Chapter 175: The future of Fishman Island is the navy [Customized].

After sending Kaliku and the others away, Lu Chen focused on the establishment of the Naval Academy.

During this period, Lu Chen also often summoned Katakuri and Klokdal to discuss, and several people compiled a plan for establishment. After a period of preparation, an antique building with the atmosphere of Wano Country is located next to the naval branch.

The Naval Academy in Wano Country, finally built!

As soon as it was built, Luchen sent Katakuri and Klokdal to convey the news to various places. This was followed by the opening ceremony.

At the ceremony, the college was strongly welcomed by the residents of Wano Country.

Residents began signing up their children in hopes of making them navy soldiers.

Seeing such a scene, Lu Chen was still slightly surprised, he also thought that the residents would welcome this naval school, but he did not expect it to reach this level.

However, this also confirms from the side that his management of Wano Country is still good. Lu Chen silently praised himself in his heart.

The major famous families of Wano Country, as well as samurai such as Hana no Bing Goro, rushed to celebrate after receiving the news.

The high-level officials of the Tianyue, Frost Moon, Yuyue and other families came one after another, and after a while, Lu Chen’s front was full of people. After the celebration, Lu Chen left them behind.

Although those family leaders and samurai didn’t know what was happening, they were still happy to have the opportunity to contact Lu Chen, so they stayed in place and waited.

Lu Chen had seen those high-ranking people one by one, most of them had flattering smiles on their faces, but he couldn’t remember any person’s name When he saw the gathering place of the Frost Moon Family, Lu Chen glanced obliquely and saw a young man wearing glasses.

This young man is the one who forged the same Great Fast Sword Twenty-One Gong and the Yama Demon – Frost Moon Koshiro!! According to the timeline of the original book, he should have left Wano Country at this time, and I don’t know where in the world he is going. Thinking of this, Lu Chen couldn’t help but glance at him a few more times, and asked casually curiously, “Frost Moon Koshiro, why didn’t you leave Wano Country?” ”

Koshiro Frostmoon, who was suddenly mentioned by name, was visibly dumbfounded, and his heart suddenly lifted.

He didn’t expect that the famous Heavenly Punishment General would actually know his name, and he suddenly asked himself. Frost Moon Koshiro blinked blankly, and couldn’t help but ask rhetorically, “Why should I leave?” ”

Hearing this, Lu Chen smiled and did not continue to ask.

Leaving Wano Country? Why leave? Is there something they are doing badly?

Lu Chen’s sudden words made all the major names confused, and they thought that they had done something wrong, and their minds couldn’t help but flood.

Especially Frost Moon Koshiro, he also thought that he had collided with road dust, cold sweat broke out on his body, and his face became a little ugly for a while, and the field was silent.

But soon, they knew what Lu Chen meant to gather everyone.

“I have gathered you here to discuss various matters related to the recruitment of teachers.”

At this time, the major names and samurai reacted, the naval academy is there, the students are there, but there is still a lack of teachers, especially teachers in the field of force!

This has always been a problem that worries Lu Chen.

He can develop some cultural lessons, and he can even teach the skills of the Navy Type Six.

However, other than that, in terms of kendo and domineering, no one should be more familiar with these samurai. The crowd understood that was the reason they were here.

For a while, the major names hesitated.

Everything else is fine, but kendo is a secret that is not passed down by their major families.

Although the original order of Wano Country has been destroyed, it is not acceptable for them to abandon this concept for a while. Lu Chen also knew in his heart that this matter was not too easy to handle.

Just when everyone hesitated, Frost Moon Koshiro was the first to stand up, he looked at Lu Chen, and said in a firm tone: “The young people who are willing to teach each other and teach the country of Wano become stronger!” ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was extremely surprised, and the major names looked at him like crazy people. Even Lu Chen was curious about why Frost Moon Koshiro had such a belief.

“It was the Navy that saved Wano Kuni from the rotten system, and I think that the Naval Academy can also train the children of Wano Kuni into excellent talents!”

“Our thinking has fallen behind, so why not put our hopes in the younger generation and let them go to this open world?

With Koshiro Frostmoon taking the lead, all the daimyo and samurai powerhouses rushed to sign up and become teachers at the academy.

“However, there is a reluctant request below.”

Frost Moon Koshiro looked at Lu Chen and said,

“Lord Lu Chen, if you have time, can you come to this academy to teach?”

