The waters of all nations.

At this time, another group of fleets appeared above this sea area.

Standing on the deck and looking into the distance are the red men in the navy today.

Akainu, who had just been promoted to general! When he joined the navy, he was called a monster.

With the lava fruit, his whole person also looked very irritable.

Because he is too obsessed with justice, he does not hesitate to discharge evil.

This indifferent behavior made his subordinates also fear him.

However, some people say that the red dog has some shadows of the Heavenly Punishment General.

It’s a pity that no matter from the strength or merits of both sides, the two people have no room for comparison at all.

“General! The wreckage of two pirate ships was found ahead! “Soldiers came to report.

“Was it sunk by a warship?” Akainu asked.

“After inspection, there are no scars on it, maybe it was bad luck to encounter the sea king beast.” The soldier said.

Hearing this, Chi Inu smiled slightly.

“Needless to say, it must have been done by the Navy of the Wano Country, otherwise there would not be such a coincidence on the Great Route.”

“It seems that the Heavenly Punishment General’s voyage went smoothly, and they didn’t suffer any trouble in this sea, and I thought they would definitely be damaged if they were ambushed.” The adjutant general next to him breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, this is already Auntie’s territory.

“Hehe, you haven’t seen the Heavenly Punishment General, you won’t understand, no one in this world is his opponent, and the Aunt is even more unlikely to hurt the Heavenly Punishment General.” The red dog looked adored.

“If that’s the case, then why are we coming.” The adjutant general did not understand more and more.

Shortly after the news of the attack of the country of Wano against all nations.

The red dog received an order from the air who was already the commander of the three armed forces.

Let them come to support the Heavenly Punishment General and surround the aunt together.

Sailing fast along the way, still one step slower.

“It’s very simple, that is, our navy cannot accept any risk, and if the heavenly punishment general fails, the navy will lose face!” Akainu said slowly.

For example, today, the punishment general is known as invincible in the navy.

It is also the nightmare of all pirates.

If the Heavenly Punishment General fails, it will be a devastating blow to the reputation of the Navy.

will make young naval soldiers lose confidence.

Those evil pirates will be even more rampant.

So even if almost everyone decided that the Heavenly Punishment would win, the navy still had to send more manpower.

Because the price is too serious.

In contrast, the cost of letting the red dog run in person is very low.

“So it is.” The adjutant general nodded, kind of understood.

If he thought about it, he couldn’t accept the news that the Heavenly Punishment Great would fail.

Not to mention those recruits who have no experience, the Heavenly Punishment General is the totem in their hearts, the embodiment of justice.

Silence for a long time.

“Almost there.” Akainu looked ahead and said suddenly.

Sure enough, an island appeared in their field of vision, and in the direction of the permanent pointer, this was Cake Island.

“Something is wrong, this is a separate island, not in the intelligence.” The adjutant general looked at the scene ahead and was stunned.

According to intelligence, Cake Island is Auntie’s main stronghold.

There is a palace built by Auntie here, where the whole family can live in it.

There are also many cookie soldiers or items infused with Auntie’s soul, etc., which are Auntie’s eyeliner.

To obtain this information, the Navy has spent a huge amount of effort.

But there is no mention that Cake Island is separate, which is unreasonable!

No one will miss such important information.

“Maybe someone separated the island.” Akainu said in a deep voice.

“Separate the islands? How is this possible. The adjutant shook his head, not believing that this was something that a man could do.

But then the adjutant remembered that there were indeed people who could do this.

Although that guy is a fruit ability of the superhuman line, his strength is stronger than that of the ordinary natural department.

Known as Whitebeard!

“Unless it’s the Whitebeard guy, could it be that Whitebeard and Aunt have joined forces! We didn’t get this information, it seems that our support is correct! The air commander is too wise. ”

The Earthquake Fruit has the power to destroy an island. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The adjutant general suddenly became excited.

Originally, they thought they came to make soy sauce.

Now that there is something to do, of course, it is inevitable to be excited.

Being able to participate in big events is the dream of every Navy.

“Makes sense, listen to my orders and prepare to enter a combat state, land!”

Akainu also accepted the opinions of his subordinates.

The islands were separated, most likely Whitebeard shot.

Of course, the Heavenly Punishment Generals did not need their rescue.

But those ordinary naval soldiers definitely need help.

“Do we need to ask for help?” The adjutant general asked.

Whitebeard and Aunt joined forces, which is also news that another navy is nervous.

“‘No, it’s enough for me to come, and there is no one in the Navy who is stronger than me.'” The red dog showed confidence.

Of course, he added later.

“In addition to the Heavenly Punishment General.”

The adjutant general was infected by the confidence of the red dog, and he was also full of confidence.

After the retirement of Generals Zefa and Karp, and the promotion of Field Marshal to Commander-in-Chief.

The red dog is indeed the navy second only to the Heavenly Punishment Admiral.

Of course, many people also think that another green pheasant general is also very powerful.

It’s just that neither side has seriously fought once, so no one knows the answer.

I heard that the two did not even speak a few times.

“Report, there is a pier ahead, but it has been destroyed! But we saw a warship docked on the shore! The soldier reported again.

“Dock! Get ready to support! The adjutant general ordered.

Soon the ship also docked nearby, and the red dog with many people had already rushed down first.

“Which branch are you from?”

Peach Rabbit stood on the deck of the warship (Good Zhao) and shouted loudly.

But Akainu didn’t pay attention at all, he was going to fight.

“We are the subordinates of General Akainu, and we specially came to support.” The adjutant general remained on board.

“Oh, the battle is over.” Peach Rabbit smiled.

The Charlotte family has been imprisoned on the warship.

“It’s over? Are Whitebeard and Aunt caught? The adjutant general was stunned.

“What whitebeard? Is Whitebeard coming? Peach Rabbit looked left and right, and did not see the white-bearded pirate ship appear.

“Didn’t Whitebeard join forces with Auntie? So what’s going on with Cake Island! How did it become two halves. The adjutant general was even more confused.

Peach Rabbit understood, it turned out that the other party misunderstood that Whitebeard made a move.

“This island was cut off by the Heavenly Punishment General.” Peach Rabbit was not surprised at all.

“What! The Heavenly Punishment General cut it off with a sword! ”

The adjutant fell to the ground at once.

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