In the past, Mihawk chose this path.

He fights with the strong everywhere, just to improve himself in actual combat.

Now Lu Chen’s kendo has opened a new door for Mihawk.

Here in the road dust, no skills are required.

Boosting strength is what matters.

“Please take me as an apprentice and let me follow you to learn kendo!” Mihawk knelt down directly.

Lu Chen was stunned, he didn’t expect Mihawk to make such an action.

But if you think about Mihawk’s character, it’s not surprising.

They belong to the same kind of people as Solon, and they both have a thirst for kendo.

Since Solon could bow his head and worship Mihawk.

Of course, Mihawk can also bow his head and worship himself.

However, Lu Chen had no intention of accepting Mihawk as an apprentice, because the other party’s strength was already very strong.

Unlike his own “three three zeros” who met Katakuri and Klockdar, Mihawk himself has grown.

It was not appropriate to teach Mihawk physical arts, and Kendo Mihawk also went his own way.

The only thing that Lu Chen can do is actually just a few words.

For this reason, it is not necessary to specifically accept Mihawk as an apprentice.

“Stand up, I won’t accept you as an apprentice, it’s no problem to guide swordsmanship in your spare time.” Lu Chen said.

With this sentence enough, Mihawk slowly stood up.

“Thank you! I will also keep my promise and join the Navy! Mihawk nodded cautiously.

“Magellan, take Mihawk down to treat the injury.” Lu Chen shouted into the distance.

Magellan and the others immediately came, and someone helped Mihawk.

However, when someone tried to touch the black knife, he was scolded by Mihawk.

A swordsman’s weapon is not easily given to others.

Although his hands could not be raised, Mihawk still kicked the black knife up, and then automatically slipped into the scabbard behind his back.

Of course, Magellan and others have no opinion on this scene.

After all, Mihawk is already part of the Navy.

Assuming that he is still a pirate, Magellan and others do not mind letting him see what the Navy’s righteous hammer is.

Soon the news of Mihawk’s defeat spread throughout the sea.

No one was surprised by this result.

Isn’t it normal to challenge the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment and fail.

It’s just that Mihawk’s final ending made everyone not expect.

[Hawkeye defeated, officially joined the Navy! ] 】

[The glory of the swordsman? Hawkeye surrendered after the fiasco? 】

[Mihawk was recruited, and behind it was only defeat? ] 】

Many news newspapers also use various exaggerated headlines to describe this matter.

Behind the scenes, it is hinted that Mihawk may have wanted to join the Navy for a long time, and challenging the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment is just an excuse.

For those familiar with Mihawk, this is, of course, a joke.

But many pirates who are very new to Mihawk think that Mihawk is a shameless person.

It’s simply losing the face of a pirate.

Therefore, Mihawk has just joined the navy and has become the object of hatred by many pirates.

Soon half a year passed.

“Today is the day that Senior Sister Robin and Junior Brother Ace come back, so looking forward to it!” Yamato stood at the entrance of Wano Country, constantly looking at the sea below.

But I never saw any warships coming.

According to Robin’s previous calls, it should be this time.

“It’s coming, it’s coming! Take a look! Hancock said, pointing to the sea in the distance.

In everyone’s gaze, sure enough, a warship slowly drove towards it.

Above the warship is the temperament of General Karp, which is Karp’s ship.

It’s just that this time Karp did not come, but stayed in the East China Sea.

It is said that I miss my hometown, so I want to stay longer.

The warship was specially sent back to Robin and Ace.

After all, only warships can pass unimpeded along the way and smoothly pass through the gate of justice. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The rest of the ships have to be coated and cross Fishman Island, and the 40% wreck rate is also very high.

“Wait a minute, what’s that!” Yamato was surprised to find.

From above the warship, a man flew up.

The man turned into flames and flew freely in the air.

“It’s Ace, it’s Ace! That guy ate the Devil Fruit! Hancock saw it more clearly.

The person who is flying with burning flames is none other than Ace!

“Could it be the burning fruit of nature! This fruit is worth a billion Baileys! Where did Ace get it! Yamato screamed.

Devil Fruit has always been a high-priced item.

Especially the fruits of nature, they are priceless0…..

Not to mention the powerful natural fruit of the burnt fruit, a billion Bailey can buy it is already a big profit.

Many people found the devil fruit, and their first reaction was to swallow it directly.

I can only sell it because I am already a capable person.

I had to give up.

“I don’t know what happened to them in the past half a year!” Hancock was also stunned.

The surrounding naval soldiers heard their conversation, so they did not go into a state of alert.

Otherwise, just by showing force here, you will already be attacked.

What about the fruits of nature, there are many bullets in the sea floor here.

“Fire Fist!”

Ace deliberately played tricks and performed his favorite moves.

Scorching flames emanate from the fist and are even capable of burning on the surface of the sea.

Ace flew in the flames and stepped on the wave of fire to the top of the gate.

“How about it, my new move!” Ace looked proud.

“Where did you get the burnt fruit?” Yamato quickly asked.

“I don’t know, it’s that this fruit in the cabin is strange, I ate it, this is the most difficult fruit I have eaten in my life, and it is also the most delicious!” Ace laughed.

The most difficult to eat, and certainly worth it, is the taste of the devil fruit itself.

As for the most delicious, it means that Ace is very satisfied with the roasted fruit. 3.4 This power can fly into the sky, allowing Ace to experience the feeling of freedom.

After elementalization, the body no longer has weight.

And the heat wave generated by burning the fruit can give the ability to gain the power to fly.

Of course, it is impossible to compare with the kind of flight of the fluttering fruit.

The fruits of the five major flight capabilities are all capable of flying at high speed.

“You are so lucky that you ate the Devil Fruit so easily! Or natural. Yamato is very envious.

Later, after Lu Chen learned the news, he also lamented that fate had tricked people.

What belongs to Ace will not leave easily.

In the plot itself, Ace’s method of obtaining burnt fruits is legendary.

According to Ace’s autobiographical novel, he was starving for several days on a desert island with another man.

Suddenly burnt fruit was found under a tree.

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