The other daimyos and samurai nodded in agreement. In this regard, Lu Chen naturally has no opinion.

He nodded and promised, “Don’t worry, I will do my best to teach the children of Wano Country.” ”

Hearing this, all the major names were overjoyed and said that they would also give their money to make the children of Wano Country the guardians of justice.

With the support of major names, the Naval Academy soon officially opened.

All expenses are paid by the taxes of Wano Country, and the world government is also happy to see such a thing, and only requires them to pay a certain amount of sea floor stone transactions every year.

In this way, Wano Country was well kept. Time keeps passing………….

Since Lu Chen came to guard the country of Wano Country, the sea around the country of Wano has become surprisingly calm.

Occasionally, a pirate who thinks that if they are far enough, they will not be discovered by road dust arrive, and want to plunder the edge of Wano Country.

However, before these pirates landed every time, they were instantly defeated by the navy that fell from the sky and became coolies in mining sea floor stones.

Over time, no pirates dared to invade the land. Lu Chen’s life has gradually calmed down.

Every morning when I wake up, I am greeted by Olbia’s smiling face and the loving breakfast she makes.

After breakfast, Olbiah would put a cloak on the word “justice” on her own hands, and then join little Robin in offering fragrant kisses on both sides of his cheeks.

In addition to dealing with matters large and small in Wano Country, Lu Chen often goes to instruct Katakuri and Klokdal in training, and often visits the five little girls at Momotsu.

However, he almost always sees little Robin struggling to keep up with Yamato’s training.

Recall little Robin swearing milkily

“I want to be a good navy like my dad”

, Lu Chen’s face couldn’t stop a burst of smiles:

Of course, he also kept his promise to mentor the children of the Naval Academy in his spare time. Every time I saw him, the children were all excited and studied harder.

And because of his arrival, Koshiro Frost Moon and the others also tried their best to cultivate these children into excellent navy. The days passed like this, and Lu Chen was very happy to live such a dull and happy life.

It’s on this day.

In the calm sea, an earth-shattering event occurred. The Holy Land of Marijoya was invaded, and many slaves were freed and escaped!

Moreover, the mastermind of this incident, Fisher Tiger, established the Sun Pirates and took in many mermaids and mermaids who were once slaves of the Draco!

This incident was equivalent to a severe slap in the face of Tianlong, which made them extremely angry.

Therefore, they sent a number of admirals to attack, and after many battles, they finally succeeded in eliminating Fisher Tiger, and the Sun Pirates were scattered.

However, these are not Lu Chen’s concerns.

He received information that since the leader of the Sun Pirates was a fishman, the fishman island under the deep sea was also affected.

The navies were damaged by the majesty of the world government and did not welcome them; The pirates were also bored with Fisher Tiger’s attack on the Holy Land, which led the navy to increase its efforts to clear the pirates.

Fishman Island is now in a dilemma. Looking at the information in his hand, Lu Chen fell into deep thought.

After a while, he summoned Katakuri and Klokdal.

“Teacher, is there something going on?”

The two had just finished training and hurried over as soon as they heard Lu Chen’s summons.

Lu Chen handed them the information in his hand and said, “I want you to go to Fishman Island this time. ”

The two looked at each other, and they both saw each other’s puzzled expressions.

Although they know the incidents caused by the Sun Pirates these days, and they also know the current embarrassing situation of Fishman Island 1.7, they still can’t understand Lu Chen’s thoughts.

Your own teacher easily doesn’t care about these things, but as long as you show interest in these things, it proves that something big is going to happen here.

Lu Chen saw the doubts of the two, and he slowly said his thoughts: “The purpose of my operation is to recruit the king of Fishman Island one by one Neptune into the navy. ”

Fishman Island will be in a difficult situation for more than ten years because of the events of the Sun Pirates, and the best way to get out of this predicament is to join the navy.

The navy is the existence of maintaining world order.

Only by joining the navy can Fishman Island have a real future.

Moreover, there are also many powerful combat forces such as Shenping on Fishman Island, and with their participation, the world will be more stable and the pirates will be less arrogant.

After some explanations, Katakuri and Klokdal understood Lu Chen’s intentions.

While admiring Lu Chen’s thoughtfulness, they took on this task, ready to go back and pack their bags and set off. Since this time it was a private recruitment, it was just to send the two of them out, and did not bring native soldiers.

After more than ten days of sailing.

A coated merchant ship slowly entered the deep sea of 10,000 meters.

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