After returning to Wano Country, Lu Chen received a call from Sora .

The other party personally told Lu Chen the news, and instructed some of the duties and powers after becoming a marshal.

Lu Chen knew these very well, but he still listened patiently to the empty words.

“The era of the sea thief has begun, and the country of peace will definitely be more important in the future, and you have to take this responsibility.” Empty words are long.

“Don’t worry, commander, since I have decided to become a marshal, I will definitely take responsibility.” Lu Chen responded.

“Then I can rest assured, now that the Wano Country branch has become the headquarters of the Navy, it will soon increase your military spending and establishment, and the entire Navy will be at your disposal.” Sora said.

After talking for a while, Sora put down the phone satisfied.

Lu Chen can serve as this naval marshal, which is what Kong is most willing to see.

The plans of the five old stars are not something to think about.

And Lu Chen also gave the first order at this time, that is, to expand the infrastructure of Wano Country.

After all, in the future, the Navy will station a large number of troops here, and the highest combat power such as generals will also be stationed at the headquarters.

Lieutenant General, Major General, etc., will also come to the headquarters from time to time to report.

Those who remain at the former naval headquarters will be some inconvenient relocation branches.

For example, scientific troops and so on.

The scale of the naval buildings in Wano Country now cannot accommodate so many people.

Then Lu Chen shouted again.

“You have merit in this conquest of all nations, and you can be promoted to lieutenant general.” Lu Chen said in a deep voice.

“Thank you Marshal!” Great joy.

Within a few years of joining the country of Wa, he was able to rise to lieutenant general, which was already specially promoted by Lu Chen.

“The relocation of Fishman Island is going to be brought forward, at least in a year.”

Except for the first time that Jinping came with five thousand fish Terrans.

Several waves followed, but the number was not as good as before.

At this pace, it will be difficult to complete it in four or five years.

A big problem is that many residents of Mermaid Island do not trust humans, and they always feel that this is a human conspiracy.

To take them out of their habitat and make them all slaves.

Princess Otohime ran to tell each other for this, and wanted more people to trust the Heavenly Punishment General.

But the gap between merfolk and humans has lasted for hundreds of years, and it cannot be eliminated in a short period of time.

However, now that Lu Chen has been promoted to marshal general, everything is different.

What does it mean to be a marshal, commanding the entire Navy.

The credibility is also much higher than before.

If you say that the general may use some deceptive means to achieve some kind of end.

Then the marshal would never do such a thing, that would damage the prestige of the world government.

In addition, Wano Country has been converted into a naval headquarters, which is even more attractive than before.

Although the Navy always engages in some private conspiracies.

But it’s not always going to be played at the headquarters of the Navy.

“Got it!” Jinpei nodded.

For him, it is still a relatively difficult task.

“You can follow the Navy headquarters to relocate, I am afraid that such a good opportunity will not be available in the future.” Lu Chen added.

Jinping suddenly remembered that there was still this method.

Together with the huge navy, there is no danger on the road at all.

“We, the merfolk and the fish-reclan, will never forget your kindness!” Thank you very much.

“Well, hurry up and do it, I’ll let the Navy take care of you.” Qin Miao nodded.

Jinping once again left with a thousand thanks.

And Lu Chen called Push City.

Bulu Bru.

Pushing into the city, the warden’s office, a phone rang in the bathroom. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The only person who will set up a bathroom in the office is Warden Magellan.

As an ability to poison the fruit, he had to suffer the side effects of the fruit every day.

That is diarrhea caused by poisoning by the poisonous gas exhaled by oneself.

Up to ten hours a day in the bathroom, only four hours of real work.

“Hey, who is it.” Magellan picked up the phone worm.

His phone bug also wore a gas mask, otherwise he would not be able to work.

“It’s me, road dust.”

“Heavenly punishment… Marshal! Magellan was thrilled.

I never expected that the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment would actually call him.

It is said that there are three fires for new officials to take office, and this first fire must be burned on his head.

Magellan’s mind was spinning rapidly, wondering if there was anything illegal in Advance City.

Or what you’ve done over the years.

As warden, Magellan’s power was great.

Prisoners can even be executed directly without being instructed.

“Advancing City is about to enter a new group of prisoners, who are members of the Aunt Pirates, you know about this.” Lu Chen said.

The Mama Pirates have been tried, and some of their members have been convicted.

As for those who are not wanted, some of the younger ones have been released.

The rest are still investigating whether they committed crimes, which is a relatively long process.

“‘I see! Be sure to strictly guard these evil pirates and let them feel the horror of advancing into the city! Magellan responded immediately.

Lu Chen lay on the table and held his forehead, this guy was completely misunderstood.

It has to be said that he is a jealous navy and a perfect candidate to advance the warden of the city.

But now Luchen is going to change.

“I will appoint Katakuri as the new warden, and he personally apprehends this group of criminals, and he knows them very well.”

“Katakuri becomes a warden? So was I demoted to deputy warden? Magellan was circled.

In general, you will only be demoted if you drop the error.

But Magellan could not think of any dereliction of duty in his work.

“I also have the candidate for the deputy warden, do you plan to leave the Advance City to participate in the battle on the sea.” (King’s)

Lu Chen always felt that Magellan’s powerful navy should have a broader stage.

And although Magellan’s poisonous fruit is superhuman, its power is no worse than that of nature.

“But I like closed spaces, preferably even my mind.”

This is Magellan’s mantra.

“No, you guys have to go to fight and get out of your comfort zone, that’s the order!”

Lu Chen knew that he could not convince Magellan, so he could only give orders directly.

“Obey! Heavenly Punishment General! No, it’s the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment, I obey the arrangement! Magellan stood up directly in fright.

Then he realized something and sat back awkwardly.

“Wait a minute, what do you mean by us.” Magellan scratched his head, a little confused.

Could it be that the Heavenly Punishment General made a slip of the tongue.

“Oh, and Deputy Warden Hannibal, you will be sent to the same place later, he is still your subordinate!”

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