s office.

It was not until they left the naval branch building that everyone’s hearts relaxed slightly, and the invisible coercion completely disappeared psychologically.

Luqi and the children spoke in surprise.

“My lord, that is the legend of this sea, the legendary hero of the navy?”

Facing their curious and surprised eyes, Kariku nodded slowly but heavily.

After getting the answer, the children’s eyes brightened one by one, and they cheered excitedly that they had actually met the legendary big man.

“I, Rob Luqi, must become a powerful figure like General Lu Chen!”

Luqi was the first to shout out this sentence, and the other children, seeing this, also shouted the same words in turn after him.

Looking at their excited appearances, Kariku shook his head helplessly and advised: “As a spy, don’t disclose your true identity at will. ”

Hearing this, several people hurriedly closed their mouths, but from their flickering eyes, they could still see their joy and joy at this meeting.

Before leaving the Flower Capital, Kariku couldn’t help but look in the direction where Lu Chen was.

His eyes were full of memories, and he seemed to return to the battle in the Valley of Gods, and Lu Chen’s invincible posture of defeating Locks seemed to have happened yesterday.

The huge blood-colored dragon head and the heart-shaking thunderstorm were forever engraved in the depths of Kariku’s memory.

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