“Guys, there’s no need to wait any longer.”

“Yes, appointing Lu Chen as a marshal of the navy is already a matter of course.”

“It can even be said that if Lu Chen is not appointed again, I am afraid it will cause a lot of dissatisfaction in the navy.”

“But our previous agreement with Luchen… I am afraid that he will not leave the country of Wano easily. ”

The five old stars fell into silence.

This was also a concern they had before, and it was probably not easy to convince Lu Chen.

The other party refused to appoint a general one after another.

Or took out the conditions of the country of peace, and the other party agreed.

But now, not appointing Luchen has become inappropriate.

The five old stars became the ones who got stuck in the puzzle.

“Why don’t you move the headquarters of the Navy to Wano Country?”

As soon as this proposal came out, the remaining four people shook their heads one after another.

It’s crazy, and it won’t give Lu Chen such a high treatment.

“In addition to this method, then what do you say?”

After pondering for a long time, several people finally laughed bitterly.

It seems that they can’t think of any other way than this 05.

If you negotiate with Lu Chen, it is like giving in to him.

Additional conditions must be prescribed, and whether the world government can withstand it is not necessarily a thing.

“In fact, it seems that it is not bad to move the naval headquarters to the country of Wano, now that the age of exploration has arrived, the new world will become more and more chaotic, and the country of Wano is in the second half of the new world, and it is better able to deal with the crisis caused by pirates!?

“Lu Chen will definitely be grateful to us, let alone ask us for him.”

The five old stars smiled one after another.

The relocation of the naval headquarters to Wano Country sounds like a crazy plan.

But if you think about it, there are many benefits.

It is the only way to weigh the pros and cons.

“Let the Warring States serve as the deputy marshal, still stationed in Marin Fandor, and become someone we can drive at any time.”

“That’s right, then we only need to give more money to the new naval headquarters, and we don’t even have to move the naval headquarters, we just need to change the name.”

“Then prepare to give the order, a new naval marshal will be born, and most likely the strongest marshal in history!”

The order of the five old stars was quickly conveyed to the entire navy.

The world is shaking again!

For Lu Chen to be appointed as a naval marshal, they have long been prepared.

But the headquarters of the Navy was relocated to Wano Country!

This is news that no one expected.

According to the instructions issued by the Navy, that is, pirates in the New World are becoming more and more rampant, and it is necessary to concentrate forces on strikes.

This is indeed a valid reason.

But people like to dig into what’s behind the scenes, and this one is no exception.

Unfortunately, no one has been able to find out the real reason.

Somewhere icy in the North Sea.

It’s snowing and the sea is cold.

A merchant ship floated on the sea, but in fact it was full of members of the revolutionary army.

Merchant ships are nothing more than a disguise for revolutionaries.

The subordinates immediately told their leader, Dragon, the news of the probe!

Long took the letter, but did not open it immediately.

Instead, it was placed on the table in front of it.

The two people sitting next to the dragon are Bassolomie and Ivankov.

This is now the left and right arm of the dragon, and his most important helper.

“Let’s guess what’s in this news.” The corner of the dragon’s mouth smiled slightly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“In this long and boring voyage, it is also a good pastime.” Big Bear nodded expressionlessly.

Ivankov laughed directly.

“What is there to guess, it must be that your uncle became a marshal of the navy, after all, this time he defeated Auntie again! If you don’t promote your uncle, there will be chaos within the Navy! ”

Ivankov would love to see this scene.

It’s a pity that he clearly knows how skilled the five old stars are in the application of power schemes.

We will never see this situation occurring.

“Hehe, this is also true, there will be no other major events other than this intelligence.” The dragon couldn’t help but shake his head.

This kind of answer is too obvious a question, but it is not interesting.

The dragon opened the intelligence.

“Sure enough, after defeating Aunt, the five old stars had to immediately announce that my uncle became a marshal of the navy.”

Ivankov and Big Bear are both a matter of course.

“But you wouldn’t expect that there is another bombshell news!” The dragon looked at the two companions with a mysterious expression.

“Hurry up, we can’t guess.” Ivankov urged.

“The headquarters of the Navy has been relocated to Wano Country! The original naval headquarters has now become an ordinary naval base, managed by the Warring States, and by the way, the Sengoku is the deputy marshal. ”

The faces of Ivankov and Big Bear finally showed a look of surprise.

None of them could have imagined that the Navy would change so much.

Directly locked on the new world.

In particular, it also gave Lu Chen such great power, and the naval headquarters were relocated.

“Your uncle is too powerful to be used so much by the five old stars.” Ivankov sighed.

Unexpectedly, Long smiled disdainfully.

“You are so naïve! The position of this naval headquarters is simply a resounding reputation, and the Sengoku deputy marshal was not sent to the country of He627, but remained in the Holy Land, which shows that they still do not trust my uncle. ”

“It doesn’t make sense, if you don’t trust it, appoint a marshal, and the five old stars won’t be so stupid.” Ivankov did not quite agree with the key of the dragon.

Even Ivankov knew, if not to believe a person.

Then don’t entrust it to you.

Not to mention the position of marshal of the navy.

“Limited trust, to be precise.” Big Bear interjected and said.

“That’s right, it’s limited trust, Big Bear described it well.” Dragon nodded.

When Ivankov heard this word, he finally understood.

“In other words, the five old stars trust the Heavenly Punishment General, but they do not completely trust it, so they empty part of his power!”

“Interesting, will your uncle be dissatisfied with the five old stars because of this, can we use this factor to start from within the navy.” Big Bear held his chin and mused.

The dragon immediately shivered.

Hit your own uncle’s idea! He doesn’t have that guts yet.

And once his uncle knows, it is not certain whether he will survive tomorrow.

Long knew how firm his uncle’s will was, and it was not something else could influence.

“Give up on this idea, let’s focus on the immediate thing, don’t forget where our next goal is to go, it is important!” Long said with a dry cough.

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