The two also shared the fruit together.

As a result, it was Ace who took the first bite.

So it was Ace who gained the ability to burn fruits.

“This is fate, I am destined to become the strongest naval soldier.” Ace is very confident.

After possessing the Burning Fruit, his strength directly rose to a higher level.

In the plot, the Navy sees the potential of burning fruits.

So he recruited Ace and wanted him to become Nanabukai.

“Ace! What did you guy do, the warships can’t come over and feed! ”

Above the warship in the distance, Robin’s roar was heard.

I was almost home.

However, Ace left a pile of flames on the sea, causing the warship to temporarily not be able to approach.

“Oops! I’m going to slip away! Ace shouted.

He inadvertently angered the terrifying senior sister.

Let’s run away first, and then make amends after Robin calms down a bit.

I waited for almost half an hour before the flame brought by the burning fruit was extinguished.

Only then can the warship approach the gate and let the warship dock at the outer pier.

Robin drummed 05 drums disembarked, and the warship also returned the same way.

“Ace, what about that guy!” Robin is already ready to let Qiang Ace taste what is called the love of Senior Sister.

“He ran away, as if he had reported to Master.” Yamato said.

Hearing this, Robin was slightly less angry.

“After coming out for half a year, I haven’t forgotten my roots!”

Capital of flowers, naval headquarters building.

Lu Chen looked at Ace with great emotion, but he didn’t expect Ace to eat the burnt fruit.

“You also went to the windmill village to meet Luffy, how is he.” Lu Chen asked.

“It’s a crying little ghost.” Ace smiled.

Even so, Shang was happy.

Half a year of getting along also made the relationship between their brothers heat up rapidly.

Originally, here at the naval headquarters, Ace did not have any companions who could speak.

Several of the people in his grade were girls, and a boy was still very lonely.

Having Luffy and Saab going crazy with him in Windmill Village is already one of Ace’s fondest memories.

“That’s good.” Lu Chen nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

His concern was that it wouldn’t be bad if Esin and Luffy couldn’t get into a relationship.

The good brother in the plot can’t become a passerby or even an enemy in his own hands.

Now it seems that this fear is somewhat superfluous.

With the personalities of Ace and Luffy, they will become friends as long as they meet together.

After all, the standard for two people to make friends depends on how the other person is.

Instead of considering other factors.

“Master! I have already thought about officially joining the Navy! Ace spoke.

“Okay, but you also have to start with the lowest soldier.” Lu Chen had long known that there would be such a day.

Ace, who has grown up beside him since he was a child, has long regarded himself as an idol in his heart.

So there will be no other ideas other than to become a navy.

Unlike in the plot, growing up in a windmill village is carefree.

The ears and eyes are all the deeds of pirates, and it is inevitable to yearn for the life of pirates.

Living in the navy is different, most of what you hear about is the evil deeds of pirates.

It’s still not surprising to be a navy.

“I understand! I will never disgrace Master! Ace assured with a pat on his chest.

He would not use his status as a disciple of the Heavenly Punishment Marshal to seek any special treatment.

That would only make others look down on it.

“Okay, let’s be a patrol at the naval headquarters first, and have the opportunity to send you out.” Lu Chen nodded.

“Thank you, Master!” Ace was thrilled.

Of course, he also knew that from this day on, he would strictly follow the order. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Go check in to Peach Rabbit.” Lu Chen waved his hand and said.

Today, the soldiers in the naval headquarters are under the jurisdiction of Peach Rabbit.

“Yes!” Ace saluted and left.

Road dust also involuntarily leaned on the seat, lamenting the magic of fate.

Since the duel between Road Dust and Hawkeye, the New World has fallen into a long lull.

But at this time, the first half of the great voyage suddenly surged up.

An uprising broke out suddenly in a dozen decadent countries, as if it had been negotiated.

Many people formed an army of rebels and attacked at midnight.

The world government was unable to cope in a hurry, and could only watch as the kings of these countries were overthrown, nobles were driven out of their homes or even burned to death on street lamps.

By the time the world government gathered troops to support, these countries had already changed owners.

New leaders have been created and are embraced by the people.

As a result, there is no reason for the Navy to intervene in these countries anymore.

But according to the intelligence of the world government, there are revolutionary armies involved behind the scenes.

No one expected that the influence of the revolutionary army would grow step by step to such an extent, and that it could overthrow more than a dozen countries overnight.

It is no longer the small force that roamed at the beginning, but has become the biggest enemy of the world government.

Lu Chen, as a naval marshal, of course, also obtained this information.

Seeing the dragon’s handwriting, Lu Chen couldn’t help but smile at the corner of his mouth.

The simultaneous uprising of more than a dozen countries may seem simple, but there is much more to be done behind it.

The first is how to mediate and plan in a unified manner.

At least a hundred thousand people participated in the plan, and if someone leaked the rumors, the plan would fail.

The second is how 633 ensured that the uprising would succeed, which must have been carried out in advance with detailed steps and deductions.

It seems that the strength of the revolutionary army has grown a lot, far more than what is presented in the plot.

In the plot, the revolutionary army makes the world government the number one enemy.

Now the world government is probably also in trouble.

Whether it can fight this already burning spark, Lu Chen expressed doubts.

Because the dragon’s concept is correct, after all, it was personally instilled by Lu Chen himself.

The world government has ruled the world for too long, and degeneration and decay have inevitably occurred.

People don’t believe that much in world government.

At this time, a new force appears, and it is normal to cause a storm.

Bulu Bru, Bru Bru.

The phone worm on Lu Chen’s desk suddenly continued to ring.

There was a fax coming over.

After the printing was completed, Lu Chen couldn’t help but change his face when he picked it up.

According to intelligence, the leader of the revolutionary army, Long Long, was defeated and the stronghold of the revolutionary army collapsed.

The members of the revolutionary army fell apart and were no longer a threat.

The person in charge of this special operation was sent by the world government.

But he did not mention his name, and he was a mysterious strong man.

After a long period of tracking, find the location of the dragon and defeat the dragon!.

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