Chapter 183: The Battle of the Marshals, the New Three Generals [Seeking Custom].

Time flies.

Lu Chen visited the Navy’s training today.

The elite of the 5,000 mermaid clan brought by Shenping has been perfectly integrated into the Wano Country Navy. became usable combat power, not the previous scattered sand.

Although the mermaid tribe has strong individual combat ability, it does not have any training system. When it comes to battle, it is all rushed.

This has a lot to do with the fact that Mermaid Island has remained isolated until then. It is indispensable to train the mermaid tribe to such a point. For this reason, Lu Chen also specially praised Shen Ping.

“It is my honor to serve the Heavenly Punishment General!”

Shenping was excited.

During this time in the country of Wano, he felt more and more that he had made the most correct action in his life. The Heavenly Punishment General is so young and is competing for the position of Marshal of the Navy.

Following Lu Chen, their mermaid clan also has a great future.

Shenping had also contacted Mermaid Island a long time ago and told Neptune and Princess Otohime about the situation here without concealment. When the next batch of Fishman Island immigrants will be dispatched depends on the decision of the king and princess.

“Do a good 700 dry, with your strength, you will also have a foothold in the navy in the future.”

Lu Chen nodded. What is lacking today is only merit.

Encouraged by Lu Chen, Shen Ping was more energetic.

“General! Blockbuster news! Briefings from the headquarters for all navies! ”

A soldier hurriedly ran over, holding a fax in his hand. Lu Chen took it and looked at it, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“It’s finally here!”

At the same time, all navies of the world received this notification. And the news newspaper also reported this matter at the first time. Originally, Marshal of the Navy was promoted to the commander-in-chief of the three services.

The former general of the army Karp and the former admiral Zefa retained the position of general and took a back seat. The former vice admirals Green Pheasant, Yellow Ape, and Red Inu took up their posts and became the new three generals.

But the most critical position of marshal, the report does not mention who will inherit. The news of such a change in the navy shocked the whole world.

“The position of the naval marshal should logically be uncle’s, but the Holy Land is not directly appointed, and it seems that the Holy Land does not trust the uncle very much.”

The dragon sat in the cabin, holding the newspaper and lost in thought.

As the dragon matures, he can see more truth in his eyes. Whether in terms of merit or prestige in the navy, Lu Chen is the best candidate. There are rumors that the Warring States will compete with Lu Chen for the position of Marshal of the Navy.

In Long’s view, the Warring States are not qualified to compare with Lu Chen.

For some reason, Long remembered what Lu Chen had said to himself before.

“I see an uncertain future from you!”

A bitter smile appeared at the corner of the dragon’s mouth.

Not to mention his future, what will happen after connecting, Dragon is not sure. However, Daddy Karp took a back seat, which relieved the dragon.

At least not directly in the future when you meet daddy on the battlefield.

“Dragon! Here it is. ”

Ivankov pushed open the door.

“Got it.”

The dragon stood up and walked to the deck.

The breeze blows on your face, and an island is greeted by you.

“I smell decay, so let’s bring new ideas.”

There is no doubt that yet another oppressive State of civilians is about to be overthrown.

Elsewhere in the world, too, there is a discussion that gets bogged down.

The new three generals had nothing to talk about, and all focused on the vacant position of marshal. Especially within the Navy, there has already been a lot of quarrels over this.

Many navies do not understand why Lu Chen cannot directly take over the empty position. Rather, it is to vacate the position of marshal.

The news that the Warring States were going to compete with Lu Chen had also spread throughout the entire navy.

Most of the navies and dragons are the same, believing that Lu Chen is more qualified to become a naval marshal. It’s not that the Warring States are not good enough, it’s just that it can’t compare to road dust.

An island on a great shipping route.

Whitebeard took the wine bowl and drank it, and then showed the empty bottom of the bowl to the other party. The only person who can make Whitebeard treat him so carefully is Shanks.

Shanks also drank the bottom of the bowl dry to show his respect for Whitebeard. Who would have thought that in such a wide place as the Great Voyage, the two sides could meet on this island.

“What do you think of the change in the navy here.”

Whitebeard inevitably mentions the recent major events that have sparked world discussion.

“I’m afraid it’s a precursor to a big move, and these three newly appointed generals are not simple.”

Shanks said with a frown. It is said that the new official took office with three fires.

The other party will definitely launch a purge of the pirates to consolidate their position as a general.

“Three little hairy heads, I mean the position of the marshal.”

Whitebeard shook his head. The three people of the green pheasant, the red dog and the yellow ape are not worried in the eyes of Whitebeard.

In Whitebeard’s opinion, even if they are stronger, they will not be much stronger than the older generation of Karp and others. The only one who really makes Whitebeard feel jealous is Lu Chen.

“That one doesn’t seem to me to be suspenseful, it must be road dust.”

Shanks has long believed in his heart that Lu Chen is the final victor.

“Also, compared with Lu Chen, the Warring States is a little mediocre after all, I just don’t know if the Holy Land will let Lu Chen be this marshal.”

Whitebeard’s intelligence system has also infiltrated the Navy. I know more or less about the top intelligence.

“There will be no suspense, now the Holy Land does not agree, and sooner or later it will give in.”

Shanks drank another large bowl of wine depressed.


Whitebeard nodded.

It was at this time that Marco walked to Whitebeard’s side. whispered something to Whitebeard.

Whitebeard’s face changed, and his expression was much more solemn.

Shanks’ eyes were curious, but he didn’t ask.

“Lu Chen has taken action, several warships have left the country of Wano, and the banner of conquering all nations has been raised in an honorable manner!”

Whitebeard said slowly.

The other party is fanfare, and the news will soon reach Shanks, so there is nothing to hide. Click.

Shanks’ wine bowl fell to the ground.

“Wanguo, is it also going to be finished!”

He looked shocked dark. As the so-called rabbit dies and the fox is sad, he is the next one if he can’t keep himself.

Whitebeard did not laugh at his opponent, and he also felt extremely jealous.

Just as Whitebeard had predicted, the news that Lu Chen was going to conquer the country of peace soon spread throughout the Great Voyage. Some pirates actually took the opportunity to say that this was a great opportunity to attack Wano Country.

If the road dust is not there, the country of Wano must be empty.

However, if the crew offered such a strategy, they were all scolded by the captain without exception, and some of them were directly driven off the ship. They have no intention of dying.

And the nations, which were the target of this time, fell into despair and panic.

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