Chapter 178: Is the Heavenly Punishment General Qualified? 【Customizable】.

The mermaid guards could not understand the situation in front of them.

I didn’t know that I was afraid of the powerful opponent in front of him, so I paused the attack.

Just saw that the other party did not talk about martial arts meddling, so they blocked in front of Shen Ping.

“Get out of the way, this is not someone you can deal with.”

Shen Ping said in a deep voice.

“Captain Shenping! Please let’s fight together! ”

The fish-man guards said in a loud voice, none of them flinched from the coward. Even if they die here today, they will not hesitate.

Fishman Island has been oppressed by humans for thousands of years, and human trafficking is common. Even in the year 1320 of the Hai Yuan calendar, Mermaid Island and the world government established diplomatic relations.

This situation has not disappeared, and mermaid trafficking is everywhere.

When Katakuri saw the eyes of these fish-man guards, he understood that they could not solve the problem with violence today. They are here to help Mermaid Island, not to destroy Mermaid Island.

“We didn’t come here to fight.”

Katakuri looked at Shin Ping.

These mermaid guards can’t communicate, but this captain named Shenping doesn’t look like a fool.

“We at Fishman Island always welcome friends, but I have never seen any kindness from the two of you!”

The other party fought all the way, and I don’t know how many mermaids were injured.

“From the beginning, we have made our intention clear, and you have been blocking Neptune, the 480 king of Fishman Island, who wants to see Fishman Island.”

Katakuri said lightly.

Shen Ping frowned, and immediately asked the fishman guards beside him. Did the other party come to see Neptune?

“Captain Shenping! They did say they wanted to meet the king, but these two men were not good people at all, so no one believed them. ”

A fishman guard who knew the specifics explained.

Mermaids are already hostile when they see humans. The attitude of the other party is very arrogant, and fighting is inevitable. As soon as Shen Ping heard it, he understood the reason.

“His Majesty the King is not something that anyone wants to see, he can see!”

As the captain of the guard, Shen Ping still has to maintain the dignity of the Dragon Palace.

“What if this concerns the future of Mermaid Island?”

Katakuri said slowly. The future of Mermaid Island?

Shen Ping and the mermaid guards were all stunned, and the other party’s strength was strong and the source was unknown. When you come to Mermaid Island, you dare to say such a thing, who is it!

“Who are you, and what qualifications do you have to talk about the future of Mermaid Island!”

At this time, the gate of the Dragon Palace slowly opened, and a huge mermaid with a steel fork slowly walked out. It was Neptune, the king of Mermaid Island.

“Your Majesty!”

Even equal people immediately saluted respectfully.

Neptune’s patience had reached its limit, and the enemy had not solved it for so long. The face of Mermaid Island is about to be lost.

So he went out himself, but he happened to hear Katakuri’s speech.

The other party even mentioned the future of Mermaid Island as soon as he opened his mouth, and did not put himself as a king in his eyes at all. As if Mermaid Island was something they could hold at will.

“Let me tell you what eligibility is.”

Katakuri smiled slightly. Looking around at everyone, he slowly said those four words.

“Heavenly Punishment General!”

Neptune’s body was shocked, and the steel fork in his hand almost slipped. The people were even more frightened and pale.

Heavenly punishment general, this is no longer a role that Mermaid Island can provoke.

“You are sent by the Heavenly Punishment General!”

Shen Ping asked tremblingly.

“That’s right, we came to Mermaid Island to convey orders to you on the instructions of the Heavenly Punishment General!”

Katakuri nodded. Why did the Heavenly Punishment General set his sights on Mermaid Island!

Also sent people directly, for Mermaid Island, it is a blessing or a curse!

Neptune was caught in hesitation, which was also a huge challenge for him. After a moment, Neptune figured it out.

In this matter, in fact, he has no choice.

“Since you represent the Heavenly Punishment General, please come in.”

Saying that, he took the lead and entered the Dragon Palace.

“Two please come with us!”

Shenping also lowered his posture. Katakuri took a step and walked towards the gate.

At the same time, he glanced at Klokdal, who was still lying on the ground, with his eyes.

Klokdal was not lightly injured just now, and now he is also gritting his teeth and climbing up. A mouthful of blood rushed up again and was forcibly swallowed back by Klokdal.

There must be no shame at this time,

“Why won’t they listen to me?”

Klokdal muttered unconvinced. Obviously, he also said that there was something early Neptune, but Shenping ignored him.

And Katakuri just made a move to overwhelm Shenping, and the other party was able to calm down and negotiate well.

“You’re too weak.”

Katakuri, although he had gone a long way, answered the question anyway.

In an understated tone.

This attitude of not being taken seriously made Klokdal almost explode. The blood seemed to be about to rush up again, and it was forcibly suppressed by him again.

The weak are not qualified to speak, and Klokdal has always understood this. It’s just that when he becomes this weak person, he still has a hard time accepting it.

As representatives of Lu Chen, Katakuri and Klokdal enjoyed the highest level of courtesy at the Dragon Palace. Neptune and his three sons were greeted inside the palace.

However, the three princes all had injuries, or these two distinguished guests did it, resulting in a somewhat awkward atmosphere for a while.

“I don’t know what news the Heavenly Punishment General entrusted you to bring.”

Neptune asked directly.

The tone was very respectful, which was respect for the Heavenly Punishment General.

“Quite simply, General Heavenly Punishment invited you to join the navy and relocated all the mermaids to the vicinity of Wano Country to be sheltered by General Heavenly Punishment, and no one dared to harass you from now on.”

Katakuri cut to the chase and said Lu Chen’s plan. Hearing these words, everyone in the palace was shocked.

For a while, no one made any moves, and even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, as if the people in the entire palace were petrified. What to say about this plan, it’s crazy!

The entire mermaid clan relocated to Wano Country? What a grand project. How many dangers and obstacles will appear on the way.

But once successful, the mermaid tribe will not have to worry about the safety of the group for hundreds of years to come. Wano Country is notoriously easy to defend and difficult to attack, and many people who want to explore Wano Country have returned in vain.

What’s more, with the protection of the Heavenly Punishment General, it should be impossible for anyone to dare to make a move against the mermaid clan. No one will dislike their long life, and provoke the heavenly punishment general what will happen in the end.

Countless people have proven this at the cost of their own lives.

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