Chapter 176: Neptune’s Wrath [Customized].

Although it is located under the deep sea, the giant tree “Yangshu Eve” that grows near Fishman Island has the ability to transmit sunlight from the ground, so there is also the sky and clouds, and there are also changes in sunlight and day and night.

Boom – The merchant ship on which Katakuri and the sand crocodile were riding followed the current, broke through the bubble in an instant, and entered the dock of Fishman Island.

“Stop! During the special period, all outsiders need to register to enter Fishman Island. ”

Just as the two got off the boat and were about to leave, the guards guarding the place immediately stepped forward to stop them.

“Huh? We’re here to find Neptune, you guys go and let me know. ”

Katakuri glanced over and said lightly.

When the words fell, the guards guarding the dock all changed drastically, and immediately became vigilant and stared at the two. I have to say.

The costume and temperament of Katakuri and Sand Crocodile are too much like villains.

And as soon as the two spoke, they were looking for King Neptune, and for a time, many soldiers were like great enemies.

“Who the hell are you?”

“Looking for Neptune’s people.”

The sand crocodile responded with a cigar in his mouth.

The identities of the two navies are inconvenient to disclose, so naturally they cannot be said. However, it was precisely this 11 that aroused the vigilance of the soldiers of the Dragon Palace even more.

“If you don’t say it, then arrest you first.”

These mermaid soldiers, armed with spears and short swords, surrounded the two one after another.

Mainly, the recent smuggling of pirates and human traffickers into Fishman Island has shown a geometric multiplier. What’s more, the two people in front of him are not good people to look at.

And also want to find the king, then first arrested, it must be right.

“Are you looking for death?”

What kind of temper Katakuri and Klokdal were, when they heard this, their faces immediately sank. The soldiers’ words can deter others, but they cannot deter them.


Katakuri released an overlord-colored domineering aura, and those guards only felt that a powerful aura suddenly emanated from the comer, as if three waves had drowned everyone.

The next moment, many soldiers escorted them, like stakes, plopping down.

“It seems that this trip will not go well.”

Klokdal took a cigar in his mouth, and the expression on his face gradually became strange.

He patted Katakuri on the shoulder, and the two then walked towards Fishman Street in the open. At the same time, the alarm in Dragon Palace City suddenly sounded.

“Alas, are there another pirates coming to cause trouble…”

Neptune stroked his forehead and sighed sadly, and the three young princes also sighed. Although they were a little surprised by the strength of these pirates, they did not take them seriously.

After all, because of Filscher Tiger, the situation on Fishman Island has become more and more bad during this time.

The navy withdrew most of the navy stationed on Fishman Island because of the attack on the Holy Land of Marijoya; And here is the only way for pirates to travel to the new world, and it is inevitable that pirates will arrive.

Among them, many pirates had the crooked idea of occupying a stronghold here after hearing about the lack of naval garrisons on Fishman Island. However, they never succeeded.

Neptune still has a lot of confidence that Fishman Island is a guard.

But at this moment, Gui Chengxiang shouted and hurriedly ran in.

“Your Majesty, it’s not good! There is an enemy attack! ”

Neptune frowned, and said to the turtle minister with a slightly reproachful tone: “Isn’t it just some little pirates?” This is the first time in a recent time, Guicheng Xiang, don’t always make a fuss. ”

Boom–As soon as the words fell, a loud noise came from the entrance of Dragon Palace City.

“Your Majesty… Someone wants to break into Dragon Palace City! ”

At this time, a Dragon Palace Guardian hurriedly came and reported with a cold sweat on his face.

“What! These thieves are so bold! ”

As soon as he heard that someone was going to break into Dragon Palace City, the eldest prince Shark Star jumped up at once, and the other two princes were also angry.

“Father, please send me to meet the enemy!”

Shark Star was the first to invite Ying to fight, and Emperor Star and Rollover Star also said so.

Neptune looked at his three children with a look of relief in his eyes. My own children have also grown up.

At the entrance to Ryugu Castle, Klokdal and Katakuri stand side by side.

Dragon Palace City is also heavily guarded, with many guards, and just repelled one wave, and the next wave has already surrounded it.

But the strength of these guards was really not enough, and Katakuri and Klokdal easily defeated them before they could exert their strength

“It’s all about miscellaneous fish to waste time!.”

Klokdal snorted his cigar and sneered maniacally.

“The strength of the fish man is less than half of the strength on land, don’t underestimate anyone.”

Katakuri clasped his arms and said lightly.

As soon as the words fell, he also made a move.

The ability of the glutinous fruit was activated, and Katakuri’s arm turned into a rice cake, clenched his fists like cannonballs, rotating and fiercely bombarding forward, the huge impact smashed towards the wall against many mermaid guards, and actually pierced the wall!

Klokdal, on the other hand, turned his arm into a crescent-shaped sand blade, and then released it in gigantic, and the fishmen who were hit found that they had not received substantial damage, and they all touched their bodies in amazement.

However, in the next second, they found that the water in their bodies was rapidly disappearing, and finally fell into a coma due to lack of water.

“These soldiers, endlessly.”

Klokdal looked at the fallen guard and said angrily.

You know, they are here to recruit, and the proportion of shots is just right. Only make the enemy weak, but not hurt the opponent.

However, one wave fell, another wave came.

Time has been consumed, but not even Neptune’s shadow has been seen. And this time.

The three princes of Dragon Palace City came out side by side, and the first thing that caught their eyes was a group of guards who fell to the ground. Their hearts were pounding, and their eyes quickly focused on the two standing figures in the center of the battlefield. Katakuri and Klokdal apparently also noticed them 867.

The two grinned.

It was this smile that fell in the eyes of the three princes, but it was no less terrifying than a demon. Moreover, in terms of breath alone, you can feel the strength of the uninvited guest.

Although there were three people, their strength was comparable to that of Klokdal and Katakuri, who had been trained for a long time, and they could only passively raise the weapons in their hands to resist the attacks of the two.

“I can’t even fight one!”

After a few moves, the sand crocodile was disappointed.

So he no longer wasted time and directly killed the other party.


In Dragon Palace City, Neptune was still waiting for the news of the princes’ victory in the first battle.

But just minutes before they went out, a guard stumbled in and reported to him with a frightened face: “Your Majesty, something is wrong!” The three princes were defeated! ”


Neptune’s eyes widened in anger, expressing difficulty in accepting the news he had heard.

“Moreover, the two thieves used the princes as a threat to open the entrance to Dragon Palace City, otherwise… Otherwise, it will make Dragon Palace City look good! ”

The guard looked at the enraged Neptune and added with a hesitation.

“What a dare!”

Neptune’s anger had reached the extreme, and he angrily picked up the trident and wanted to strike himself. However, at this moment, a tall figure came to Neptune.

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