“The weapon on my side is called a rusty iron piece.” Lu Chen looked at the broken sword in his hand and said.

Mihawk frowned, feeling displeasure again.

Only this time he was not speaking, but looked at Lu Chen with sharp eyes.

Eagle’s Eye!

It is Mihawk’s innate talent, and his eyes are as sharp as eagle eyes.

Even the most powerful warriors will inevitably shudder when they look at them.

Allow Mihawk to see through the essence of things through his eyes and gain insight into his opponent’s weaknesses.

Later, Mihawk learned that this was the sight and smell domineering.

Born to use his eyes to launch a domineering appearance, this is Mihawk’s unusual place ~ square.

And this does not mean that Mihawk’s armed color domineering is weak, and he has also cultivated to the extreme.

Otherwise, you are not qualified to fight with redheads.

More than ten seconds passed, and cold sweat left on Mihawk’s forehead.

The fact that he could sweat in the Wano Country Reihua area was enough to prove how nervous Mihawk was now.

From Lu Chen’s body, Mihawk saw a lot of flaws.

The other party did not intend to close these flaws at all, but just stood casually.

But Mihawk didn’t dare to move!

Because in Mihawk’s eyes, what he saw was not an ordinary person’s tears.

It’s a behemoth! A giant beast that can easily devour itself!

A sheep sees the tiger resting, and the other seems defenseless.

However, do sheep dare to go up and attack?

Now Mihawk is caught in this dilemma.

Seeing the road dust up close with his own eyes, he felt the terrifying nature of the road dust.

In fact, this was not the first time Mihawk had seen Lu Chen, he had seen it from a distance more than ten years ago.

It was on Roger’s execution stand that Mihawk became part of witnessing this moment in history.

At that time, he was determined to conquer the great sea route.

At the same time, he regarded Lu Chen as his biggest enemy in his life.

But now he finally has the opportunity to touch the road dust, but why don’t he dare to make a move!

Never thought there would be such a day.

Hawkeye Mihawk will not dare to strike in the face of the enemy.


Mihawk roared and forcibly broke through this invisible bondage.

Lu Chen raised his brows slightly, and sure enough, there were two strokes.

Just now, Mihawk was observing himself with a domineering look.

And Lu Chen also fought back with a domineering overlord color, so that the other party was surrounded by fear.

It is also a normal means to test each other with domineering before fighting.

This is not a violation of the convention, after all, many moves are also based on domineering.

If you are easily subdued by the other party’s domineering, it can only mean that you are not qualified to fight at all.

Mihawk also realized that he was almost defeated by Lu Chen’s domineering.

I don’t dare to hesitate any longer.

The black knife in his hand swung up and down, and two black sword qi flew towards Lu Chen.

One of them grazed the ground, and also stirred up countless flying sand and stones.

Although they were a hundred meters apart, these two sword qi arrived in an instant.

Of course, the road dust can be easily avoided, but then the fun of fighting is lost.

He also wanted to talk to Mihawk.

After all, in the world before he appeared, Mihawk was known as the world’s number one swordsman.

The domineering instantly covered the broken knife, and Lu Chen also slashed over.

Lu Chen did not emit black sword qi, which was a move unique to Mihawk.

However, Lu Chen’s attack still contained sword qi, which was the aftermath after the strength reached the extreme.

Bang! Bang!

The two black sword qi were directly shattered, but the aftermath of Lu Chen’s invisible sword qi went towards Mihawk.

Mihawk’s gaze was cold, and he had expected this for a long time.

At the moment when the slash was launched, he was already approaching Lu Chen.

After dodging the aftermath of Lu Chen’s sword qi, holding the handle of the sword in both hands, the black knife fell from the sky.

Lu Chen held the broken sword in one hand and went over.

Seeing this scene, Magellan and others exclaimed.

Not to mention that holding a knife in both hands is more powerful than one hand. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Road dust suffers from below.

Just the broken sword material in Lu Chen’s hand could not withstand the domineering shock of both sides.

Sure enough, in the next second, there was a crisp sound.

Magellan and the others widened their eyes, all wanting to see in the wind and snow whether the broken knife of the road dust was broken.

But when they saw it clearly, they almost collapsed on the ground.

The broken knife in Lu Chen’s hand was intact.

It was the black knife in Mihawk’s hand that flew out and collided with a tombstone on the ground.

Only then did it make a clanging sound, not that the sword was cut off.

Hands off!

Hawkeye Mihawk actually got rid of the black knife in the middle of the battle!

Mihawk froze in place, his hands already hanging limply.

The force of the collision between the two sides just now was too strong, causing Mihawk to break his mouth and fracture his hands.

Mihawk never imagined that his defeat would be so simple.

There are no bells and whistles, and no magical swords.

It is simply being crushed in strength.

“Is this kendo?” Mihawk stayed where he was and couldn’t help but ask.

It was too far from the kendo in his heart.

“Of course it’s kendo.” Lu Chen smiled slightly.

Throwing the domineering blade on the ground, the broken sword fell apart and turned into a pile of tiny residues in an instant.

It’s hard to imagine that it was this pile of scrap iron that blocked Mihawk’s attack just now.

It can even conduct damage, but it shocks Mihawk.

“I’ve never seen this kind of kendo.” Mihawk fell into a diffusion.

“I ask you, can you cut steel?” Lu Chen asked.

“Of course you can!” Mihawk replied subconsciously.

“And what about diamonds!” Lu Chen continued to ask.

Now it was Mihawk’s turn.

Diamonds are the hardest items found by humans in the pirate world.

Mihawk once tried chopping a thumb-sized diamond, only to find that it didn’t move.

Among the Whitebeard Pirates, there is a diamond fruit ability.

The other party claims to be the nemesis of all swordsmen, and he is very arrogant.

It is true that no swordsman can cut a diamond now.

“Marshal of Heavenly Punishment, can you cut off diamonds?” Mihawk couldn’t help but ask.

Is there really such a terrifying swordsman in the world?

“Of course, this is my kendo, the do! In the face of forces that are enough to destroy the heavens and the earth, no one can stop me! Lu Chen clenched a fist.

It was as if the whole world was in the hands of the hand.

Mihawk had an epiphany.

He understood the true meaning of the Hegemonic Sword Dao, that is, the ultimate pursuit of strength, so as to break through the limit.

Ordinary swordsmen will choose to hone their sword moves after their strength reaches a bottleneck.

Use skills to increase your strength and increase your combat effectiveness.

The ultimate in this regard is to do it with stronger people!

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