Chapter 188: Steel Balloon, Charlotte Lingling [Customized].

The familiar scenery skimmed by and Katakuri knew they were about to land on Cake Island. The last time they left Cake Island, the family saw them off.

I didn’t expect to come again, as an enemy.

“Report, the pier ahead is very flat and empty!”

The soldier in charge of the lookout belt reported back that he was already able to see Cake Island. Katakuri frowned, he didn’t think that the Aunt Pirates would retreat. It seems that this is waiting for them to come ashore.

Otherwise, directly on the deck, Katakuri will not choose to land.

“Wow, it’s really a cake island, what a lot of cream.”

Robin came to the deck again, his eyes full of stars.

“Girls should go back, this is a manly battle.”

Ace also walked out. Although only a few hours had passed, Ace seemed to be calmer than before.

“You’re still far from growing up as a boy, so hurry back to overtime.”

Peach Rabbit came over and picked up one in one hand.

“I want to eat cake!”

“I’m going to fight!”

The two children protested.

Peach Rabbit turned into a tyrant at the moment, and did not care about the opinions of the two children at all. He slipped back into the room.

Arrange the three Hancock sisters, be sure to watch the two children.

“Lieutenant General, whether 287 landed or not!”

The dock was already close at hand, and there were soldiers who asked.

“Klokdal, you first lead five hundred soldiers to land as the vanguard!”

Katakuri calmly gave the order.


Klokdal smiled slightly, already impatient.

He is well aware of his role, which is to find enemies that may be hidden. Avoid receiving an ambush at the time of landing.

Led by Klokdal, five hundred soldiers took the lead in entering Cake Island to conduct a search. This is signaled only after it is determined that there is no enemy within five kilometers of the surroundings.

Katakuri led most of the remaining forces to follow the landing, leaving Momotu and some soldiers to guard the warship. Prevent someone from taking advantage of the opportunity to sneak attack.

The elite troops of the mermaid people also landed.

Just because land isn’t their home doesn’t mean they can’t fight on land. On the contrary, because of physical fitness, it is far stronger than the average naval combat effectiveness. If it weren’t for the small number of mermaids, the overlords of this world would not be able to take the turn of humans.

“Finally landed on Cake Island, we reached Auntie’s lair.”

“Sure enough, as the legend goes, it’s all made up of cakes.”

“Not only cake islands, but also many islands in the whole world are made up of food.”

“It is really tyrannical that such a place is occupied by pirates.”

The navies chattered, all looking very excited.

They walk in the woods, which are also made of cakes.

Some people can’t wait to start tasting the cake to see if it is as beautiful as the legend. Since there is the first one to eat, then there is a second, a third.

“Don’t eat the cake on the island, the battle is not over yet!”

Kataku scolded. This voice was adultered with domineering, and instantly shocked all the soldiers.

No one dared to disobey Katakuuri’s orders, and they all spit out the cake in their mouths. Actually, this cake is not delicious, but it looks good on the outside.

In earlier times, it was just an ordinary island.

It was the long bread that transformed the place, as well as the other surrounding islands, through the ability to eat the fruit. Eating fruit can make any object that the long bread touches become a physical object.

However, although this food can fill the stomach, it is actually not delicious.

“Eat, eat, I allow you to eat.”

A voice giggled.

The soldiers were puzzled and all looking for the direction of the sound.

Katakuri’s face changed, he was all too familiar with the voice. It’s Mom’s voice.

“Alert! The enemy is coming! ”

Kataku roared. The voice just fell.

A huge figure came out of the woods.

When they saw this terrifying being with the body of a small giant come out, the soldiers had realized who the person in front of them was.

The owner of the island of nations, aunt!

Even if the aunt has not released any domineering, many soldiers already feel shortness of breath. This is the innate sense of oppression of the aunt.

“Eat my cake, don’t want to leave here, give me your soul, he.”

Aunt laughed. In the eyes of the aunt, these soldiers are all food sent to the door.

You don’t need to eat them every six months, you can suck them dry at any time. Following the aunt are the cadres of the entire Auntie Pirate Group.

At this level of combat, ordinary pirates can no longer act as combat effectiveness. Both sides are competing for the strength of the core members.

Compared with the huge lineup of the Aunt Pirates, Katakuri’s side is indeed inferior in combat effectiveness on paper. Many soldiers have already begun to take a step back involuntarily, without them noticing it.

However, the mermaid tribe led by Shenping did not retreat at all.

They harbor the feeling of the Heavenly Punishment General, and they will definitely not be afraid to fight.

“What about the Heavenly Punishment General? I haven’t seen it for a long time. ”

The aunt looked around vigilantly, but found no trace of road dust. If it weren’t for the fear of Lu Chen’s strength, Aunt would have launched an attack long ago.

In fact, when Katakuri led the navy to land, there were already many eyes watching them. After discovering that Lu Chen did not follow this force off the ship, so the aunt appeared.

Assuming that Lu Chen appears here, then Aunt will lead the cadres to attack the naval ships. Against a strong enemy, it is normal to use strategy.

“Mom, surrender! Maybe there is still a chance to cooperate with the general of heavenly punishment and not be arrested. ”

Katakuri stepped forward and said, beginning to persuade Auntie.

did not answer Aunt’s question.

“What! Cooperate? Is your head broken, do I need to work with the Navy? ”

The aunt looked very unhappy and looked at Katakuri with an angry face.

There is no need for Katakuri to answer, Aunt has already decided that Lu Chen must be inside the warship. Then this is an opportunity for yourself.

If we can solve the group of navies in front of us, we will greatly weaken the combat effectiveness of the navy.

“If you don’t cooperate, then you will have to go to war!”

Katakuri said slowly.

“Katakuri! Are you really going to war with your mother? Don’t you have a family in your heart! ”

Aunt originally treated Katakuri and still had the last trace of illusion.

I think that after Katakuri sees him, he will think about the love between his family in the past. Return to your own family again and become the strongest combat power under your hands.

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