Advance City, prison gate.

Magellan and Hannibal stood in the doorway to greet the new prisoners who were coming.

“Director, are you sure you’re leaving Advance City?” Hannibal said excitedly.

“That’s right, Katakuri will bring formal orders.” Magellan nodded.

“Great! The Director is mine! My dream came true! ”

Hannibal used to hide something, but now he has no scruples.

Loud celebration celebration cheers.

Previously, the rest of the Advance City would also remind Hannibal so as not to provoke Magellan.

But now that they knew Magellan was leaving, they said nothing more.

What’s more, Magellan himself had no opinion, just a smile on his face.

Magellan was still holding back, otherwise he would have laughed out loud.

He didn’t tell Hannibal that he would also be transferred, just waiting for this scene.

When Magellan has appreciated enough, he will tell Hannibal the truth.

It’s also fun to catch your old friends.

Soon the warships in the distance drove over and leaned against the pier of the propulsion city.

Katakuri and Klockdar were the first to step down.

As for the red dog, who once escorted the captives, he has already left.

After all, after entering the Gate of Justice, it is almost impossible for 767 to want to swagger away.

And the red dog also developed trust in Katakuri.

“Hello, I won’t shake hands because of the fruit, and you must also be careful about the air I breathe.” Magellan spoke first.

Without waiting for Katakuri and Klockdar to react, Hannibal ran over.

Shake hands with two people first.

“Hello, I’m Hannibal, I’m about to be the warden of Advance City, in fact, I already am, you just hand over to me!”

Hannibal was very enthusiastic.

“According to the order of the Heavenly Punishment General, you and Lieutenant General Magellan will be transferred to the city of Advance.” Katakuri frowned.

He thought Magellan already knew.

Magellan’s strength is much stronger than that of ordinary lieutenant generals, but the rank is still lieutenant general.

If it weren’t for the fact that he couldn’t make meritorious contributions in the advancing city all year round, he might still have the potential to impact the position of the general.

So now Katakuri also calls Magellan a lieutenant general.

“What! This is impossible, the administrator quickly told me that it is fake! Hannibal couldn’t accept it for a while.

“It’s true, I forgot to tell you.” Magellan laughed.

Hannibal actually fainted directly.

“Take him down to rest, wake up and pack your things, and we’re time to leave.”

Magellan ordered.

His soldiers immediately carried Hannibal back.

The next step was to accept the prisoners, and Magellan had to complete the handover.

We introduced the structure of LV1 to LV6 from Propulsion City.

“I have a question, why do so many vicious pirates keep them, but do not choose to execute them?” Klockdar was curious.

In particular, many prisoners in LV6 are sea pirates who have shaken the world.

The heinous crimes they laid down, and a hundred deaths are not enough to offset them.

“The reason for this is more complicated, and there are generally several situations!”

Magellan was of course obliged to explain to Klockdahl.

The first is because of the devil fruit, once the ability person dies, the fruit is possessed by a certain fruit.

Reducing the number of people with the ability to kill can delay the birth cycle of new ability people.

If some powerful fruits are obtained by pirates, the damage caused is very huge.

Another powerful wanted criminal will be born. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The second is that these pirates may have some background and can be used as pawns of the Navy.

Keeping them is more valuable than killing.

It’s more that the crimes laid down by the pirates are too atrocious, and the world government does not want to publicly execute them so that these crimes will not be exposed.

People will feel fear and not believe that the world government can protect them.

Another point is that the Navy sometimes uses these pirates for human experiments.

They have strong bodies and are better able to withstand testing.

The use of prisoners does not worry about provoking public protests, and many even believe that pirates should be the end of the situation.

“So it is.” Klockdar nodded, kind of understood.

“Auntie, will she be locked up in LV5 or LV6?” Katakuri asked.

“According to the level of Auntie, there is no doubt that it is the standard LV6 level.” Magellan answered in the affirmative.

Katakuri nodded, he had already prepared.

Being detained in LV6, even if he is the new warden, he can easily meet.

Although this is their destiny, Katakuri has accepted this.

The handover went smoothly, and Katakuri and Klockdar quickly took control of the management of the city.

After all, both of them have long experience in leading troops, and the order of the city is better managed.

Taking advantage of the gap in the introduction, Magellan pulled Katakuri down in a place where no one was.

“You have to pay attention to the warden here, his name is Yu no Shiru!” Magellan said in a deep voice.

“I’ve heard of him, isn’t there a double iron wall with you who is known as the Advance City, is there something wrong with this person?” Katakuri subconsciously thought that Yu no Hiru might be a spy or something.

But how can a spy still be in the position of the chief warden.

But whenever there is a suspicion of spying, the Navy usually investigates it carefully.

Not to mention the fortress that is at stake like the Advance City.

“He went down an evil path! I have been killing prisoners indiscriminately several times, and I had planned to convict Yu no Kiru if he made this mistake again. Magellan looked solemn.

This time, Yu no Hiru did not come to welcome Katakuri, also because he was locked up.

It can be said that Yu no Hiryu is what Magellan worries the most in his heart.

“I see, I’ll take care of it.” Katakuri nodded.

Magellan was satisfied with Katakuri’s performance, and the other party already looked like a qualified warden.

I didn’t panic because of this problem.

Hannibal woke up and had been crying and packing his things.

I thought I could reach the pinnacle of my career in the city.

But I didn’t expect to be transferred.

But the thought of being able to punish the pirates outside quickly made Hannibal happy.

“Advance City is a fortified fortress, and no one has ever managed to escape from prison, I hope you can keep this record.”

When Magellan left, he also left this sentence.

In the original plot, the golden lion cut off his legs and became the first person to escape from the prison of Advance City.

Magellan was still deputy director at that time.

As a result, the warden was removed from office because of the escape of the golden lion, and Magellan became the new warden.

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