Otherwise, the redhead knew that he would not have achieved what he has today, and he could win over so many powerful companions.

He was long ago executed after being caught by the Navy.

The Navy has never relent in the face of the existence that could threaten world government.

Even infant children are subject to capital punishment.

In the short time of getting along, the redhead only admired Mitsuki Ota, and the other party was strong.

Not only Mitsuki Ota, but all the redheads on that ship were in admiration.

Those are the legendary pirates, the only ones who have reached Ralph Drew.

“Captain, the time is up.” Captain Beckman next to him reminded.

“Yes?” The redhead muttered, but his eyes were still looking at the picture on TV~.

“If you don’t act quickly, what if the Navy executes in advance.” Beck-Mann was worried.

The redhead finally looked away from the TV at this time.

“Don’t worry, the navy will not start in advance, their nets have been stretched, and the fish have not yet entered.” The redhead was heavy.

That said, the redhead moved his feet and left.

Soon a pirate ship on the dock left and disappeared into the vast sea.

Many people on the dock were relieved to see this scene and slumped on the ground.

They recognize the ship’s pirate emblem, the famous redhead.

Being able to see the sea thief and not be killed is a matter of green smoke on the ancestral grave.

“Many people have a question, why did I risk provoking Whitebeard and start a war, and also choose to publicly execute Mitsuki Ota!”

Lu Chen held a radio phone worm, standing on the execution table and addressing the world.

Hearing this, there were many navies present and people watching the live broadcast nodded silently.

In their view, the public execution is meaningless, and can only anger Whitebeard.

“I solemnly declare that Mitsuki Ota has committed three major sins!!! Lu Chen shouted loudly.

Three sins!

Hearing these words, even Mitsuki Ota raised his head and looked at Lu Chen.

“I have committed three great sins? Tell me about it! ”

He really wanted to know what guilt he had.

How to say that he is also a dignified [Ren Xia], it is impossible to do any evil acts.

This is also Mitsuki Ota’s last stubbornness.

“The first sin, join the Whitebeard Pirates and become the captain of the original second team, burn, kill and rob and commit countless crimes!” Road dust announced.

“Nonsense, the Whitebeard Pirates are not that kind of vicious pirate group!” Mitsuki Ota immediately retorted.

Not all pirate groups use robbery and murder as their main means of survival.

But to say that there are pirates who have never done this is.

In the plot, even the protagonist Straw Hat Pirates stole the gold in the ruins when he was on the empty island.

Then quietly Mimi’s boat escaped.

Of course, the people of the empty island are not interested in these golds at all, and they are also willing to give them to Luffy and others.

But plundering without saying hello perfectly interprets the nature of pirates.

Assuming that gold is important to empty islanders, isn’t that a pit.

Even protagonists like Luffy are like this, not to mention other pirates.

“Is it? There are a total of 1,600 members of the Whitebeard Pirates, most of whom are wanted criminals, are the evil deeds they committed fake? Lu Chen questioned.

The reason why all pirates are wanted is recorded in the Navy.

Just a little look reveals how many heinous things they have done. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Mitsuki Ota was stunned, of course he understood this.

Sixteen hundred people, not all of them are principled.

“At least Whitebeard is not such a pirate!” Mitsuki Ota nodded affirmatively.

“Is it? How did you and Whitebeard meet in the first place, didn’t Whitebeard break in in violation of your country’s ban on entry, and you met? Lu Chen laughed.

In terms of eloquence, Mitsuki Ota is not his opponent at all.

The samurai team of Wano Country also nodded in agreement after hearing this.

In their minds, Mitsuki Ota had another charge.

That is to collude with pirates who entered Wano Country without permission.

“Although Whitebeard himself did not kill innocents, he forcibly brought many islands into his sphere of influence, forcing and oppressing these islands for confession, otherwise where would the income of the Whitebeard Pirates come from.” Lu Chen continued.

“Those pirate groups are all voluntary! They hope that Whitebeard will protect them! Otherwise, other pirates would have attacked the islands long ago. “Mentioning this Mitsuki Ota can be regarded as a resounding word.

And the amount that Whitebeard asked for was not high, unlike the previous Aunt Pirates’ crazy request for dessert cake.

So much so that many islands have to exhaust their full strength to meet the requirements of Auntie.

“If you pirates don’t exist, where are the islands to protect!” Lu Chen snorted angrily.

Mitsuki Ota was so frightened that he trembled, he didn’t expect Lu Chen’s words to be so powerful.

Not to mention the Mitsuki Ota that is close at hand.

Even many pirates who watched the live broadcast were scared enough and turned pale.

Many of them had only heard of the prestige of the Heavenly Punishment General before this, and had not seen it with their own eyes.

Now I understand why many people call the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment the Heavenly Punishment Demon, this oppressive force is not something that humans can have.

For a while, many pirates who watched the live broadcast decided to change their careers and no longer do pirates’ business.

It’s horrible.

They couldn’t imagine the scene when they faced the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment, and they were afraid that they would faint directly in fright.

Lu Chen also appeared for the first time in the live TV broadcast, and he would not have thought that this appearance would make many pirates rehabilitate.

“The second charge about you is that you once joined Roger’s pirate ship and became Roger’s accomplice again.”

In the Navy’s propaganda, Roger has become a heinous criminal.

It is not an overstatement to describe it as the most vicious pirate in history.

Mitsuki Ota lowered his head, he knew he couldn’t justify.

Continuing to argue with Lu Chen can only damage Roger’s reputation.

Many people heard for the first time that Mitsuki Ota was still Roger’s crew, and they all lamented that the influence of One Piece Roger has been until today.

After dying for so long, it can still affect the future.

“The third crime is to oppress the people of the country of peace and arbitrarily destroy this country, do you have any objections!”

This time, Lu Chen did not use an affirmative sentence, but asked Mitsuki Oda’s opinion.

Mitsuki Ota was silent.

If he had crossed here at the beginning, he would have been pleaded guilty to this crime.

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