Chapter 180: Luffy’s nephew, brother, you are a grandfather [Please customize].

This sentence instantly sobered everyone up.

Neptune looked even more dumbfounded and opened his mouth, as if he could stuff a sea king beast. Otohime also stroked her slightly bulge, revealing a confused look. This child has not been pregnant for a long time, and she has never said anything to the public.

Even her husband, Neptune, didn’t know how the Heavenly Punishment General knew from thousands of miles away.

“Not only did I know that Princess Otohime was pregnant, I also knew it was a girl.”

Lu Chen answered Shen Ping’s question. Although Neptune and the others had long heard of the great achievements of the Heavenly Punishment General.

But I didn’t know that the Heavenly Punishment General was so magical.

Even the gender of the unborn child is known, and what is even more amazing is that they do not have the slightest doubt. It is as if the words of the heavenly punishment general are the future that is about to be realized.

“How about moving to Wano Country, I can ensure your safety along the way.”

Lu Chen said again.

“Please allow us to discuss!”

Neptune said immediately.


Next, Neptune and Princess Otohime whispered for a while, and soon reached a consensus.

“General Heavenly Punishment, we are very grateful for your concern for Mermaid Island, and we also want to go to Wano Country.”

Neptune spoke first

“But this matter is too important, it is no longer a matter for the two of us to make a decision, we must persuade the whole people, please give us some time.”

Otohime then added.

“No problem.”

Lu Chen agreed.

“Thank God for the punishment general.”

Both Neptune and Princess Otohime breathed a sigh of relief and let go of their hearts that had been hanging. Wano Kuni, naval branch.

Lu Chen hung up the phone worm and leaned back in his chair. He didn’t mind giving Mermaid Island more time.

Anyway, Poseidon, one of the ancient weapons, will not give up himself. Drop by drop.

The phone worm slowly spat out a fax from his mouth. Lu Chen took it and looked at it, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The fax came from a never-before-seen phone number, not from inside the Navy. But you don’t need to check him to know who sent the fax.

Because the content of the fax is very simple, only six square words. My son’s name is Luffy!!


Somewhere on the Great Passage, there is a country caught in war.

Just now, the revolutionary army achieved another major victory, leading the awakened commoners to overthrow the rule of the nobility. The aristocracy of this country collected heavy taxes every year, and the people did not live well.

Often for a piece of bread, you have to fight for your life. Dragon succeeded in igniting this anger of them.

He just let the commoners of this country know that the dogs of the nobility eat countless times better than them. Resistance simply starts by killing a dog.

Such a little bit of Mars has become a blazing trend.

Now the nobles have become prisoners, and the commoners have finally become the masters of the country.

They were raiding the warehouses of the nobles and distributing to their families the grain that had been piled up to the point of mold. Dragon made them understand a truth.

That is, without these nobles riding on their heads, their life would be better.

The initiator of all this, Dragon, has already taken the revolutionary army and prepared to leave the country. The tinder is already left, and the igniter is no longer needed.

Standing on the dock, the dragon has stopped paying attention to the country. Instead, he looked to the east, his eyes blazing.

The companions of the revolutionary army have long been accustomed to this state of dragons. Suddenly from behind the dragon came the baby’s cry.


The expression of Long’s fierce face suddenly softened, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but raise a slight arc.

“Uncle, my son’s name is Luffy, and I hope he can be like you, a man who stands up to the sky.”

A fiery red sun is floating on the sea level, like the hope of a new era.

The dragon’s gaze became firm again, and he turned and stepped onto the deck.


Ivankov and the others all watched the dragon’s every move, and showed a knowing smile at this time.


Everyone said.

The boat slowly left the dock and headed for the next place. Wano Country.

Lu Chen finally put down the fax that he had been looking at for a long time. I don’t know if my brother Karp knows the news.

Dragon probably won’t tell Karp, so he’ll act as a messenger himself. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a little pitiful for Karp not to know that his grandson was born.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen dialed Karp’s number.

Brubru, the phone was connected from the opposite side.

“Brother, there is a good thing to tell you.”

Lu Chen said first.

“Bastard brother, I actually thought of calling your brother! What’s the matter, it won’t be some trouble that I can’t make a move, hahaha! ”

Karp’s hearty laughter came from the other end of the phone.

“You’re going to be a grandfather, Dragon has a son.”

Lu Chen didn’t want to fight with Karp, he came to inform his brother of Xi. Because the news was too shocking, Karp’s brain instantly crashed, and he did not react for a while.

“How do you know! When is the thing! Why didn’t that guy Dragon inform me first! ”

When Karp understood, he immediately questioned loudly.

Of course, Lu Feng would not answer Karp’s question, but only told his grandson’s name was Luffy. Why the name, Karp certainly understands.

“Humph! The name is quite similar to that of this guy like you, I am afraid that he will be a no-show like you in the future. ”

Karp said disdainfully. Those who dare to say that the Heavenly Punishment General has no interest, I am afraid that there is only Karp in this world.

But it is precisely because of good relations that such words can be spoken.

“Well, if your grandson can have half of my strength, you can steal the fun.”

Lu Chen’s mouth is also not to be outdone.

“In the future, you will be careful to be beaten all over the ground by this kid, I will train him to become the strongest navy, and I will personally take your place in the future.”

Karp already has an ambitious plan.

Of course, he would not have imagined that in the future, this grandson would become a man who aspired to be the king of one piece.

“By the way, where is that guy from Dragon, I want to see my grandson.”

Karp then said.

“Sorry brother, I don’t know the location of the dragon either.”

Lu Chen apologized, of course he knew Karp’s mood.

It’s just that because he has suffered blows before, Long is very cautious this time and does a good job of concealment. It has also been a long time since my side received information about revolutionaries.

“This unfilial son, sooner or later I will be angry!”

Karp angrily walked around the office a few times, and finally sat back on the chair helplessly. The navy and the revolutionary army are themselves two forces with different positions.

“By the way, there is something to tell you, I will be promoted after a while, and Zefa and I will take a back seat, and the position of the new marshal will be chosen between you and the Sengoku!”

This is a meeting held at the headquarters of the Navy in the morning, and only people of the rank of admiral participate.

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