Akainu realized that he and Katakuri should be the same kind of people.

For the sake of justice in the heart, many things can be abandoned.

This is not cold-blooded, but righteous!

It only proves that in their hearts, there are beliefs that are more important than those of family members.

The second son, the future is immeasurable.

It is worthy of being a disciple of the Heavenly Punishment General!

“I arrested you as a navy, and you, as pirates, should have had this realization a long time ago, even if you were not caught by me, you will be captured by other navies in the future!”

Katakuri said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, the people of the Charlotte family fell silent.

They realized that Katakuri’s words were not wrong at all.

What really made them tied up was actually the terrifying Heavenly Punishment General.

No one fears Katakuri.

“Don’t worry, “Five Four Seven” I Katakuri will not abandon my family. Katakuri added.

This sentence blinded everyone.

Especially Akainu, who once again fell into doubt.

Because Katakuri’s words are too much like a declaration to save his family.

However, judging from Katakuri’s actions, Akainu had already judged that this was a qualified navy.

The Charlotte family felt that something was wrong with Katakuri’s head.

They have already been arrested, and they say what not to abandon them.

Could it be that everyone went to the city together to go to jail.

Only Klockdar already has the answer.

He had already learned one thing from Lu Chen, that is, after Lu Chen was promoted to marshal of the navy.

Katakuri will be allowed to guard the city and become the warden.

And he will also be appointed there as a deputy warden and continue to practice with Katakuri.

Katakuri continued to move ahead and soon reached the end of the cell.

This cell is much larger than the previous one, a full five square meters in size.

Of course, it was specially made for Auntie.

At this time, the aunt was wearing a prison uniform, and her whole body was bound by shackles made of sea lou stone.

Even if she is as strong as Aunt Rong, she can’t resist the weakening of the ability of the sea lou stone.

Weak all over, even clenching his fists was difficult.

Even if she falls into a state of madness, Auntie has no threat.

But the current aunt did not show any cowardice at all.

Instead, it was a smile on his face.

“Katakuri, you must be very proud now!”

“Not at all.” Katakuri shook his head.

During his journey to conquer all nations, he rarely smiled.

It’s impossible to talk about anything proud.

“I thought you were my most proud work, but now you’re not! Better works have appeared! Auntie laughed even more arrogantly.

“You mean Ember.” Katakuri certainly understood what Auntie was referring to.

Not everyone in the group of pirates who solicited Aunt was arrested.

There are also fish that slipped through the net, that is, embers!

The embers disappeared as soon as the road dust appeared.

With a pair of wings, no one knows where Ember fled.

Having seen the strength of Lu Chen with Kaido before, Ember had no intention of resisting from the beginning.

It’s just that because of the aunt, Ember is not good to leave directly.

“That’s right, the descendants of me and Ember are the most perfect, he will be a natural king and will become One Piece!” Auntie has already pinned all her hopes on herself and Ember’s descendants.

Originally, Katakuri bore such expectations.

But Katakuri betrayed himself.

This time, Aunt wants to see Katakuri, just to let Katakuri know.

Now in his heart, Katakuri is just garbage.

“Mom, what does this have to do with me, I am a navy whose duty is to hunt down criminals, and if this younger brother appears in front of me as a pirate in the future, I will also show no mercy.” Katakuri sighed. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The aunt of the hall was even reduced to verbal threats.

Or will it happen in the future.

“Hehe, Katakuri, you left my side very early, and there are so few things you know, my stupid son.” Auntie was still smiling.

Katakuri was silent, he had no intention of bickering with his aunt.

How to say that the other party is also his own mother.

Now that he has fallen to the point of becoming a criminal, there is no need for Katakuri to add fuel to the fire.

But I didn’t expect that this was the most insulting move for Auntie.

When did I suffer such disregard!

He is the master of the island of nations!

The next aunt was to scold Katakuri, and almost any ugly word was used 0…..

Until Auntie started panting and exhausted.

“Bring the cake up.”

Seeing that the aunt stopped talking, Katakuri said to the soldiers beside him.

When he left Cake Island, Katakuri carried a lot of cake desserts.

These are all for Auntie.

When delicious cakes were placed in front of her, Aunt also tried to protest with hunger strike.

But soon I couldn’t bear it anymore and began to gulp down.

Seeing this, Katakuri also left.

“It is worthy of being a sea thief, if it is not for the Heavenly Punishment General to conquer all nations, I am afraid it is not a role that is easily caught.” The red dog came to the deck and sighed.

“Auntie is very powerful.” Klockdar nodded as well.

Only Katakuri remained silent.

At this time, both Akainu and Klockdar knew that it was not appropriate to disturb Katakuri now.

At the same time, the news of the collapse of the Aunt Pirates has spread throughout the world.

“Shock! Auntie was defeated, family members were arrested, and the key factor turned out to be him! 》

“The big event finally came to an end, and he turned out to be the last person to laugh!” 》

“The Heavenly Punishment General shows his might, Cake Island is divided into two, and the power to destroy the world!” 》

“Naval victory, the new world will not allow pirates to run amok!” 》1.3

Newspapers and media have all made very attractive headlines, especially the headline party.

But no matter which newspaper, the inside is all touting the heavenly punishment general.

What a naval god, a protector of the Aegis and the like.

Many people have already begun to question why Lu Chen has not been appointed as a naval marshal.

Apart from road dust, no one can sit in this position anymore.

And only if the road dust sits firmly in this position, ordinary people can rest assured.

There is road dust guarding this sea, and they no longer worry about brutal pirates raging.

The five old stars got the results of the war in the first time.

The road dust victory is a very complete victory.

The entire group of Mama Pirates was captured, and only a few crew members escaped.

Even the cake island was cut!.

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