Chapter 184: All Nations Fear, Aunt Angry [Ask for Custom].

Cake Island.

Today is the day of the big aunt’s pirate group banquet, and the Charlotte family gathers. Delicious cakes fill every table.

In front of the aunt’s throne, there is a huge cake that is exaggerated. It was covered with a thick layer of cream, which had already flowed onto the table. As is customary, it must be a day of laughter. At a family dinner, no one dares to appear unhappy.

However, now everyone’s face was full of fear, and they twisted uneasily. It’s like sitting on pins and needles.

The reason is very simple, just now they learned the news that the Heavenly Punishment General was about to attack the Ten Thousand Kingdoms. No one expected that he would become the target of the Heavenly Punishment General so quickly. And the other party is blatant, so that the whole world already knows.

No one dared to suggest escape, which would first suffer the anger of the aunt. But if they wanted to fight against the Heavenly Punishment General, they felt even more trembling. The other party is a naval hero, a legendary general.

There are countless pirates that have been damaged in the hands of the other party, and I am afraid that I am about to become the next one. The atmosphere of the banquet was depressing to the extreme.

As if this was not a banquet, but someone’s funeral. The aunt sat on the throne, and her face was all angry.

The news she just received ruined her appetite.

Even if the delicious cake is in front of you, the aunt can’t eat a bite. This made the aunt feel anxious.

Ember with a mask is holding a baby and sits next to the aunt. No one could see through his expression.

It’s just the baby’s occasional cry, which will make Ember go to comfort. Proof that sitting here is still a living person.

“That’s not true, is it? Is the second brother actually going to make a move against us? We are family! ”

In the end, it was the eldest son, the candy minister Perosperot, who couldn’t help but speak.

The tone, anger with hesitation and unease.

But it was Katakuri who made him angry first. As soon as these words came out, the people of the family were also shocked and frightened.

According to intelligence, Katakuri was also among the troops of this Wano Country expedition.

Before that, Katakuri was the most popular older brother in the family, and even had a fan group within the family. Now the most popular brother is starting to deal with them.

Katakuri, in particular, knows them well and knows everyone’s abilities. Familiarity with the terrain of the nations is also revealed.

It casts a shadow over this upcoming battle. Some younger family members have begun to secretly wipe their tears.

Now they have to go through the pain of family killing each other, which is not something they can bear. Under the huge pressure, they couldn’t help crying.

“Traitor! Traitor! ”

The aunt also slapped the table in front of her and roared. In an instant, the table was shattered.

The cake on it also scattered and splashed everyone.

But no one dared to erase it, for fear that he would become a substitute for Auntie’s anger.

When the aunt is angry, it is best not to provoke, the aunt at this time is irrational.

“Katakuri! You actually brought road dust to attack the nations! I want you to smash the corpse to pieces! ”

The aunt continued to growl.

“And you Lu Chen, who turned my most outstanding work into the navy! I want you to stay in all nations forever and be my bread! ”

Auntie’s feelings for Katakuri are completely different from those of other children.

A lot of emotion and hope were poured into Katakuri’s body.

It is something that the weak children cannot enjoy at all, and those children can only send out to marry and increase their allies. In my aunt’s opinion, this is the best destination for garbage.

Sometimes, she even regrets giving birth to this useless garbage. However, Katakuri is different and is an important combat force on his side. In the future, he will become a big help for One Piece.

Now she turned her brows to deal with herself, and it was difficult for my aunt to accept it. Seeing the aunt’s anger, everyone looked at Ember.

Among those present, only Ember, the new husband, could speak. Let the aunt calm the anger.

“The Heavenly Punishment General attacks all nations, and we must first think of a strategy to deal with it.”

Ember finally spoke.

Although it sounded like nonsense, it calmed down the aunt. Incompetent rage will not solve the problem.

Aunt can have today’s power, not just by brute force.

She also has a smart mind, but her hot temper is even more impressive.


“When you were in Wano Country, you experienced the means of road dust, do you have any way to deal with this bastard of road dust?”

Aunt looked at Ember.

In Auntie’s opinion, only Ember could provide valuable plans among those present.

“It is not a wise choice to fight the Heavenly Punishment General on land, it is better to choose a naval battle and ambush on the channel they must pass.”

Ember spoke.

It’s just that the tone is a little indifferent.

What he is more concerned about now is actually the baby in his arms.

This baby perfectly inherits the characteristics of the Lunaria tribe, and its body is capable of producing flames. It actually made Ember’s mentality change, and the child was the most important thing in his eyes.

“Good idea, I’m going to make it impossible for Lu Chen’s ships to enter the nations!”

Aunt nodded approvingly. Immediately start arranging for people to carry out this matter.

Those present were assigned their respective tasks.

It’s just that Ember who came up with this idea suddenly feels uneasy.

He recalled his past in Wano Country, the fear that had been dominated by Lu Chen’s powerful power. Can this plan of his own really block the Heavenly Punishment General?

Even such a solid place as the country of peace has failed, can the nations hold on? Perhaps the best way is to retreat from the nations as a whole.

Yet these words cannot be spoken.

No one who dares to talk about leaving in front of the aunt has left the world alive. Time passes day by day, and the information from the front is also endless.

A total of five warships were dispatched, and the person who stood on the deck every day and commanded was Katakuri. The other party did not have the slightest intention of concealing his whereabouts, and went straight to the world.

As for Lu Chen, the general of the Heavenly Punishment, he did not see a figure. The people who searched for intelligence did not dare to get too close.

The mood of the members of the Aunt Pirate Group also fell to the bottom.

Originally, they still had a trace of illusion in their hearts, thinking that Katakuri would be a disciple of Lu Chen even if he joined the navy. Will also be concerned about the identity of the family and not participate in this battle.

Who would have thought that Katakuri would not only come, but also look like a commander. Now the only thing they can do is to abandon their illusions.

Completely obey my mother’s orders and fight to the death with the navy.

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