Auntie turned her head and walked towards the Charlotte family members in the distance.

Peropellos and the others were immediately frightened.

They know all too well the power of Auntie when she is angry.

Especially now that Auntie has absorbed so many souls, it belongs to a strong state.

Already like a steel chariot, it crushed towards them.




For a moment, everyone showed their powers and scattered.

No one wants to be a victim of Auntie’s anger.

The only person who stood up and blocked the path of Auntie’s advance was the long bread.

“Lingling, look at this delicious cake, wake up.”

I saw Chang Bread swing the long sword in his hand and slash at a giant next to him.

The giant was cut off a chunk and turned into a huge cake.

It is more than ten meters wide, all covered with cream and dotted with fruits such as strawberries.

It looks quite tempting.

According to previous experience, Auntie will definitely wake up after seeing the cake.

Because Aunt 05 becomes irrational, usually anorexia attacks.

But this time is different, Auntie is crazy because she burns her soul.

Directly smashed the cake with one foot, and then rushed to the long bread.

“Why doesn’t it work!” The long bread was shocked.

In the face of the fierce aunt, he had no ability to resist at all.

One kick and flying.

Heavily flew out tens of meters, fell to the ground unconscious.

The aunt did not let go of the old friend, but continued to lift her legs towards the long bread.

It seems that he intends to directly step on the long bread.

“Mom, please calm down!”

A man stood in front of the long bread.

But in the next second, he was trampled by himself and turned into a pile of slag.

However, no one around screamed, but took the opportunity to rescue the long bread.

These family members still have feelings and do not want to see other people die.

So some of the people ran back.

The person who was trampled on just now is Charlotte Klee, the tenth son of the Charlotte family.

At the same time, he is also the Minister of Biscuits, the ability of biscuit fruits, and one of the three stars of desserts.

What stood in front of Aunt just now was just a cookie shell made of a Klee rack.

Usually, he uses this shell to show people, and the wanted warrant is all about the shell.

Only the family knows his true face.

However, the aunt did not react, and even looked at the body of the Kriframe.

A punch smashed over.

“Cookie soldier!” The Klee Launcher activates the fruit ability.

In an instant, a large number of biscuit-making soldiers appeared in front of him.

These soldiers are in the plot, and Luffy can only be shattered when he turns on the fourth gear.

And it can be restored instantly, which is very difficult.

Unfortunately, because Auntie absorbed all the souls, these soldiers could not inject souls and could only be used as shields.

But even if they can act, they don’t dare to confront Auntie.

Click, click, click!

The walls made of cookie soldiers were easily shattered by Auntie.

Even because of the flames on the fist, the broken biscuits could not be recovered, and all of them were burned to ashes.

Klee tried desperately to dodge but was hit by a punch, and blood suddenly spurted wildly.

Seeing this, the people around also used various methods to stop Auntie.

But without exception, they all failed.

Their attacks can’t even hurt Auntie.

Instead, because he wanted to stop it, he was all injured by his aunt.

“Heavenly Punishment General! Please help us. ”

Finally, someone opened his mouth to ask Lu Chen for help.

Road dust floated silently in the air, unmoved. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Heavenly Punishment General! We surrendered! ”

“Yes, save me.”

More and more people began to beg for mercy, and some even fell to their knees.

Many of them are also well-known pirates.

Now he does not hesitate to abandon his dignity, more for his family.

Without a boat, no one with the ability can leave the island.

If you continue to let Aunt destroy it, the entire Charlotte family will be destroyed here.

“Well, for the sake of you all being members of the Katakuri family.” Lu Chen nodded.

The thunder sword appeared in his hand.

Take a deep breath and suddenly swing the knife to collect it, the whole process takes less than a second.

Seeing this, the people of the Charlotte family subconsciously thought of a trick.

I heard that it is the favorite use of the Kazunokoku samurai.

Speed and powerful moves.

If someone else uses it, I’m afraid it will be treated as a joke.

But the person in front of him is the Heavenly Punishment General, Lu Chen!

It is said that kendo has become a master, and it is known as the first in the world.


Someone is already wailing.

They all thought that their mother had been tricked.

It could fall apart in the next second.

However, the aunt was still alive, and did not mean to be hurt at all.

Could it be that the Heavenly Punishment General missed?

Or simply not ready to make a move, playing on them.

Some people are already desperate, are they going to die here.

At this moment, everyone suddenly felt that their feet began to vibrate.

A huge chasm suddenly appeared in the middle of Cake Island, and sea water gushed wildly from the cracks below.

The entire cake island was actually cut off by the road dust and split in two!

Auntie was right in the middle of the crack and fell directly into the seawater.

No matter how strong it is, it can’t resist the side effects of the evil 333 Demon Fruit.

The whole person fainted directly.

Those absorbed souls also floated in the air.

Without Auntie’s control, these souls also scattered.

Find your own master.

At this time, someone used the fruit ability to fish up the aunt.

But because the wear and tear just now was too serious, Auntie was still in a coma.

Klockdar also saw the battle on the shore and ordered the naval soldiers to attack at this time.

Seeing that the navy surrounded him, the members of the Charlotte family all raised their hands in surrender.

They all knew they couldn’t run.

There was a heavenly punishment general in the air, no one had the idea of resisting, surrender was the only way to survive.

All were taken to handcuffs made of sea lou stone.

There have been many instances in the Navy where people have escaped by hiding their identities.

For example, in the plot, Bucky successfully concealed his identity as a capable person in the advancing city.

He was not taken to the sea floor stone, thus planning the prison escape.

The reason for this paragraph is not that the navy is not vigilant enough.

It is that the navy’s sea floor stones are limited in number and can only be cherished and used.

Some pirates without detailed information may indeed fool through.

But Lu Chen’s subordinate navy does not have this concern.

Not to mention the hands, even the feet must carry the shackles made by Hailou Town.

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