“God’s sanction!”

A lightning bolt the thickness of a bucket burst out from the wrist of the road dust.

While concentrating Aunt, it also caused a huge explosion.

Auntie was directly overturned on the ground by the gas wave caused by the explosion.

But soon she got up casually, without any scars on her body.

“Taste this!”

Auntie raised a hand above her head, and Zeus flew into the air.

A steady stream of soul power was injected into Zeus’s body, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a black thundercloud.

Zeus’s body is like a ball, looking like a ball of lightning.

Inside tumbled an astonishing electric current, at least about three kilometers in diameter.

Lu Chen looked at this trick and looked familiar, isn’t this [Lei Ying].

The move he used to destroy the Valley of the Gods before originally belonged to Anilu.

Auntie actually perfectly copied the trick of “one, two, three”, relying on the soul power of 100,000 people.

“How about it, about to be defeated by his own moves.” Auntie laughed proudly.

The scene that destroyed the Valley of the Gods was something that Auntie could never forget.

Someone can be so powerful.

The members of the Charlotte family on Cake Island began to retreat and flee when they saw this scene.

In the face of such a terrifying move, I am afraid that the entire island will be completely destroyed.

They realized that if they stayed here, they would fall victim to this great war.

Saving your life first is the most important thing at the moment.

As for Auntie’s anger, let’s wait until the battle is over.

However, when they came to the dock, they were shocked to find that the ships had been destroyed.

One by one, the pirates guarding the ship shivered, waiting for the impending punishment.

It’s just that no one wants to punish them now.

The cadres thought about how to avoid carrying goods.

“Using this trick in front of me can only show that you are too stupid.” Lu Chen looked at the move that imitated himself and shook his head.

“Then come and experience it!”

Auntie waved her arms.

The huge Zeus smashed down towards the road dust with the power of thunder.

It’s like the whole sky is falling.

Because Zeus has a soul, to some extent, this move is more powerful than Lu Chen’s move.

Zeus can use his fast movement ability to make the opponent nowhere to escape.

Auntie already showed a triumphant smile, she didn’t think that this trick could stop it.

The road dust did not move, looking up at Zeus who fell overhead.

He just held out a hand and snapped his fingers.

Zeus’s size began to shrink rapidly, and after a few seconds it actually disappeared.

Only a black orb remained, the soul that was injected into Zeus.

A small thunder ball appeared between Lu Chen’s fingers and bounced out.

Directly hitting that soul, a black smoke appeared, completely extinguished by ashes.

“What did you do! What about my Zeus! Auntie’s eyes widened.

“The ability of the soul fruit can inject souls into objects to give life to the other party, and you injected many souls into thunderclouds to get Zeus, but no matter how powerful Zeus is, it is still a thundercloud.” Lu Chen said lightly.

With the ability to sound thunder fruits, you can easily change the electromagnetic field.

He just directly caused the electromagnetic field in Zeus’s body to disappear.

Zeus also naturally turned into ordinary clouds and dissipated, leaving a place where the soul was not attached, floating alone in the air.

“Abominable, abominable!” Auntie growled.

Such a powerful move didn’t work!

It was even easily resolved by the other party, which made the aunt more angry.

“Bring out your true skills, this trick is useless.” Lu Chen shook his head.

Auntie’s strength lies in the addition of armed color domineering and soul fruit.

Zeus and Prometheus put it bluntly, just toys.

Auntie also realized this, and she was covered in pitch black.

Like a steel balloon, it rushed directly towards the road dust.

“That’s right.” Lu Chen also greeted him.


The fists of both sides touched together.

It was even more domineering collision, and the gas waves generated completely flattened the surrounding kilometers! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Knock knock knock!

The two sides did not stop, and their fists were like a violent storm.

The dust rushed to the sky, and the earth shook.

Auntie couldn’t believe why she couldn’t suppress the road dust.

It is clear that he has the soul power of 100,000 people.

“Ugh!” Auntie roared again.

Fist faster!

Although Zeus is gone, Prometheus still exists.

Directly attached to Auntie’s fist, every blow burns with flames 0…..

And road dust has changed the way of fighting.

Six-style Ape King Gun!

Kneading fist gossip sixty-four palms!?

Overlord gun!

With the movement ability brought by the thunder fruit, Lu Chen faced Auntie’s free move in a blink of an eye.

And every blow is attached to the domineering of the flowers.

Ryuzakura domineering is the name of the country of Wano, and it is actually a kind of armed color domineering.

Auntie’s armed color domineering strength lies in the ability to defend.

Ordinary damage could not destroy her domineering at all.

But this attack of road dust!

“Ahhh Auntie’s body has more scars.

Her armed color domineering shell was broken.

The most unacceptable thing for Auntie is that her size has become smaller!

While injured, the soul in her body also floated out of her body.

“Soul, my soul!” Auntie also wants to inhale these souls back into her body.

However, Lu Chen did not give Aunt this opportunity at all, and directly destroyed all these souls.

The soul that is drawn out by the aunt is equivalent to the life of the other party.

After it is stuffed back, it can restore life.

But who knows where these souls came from and whether the owner is still alive.

Simply wipe it all out, so as not to be used by Aunt again.

“Spit out all these souls, and you yourself will not suffer.” Lu Chen said.

“Wishful thinking! I will never lose! ”

Auntie clenched her fists, and a black smoke came out of her body. 0.2

At the same time, Auntie’s whole expression also became crazy.

“You’re burning these souls!” Lu Chen understood at once.

Since he has the ability to burn his life to gain power.

Of course, there are also ways to burn souls to gain power.

But this power is no longer something that Aunt can bear.

She had fallen into a fainting, but her body did not fall, relying on instinct to fight.

A lightning punch came towards Lu Chen.

The power is dozens of times greater than before.

Lu Chen dodged one by one, and it was irrational to fight hard at this time.

But the aunt had already identified the target, and the fist chased after her again.

The road dust raised the flight altitude, so that the aunt directly lost the target.

“Huh, past your own people?”

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