Chapter 189: The War of Mother and Son [Seeking Custom].

“Of course, my family is very important in my heart, but I must implement my beliefs and maintain the justice in my heart!”

Katakuri said, patting his chest.

“Are you worried about the rules I have set, I can make an exception for you once, and I will not punish you for leaving the family.”

Aunt thought a lot about this matter, and felt that Katakuri was still afraid of the rules he had set.

The existence of rules deters many people who want to leave, but it also makes some people dare not appear in front of them again. Katakuri, as an aunt, does not want to lose it so easily.

“Is I Katakuri a person who is afraid of death? Everything I do is for justice! ”

Katakuri threw away his cloak and stood straight in front of his aunt.

“Justice, justice? What is the use of justice, can it make me One Piece? Can I stop being alone? ”

Aunt is incomprehensible.

Why would Katakuri cling to such an ethereal thing.

“Mom, you will never understand, people like you will not have a real family at all.”

Karokuri sighed.

“What! You say I won’t have a real family? The island of Nations gathers the vast majority of this race! ”

Aunt has a fetish for collecting races and wants to build a paradise where all races live together.

This is a means for Aunt to conquer the world and can have the power that various races have. At the same time, it can also be used for marriage to strengthen the bond between yourself and other strengths.

In fact, the most important point is related to my aunt’s experience in the nuns’ house when she was a child. It was the happiest and happiest time for my aunt.

Among the nuns, too, there are people of multiple races.

The nuns who tolerate her and like her have become the most important person in Aunt’s heart.

She didn’t know that she was devouring everyone in a frenzy, and even gained the nun’s Devil Fruit ability. All Auntie wanted to do was copy a larger nuns’ house.

Regain the happiness and joy of the past.

But Katakuri actually said that he would never have a real family!?

“Katakuri, I’m angry, I’m going to destroy you with my own hands!”

His eyes were blood-red and he spewed fire, followed by a fist.

In an instant, the fist also turned into a black iron-like color. This is the armed color domineering covering the body.

Aunt is the domineering owner of the overlord color, but her armed color is more powerful.

The thunderclouds Zeus and Sun Prometheus overhead also became several times larger and flew above Auntie’s head.

“Get out of the way!”

Katakuri immediately realized that Auntie was about to wreak havoc indiscriminately. The aunt under the rage, when attacking, does not consider its problems. And what is even more terrifying is when my aunt has a seizure of eating sickness.

At that time, the aunt will fall into madness, the six relatives will not recognize it, and even her own children will be erased. When fighting, you will not make any dodges and defenses, only random attacks.

The most terrifying thing is that although the aunt will get sick from time to time, no one can kill the aunt while she is sick. Taking advantage of your illness to kill you, this sentence is not suitable for the aunt.

On the contrary, there are many assassins, who were directly shot to death by the aunt. The navy scattered in all directions, dodging the attack of the aunt.

Even the members of the Aunt Pirate Group are far away from Auntie. They also don’t want to be affected.

“Thunder and fire rage!”

The huge fist wrapped around flames and lightning and smashed towards Katakuri. Just by seeing this move, you can know the power of it.

Not to mention Katakuri who faced this punch.

Katakuri had no intention of fighting his aunt head-on, and he knew that there was no hope of winning. The only thing he can use is his fruit ability.

As well as the talent for seeing and hearing domineering!

Just before he could call everyone to retreat in advance, it was also he who sensed the danger.

Stepping back to dodge the attack, Katakuri held out a whip made of rice cakes from his hand. Directly wrapped around one of the aunt’s arms, and then pulled hard.

Bird rice cake! It was one of the tricks that Katakuri often used in the future.

Strong sticky ability, in the plot, even Luffy in the state of the fourth big snake can’t move. The aunt was unsteady on her feet, and she was really dragged to the ground by Katakuri.


The fat body fell to the ground, smashing up a cloud of dust.


The people of the Charlotte family shouted worriedly. On the contrary, the navy cheered.

“Let’s not be idle, it’s time to fight!”

Klokdal rushed forward at the first time.


His target was Perospero, the eldest son of the Charlotte family.

Shenping also launched an attack, but the person he attacked was a long bread!? The rest of the soldiers attacked in a joint manner, taking out muskets and other weapons.

The Fishmen have also joined the navy, and they have a tacit understanding with the navy.

It makes up for the weakness of human soldiers and the easy to be washed away.

Stood in front of the human soldiers and took on the task of cover. A big war is on the verge of breaking out, this is a battle between cadres and the navy. The two sides are deadlocked, and no one can take advantage for a while.

There are strong fish-people blocking the front, and the cadres of the Aunt Pirate Group cannot attack the soldiers behind. Instead, it was suppressed by the fire of the other side and could not find the opportunity to attack. But……

Everyone knows that the real key battle depends on the outcome of the battle between Aunt and Katakuri. Whoever fails, everyone on that side will be defeated.

“It’s yours, Katakuri!”

The aunt got up from the ground, her face even more angry. Grab the whip made of rice cakes and be burned directly into black soot.

Katakuri was equally shocked in his heart, he thought that this move would control his aunt for at least a while. But I didn’t expect to be easily lifted by my aunt.

“Zeus, Promi rest! Let’s get on together! ”

The aunt is already planning not to keep her hands.

“Yes, Mom!”

The two voices said in unison.

Two clouds flew directly in front of Katakuri and began to unleash attacks. Lightning and fireballs struck.

Katakuri pushed the sights to the extreme, foreseeing the direction of these lightning and fireballs. Shuttling back and forth in the thunder and fire, unharmed.


Suddenly a strange cry came from the aunt.

Kataku shuddered, seeing that the domineering suddenly did not work. You can only rely on the subconscious reaction of the body to dodge the thunder fire.

Within a few blows, he was hit several times, and his clothes were burned.

“It’s overlord-colored domineering!”

Katakuri gritted his teeth.

It has been found that it is the aunt who is influencing herself with the domineering color of the overlord. No, you must not throw in the towel.

Katakuri once again launched a domineering look, and suddenly felt a strange feeling at this time.

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