Chapter 187: Fishman Legion, Aunt’s Confidence [Asking for Custom].

“What is it!”

Perospero sensed that something was wrong.

Because their ships have already begun to shake with the vortex. The helmsman is no longer able to grasp the direction.

“Mermaids, it’s mermaids!”

Finally, someone discovered the identity of these undersea ghosts, which turned out to be mermaids! In Auntie’s pirate group, there are also descendants of the mermaids.

Charlotte Plalinene, Auntie’s 21st daughter, is a hybrid of mermaid and human. She was the first to discover that the ghosts that move under the sea are actually mermaids.

“Attack! Attack all! ”

Perospero roared immediately. Without further ado, there can be no further delay.

The guns of more than a dozen pirate ships were already aimed at the warship and fired directly. Someone also launched an attack on the underwater fish-people.

By this time, however, it was too late to attack.

The vortex caused their ships to also sway from side to side, and most of the guns missed. Some even hit other pirate ships.

Those who were lucky not to deviate did not threaten the safety of the warship.

Pitch-black bullets popped out of Katakuri’s fingers, and all the shells that could threaten the warship were bombarded. Rice cake bullet blade!

Issued from the index finger, combined with the domineering glutinous rice balls of armed color. Much more flexible than the shells fired by pirate ships.

“Solve these begging mermaids first!”

Perospero is aware of not addressing the threat beneath the seabed. They will not be able to fight.

So everyone launched an attack on the bottom of the sea, and all kinds of weapons were used. The sea stirs up waves.

If it is land, I am afraid that it will be peeled off a layer of skin. After a few moments, the sea calmed down, and the previous vortex disappeared.

Perospero breathed a sigh of relief, this invisible enemy is the most difficult to deal with.

“No blood, no blood!”

Someone shouted.

Perospero woke up just now, and the matter was far from over.

“Be careful, the mermaids have not disappeared, they may be under our boat~”

The mermaids were no longer visible through the water, and the only explanation was that they had just hid under the boat. This is how to avoid the attack just now.


Before Perospero could continue to give orders, he felt the ship’s hull shake fiercely. He himself almost fell off the deck, but he grabbed the fence to stabilize his figure.

This is a 100-ton ship.

How many mermaids were under the ship to almost overturn their ship. When Perospero stabilized, he found that two ships had been directly overthrown. The mermaids, who had been hiding, finally surfaced.

However, what they did terrified Perospero even more. Every mermaid that appears pulls a pirate that has fallen into the water. These pirates never floated again.

“Retreat first, retreat first!”

In fact, without waiting for Perospero to give the order, everyone has already fled for their lives. Fighting mermaids at sea is inherently difficult to win.

What’s more, they were still ambushed by the other party this time!? Because of their familiarity with the waters of all nations, they mistakenly think that they are hunters.

Only at this moment did I find out that they were the prey of the chase.

Looking at the pirates fleeing in all directions, Katakuri directly ordered to drive straight in the direction of Cake Island.


A figure broke through the water and jumped directly in front of Katakuri. Exactly!

Holding two people in Shenping’s hands, he had already fainted.

“This is your family, it seems that they are all capable people.”

In the two pirate ships that were sunk just now, each had a person from the Charlotte family responsible for leading his pirates.

“Thank you, Shenping.”

Katakuri still had no expression on his face though.

But I am very grateful in my heart.

He also noticed that two family members had fallen into the water, but as the commander, he could not be the first to rescue them. Moreover, Katakuri is also a capable person and cannot enter the water.

Fortunately, with Shenping helping himself, his hands were not stained with the blood of his family.

“It was ordered by the general of heavenly punishment, and when you see the Charlotte family, try not to kill people.”

Shen Ping explained.

“Anyway, thank you anyway.”

Katakuri’s heart was even more moved.

I didn’t expect that the Heavenly Punishment General had already prepared for this matter in advance.

At this time, one by one, the fish-people also jumped on the deck, and there were about a thousand.

They have long secretly followed the warship, which is the confidence for Katakuri to dare to drive straight in.

“These pirates were beaten away by us, will the battle be easier to wait?”

Karokdal said to himself. He also thought that these escaped pirates would not return to the nations.

In general, it is not uncommon for defeated pirates to scatter.

“You think too much, no one dares to run away from mom, at least until mom is defeated.”

Katakuri said slowly. Although he did not return to the world for many years, he knew that his mother’s temper and rules could not be changed.

Cake Island.

A group of pirates really came back honestly, and they were all ashen-faced.


The aunt had a smile on her face and looked at everyone in front of her. None of them dared to raise their heads, and they all hunched their heads.

According to what they know about their mother, it must be Thunder’s Fury next.

“Actually, I didn’t expect you to stop the Heavenly Punishment General, and you don’t have to blame yourself too much, but you came back so much alive, I was surprised to hear it.”

The smile on Auntie’s face is still the same.

It turned out that the aunt thought that everyone had encountered the general of heavenly punishment, so the current situation was still acceptable. The faces of Perospero and the others were even more ugly, how dare they say that they had not seen the Heavenly Punishment General. It was already disturbed by the mermaid tribe and had to flee on its hind legs.

“It seems that the Heavenly Punishment has not made much progress in these years, and this battle may not be unwinnable.”

Ember also nodded next to him and said.

The fact that the vanguard was not completely wiped out was already good news in their opinion.

“Perospero, you’re doing well.”

The aunt praised even more.

Perosperot’s face turned pale and he didn’t know what to do. Without his mother’s compliment, he might have reported the truth. With the exception of Perospero, everyone else breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, the pressure on the heart is all on the eldest brother.

“Lingling! In this way, we will directly fight the Heavenly Punishment General on Cake Island, and it is not without a chance of victory! ”

The long bread also said next to him.

He is the real confidant of Auntie.

“That’s right, I’m not the little girl I used to be.”

Aunt nodded. Looking back on her experiences over the years, she has also grown a lot.

Not only the shape of the body, but also in various other senses.

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