Chapter 179: Unknown Prophet, Born King [Seeking Self-determination].

“Why should the Heavenly Punishment General help Mermaid Island.”

Neptune voiced the only doubt in his mind.

Although Fishman Island is theoretically one of the countries recognized by the world government, it does not have in-depth cooperation with the navy. They have never seen road dust, and it is difficult to imagine that road dust wants to help them.

“Teacher’s thoughts have always been difficult to guess, but this is an opportunity for your mermaid clan.”

Katakuri replied. He didn’t know why Lu Chen did this.

But in Katakuri’s heart, the teacher is absolutely right. Neptune was a little disappointed.

He stared carefully into Katakuri’s eyes, trying to get a real answer from the other’s eyes. But Katakuri’s eyes did not evade in the slightest, proving that he was not lying.

Taking a deep breath, Neptune was already about to refuse.

There is no such thing as a free lunch, everything has a price.

The Heavenly Punishment General cannot help them for no reason, he must ask for something. Moreover, entering the country of Wano, life may not be so free, and it will be restricted everywhere. Once the Heavenly Punishment General turns his face and does not recognize people, the mermaid tribe will even be in danger of extinction at that time.

Today, although Mermaid Island is frequently attacked, it is not yet a crisis of survival.

“Go back and ask for trouble to tell the Heavenly Punishment General…”

Neptune was ready to decline the invitation of the Heavenly Punishment General. At this time, Princess Otohime entered the palace hall.

The beautiful face with long golden wavy hair, blue pupils and orange hair accessories are the appearance of the mermaid in everyone’s dreams.

“Princess Otohime, why are you here!”

Seeing Otohime coming, Neptune looked a little nervous, and immediately came to the side to take care of her and sat down. Otohime’s health has always been bad, and a slight collision can lead to an open fracture.

“The messenger of the Heavenly Punishment General is here, how can I, as the queen of the Dragon Palace, not come.”

Otohime smiled slightly. Both Takuri and Klokdal felt like a spring breeze, and their moods had changed repeatedly.

“Dear two guests, I am Princess Otohime, welcome to the Dragon Palace!”

Katakuri was shocked.

I have long heard that Otohime has a natural domineering and very powerful appearance.

Not only can you perceive each other’s thoughts and emotions, but you can even influence other people’s minds and thoughts and change each other’s values. This is not a realm that can be achieved by cultivation, it belongs to an innate talent.

Rarer than overlord domineering.

Katakuri himself is also the owner of domineering and envious of this ability.

“If we had seen the Empress earlier, maybe we wouldn’t have had to call in.”

Klokdal whispered. It can make Klokdal feel a little regretful, which is enough to witness the domineering strength of Otohime.

“I can feel that the two of you came with a peaceful will, the previous conflict was just a misunderstanding, and now we are all friends.”

Otohime also smiled at Klokdal.

“It’s a friend, it’s a friend.”

Klokdal nodded repeatedly.

If he wasn’t very familiar with Klokdal, Katakuri thought that this kid was a good talker.

“Princess Otohime, maybe you are the one who can take Mermaid Island to the future.”

Katakuri then repeated his previous suggestion. Otohime was equally shocked.

The reason is that this plan is much better than Otohime’s original plan!

In order to be able to understand and get closer to humans, Otohime has long planned to move all the inhabitants of Fish Island to land. Over the years, Otohime has personally taught the children of Fishman Island about land, and has also rescued humans who have been shipwrecked.

The purpose is to eliminate hatred with human beings and ultimately coexist with human beings.

Otherwise, in this world with more and more pirates, the mermaid island below Chambord Island has no future after all. This is the necessary way to the second half of the Great Voyage, and sooner or later it will be destroyed.

Now the idea of the Heavenly Punishment General actually coincides with himself, and even a more perfect path. What a great idea to move to the country of Wano.

“Can I talk to the Heavenly Punishment General personally?”

Otohime really wanted to talk to the legendary figure of Lu Chen.

“No problem.”

Klokdal preemptively agreed. Immediately took out the phone worm from his arms and dialed Lu Chen’s number.

Katakuri shook his head silently, this kid was still far away, and he couldn’t even detect that he had been affected by Otohime’s domineering. After Brubru rang twice, the phone bug connected.

“Hello King Neptune and Princess Otohime, as well as the three princes here, I am Lu Chen.”


Lu Chen’s side was full of kind tones, and he was the first to speak.

“Heavenly Punishment General! How do you know we’ll contact you! ”

Neptune was shocked, but they hadn’t spoken yet.

“Otohime is not the only one who has the ability to see and domineer.”

Lu Chen’s slightly smiling voice came.

Could it be that the other party had expected them to call!

Neptune couldn’t imagine that someone’s domineering spirit could reach such a level!

“General Heavenly Punishment, thank you for your concern about Mermaid Island, we want to know why you chose to shelter Mermaid Island!”

Otohime’s side directly questioned.

Only by knowing the reasons can they make the final decision. After all, the future of the entire mermaid clan is at stake, and it cannot be hasty.

“Because there is a natural king of the sea who is about to be born on Mermaid Island, she will affect the whole world in the future, and the best way for me to ensure that she can grow up unharmed is in Wano Country, under my care.”

Lu Chen also had nothing to hide, and directly said the reason.

“The King of the Sea is about to be born? Don’t know who you’re referring to? ”

Neptune wondered. Their royal family has been the masters of Mermaid Island for thousands of years.

And in the future this position is about to be ceded to someone else?

“Princess Otohime, didn’t you tell Neptune?”

Lu Chen was slightly stunned.

It stands to reason that it is also the day when Otohime conceives the white star, and the only explanation is that Otohime has not told her husband yet.

“It’s been a busy time lately, so I haven’t had time to tell you yet, sorry.”

Sure enough, Otohime showed an apologetic look at Neptune.

Neptune still had the intention of complaining, and his eyes were all distressed. He knew that Otohime was so worried about the future of the mermaid clan.

Originally, Neptune also let Otohime rest for a day today, but Otohime heard the movement and came over by herself.

“You paid too much for the mermaid!”

“This is for the future of the mermaid clan as a whole, and I can’t just think about taking care of myself.”

The feelings of the king and the queen also moved everyone present.

The three princes wept with joy, and they were all ready to welcome new life.

“How did the Heavenly Punishment General know that Her Majesty the Empress is pregnant.”

Shen Ping suddenly said three.

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