The three sins were placed in front of Mitsuki Ota, just like a mountain.

Either way, it overwhelmed Mitsuki Ota.

Polarized Mitsuki Ota was helpless, these were all his own real crimes.

Violated the laws of the world government.

It’s just that in the previous Mitsuki Ota’s opinion, there is nothing wrong with doing this himself.

The self who was called [Ren Xia] was at least once respected.

Why it became a look that everyone spurned, Mitsuki Ota did not understand.

What exactly went wrong.

Suppose that a person who is deeply influenced by the ideas of the revolutionary army will not be so powerless to refute Lu Chen’s questioning at this time.

There will be a lot of theories to refute it.

North Sea.

Dragon and Ivankov are also watching the live broadcast.

“The pathetic man, the product of the sad “May 10” in feudal society, never understood what was wrong. The dragon shook his head and sighed.

The dragon also involuntarily began to imagine how he would answer if he were faced with this situation one day.

He will not be as silent as Mitsuki Ota.

We must stand up and criticize the disasters brought to the world by world governments, and point out that the systems of most countries in the world are the root cause of all trouble.

The only way to stand up and overthrow the world government is to completely disappear the class that should not exist like Draco.

Only by establishing a new system can the people effectively move towards a happy life.

Mitsuki Ota’s stupidity lies in his short-sightedness.

Can’t see the root of everything.

In the country of Wano, the existence of Mitsuki Ota is like a Draco, at the highest level of the class.

The samurai are the nobles under this, and the people are the people who are Kia.

The people of Wano Country don’t care about the pride of the Mitsuki family, they want a better life.

It is not in a situation of isolation and lack of food and clothing.

Once they have a better life, they immediately realize what they have been treated before.

That is, the highest level of the Guangyue family has no meaning of existence, and only brings oppression.

No matter what good things Mitsuki Ota did before, it would not make up for the oppression of the people for hundreds of years.

It is a pity that Mitsuki Ota has never discovered this, how can a person who has grown up with brocade clothes and food understand what ordinary people need.

However, Long guesses that the world government will probably not give itself a chance to speak.

It will definitely gag his mouth.

The last words of Roger, the original One Piece, before his death, opened the Age of Exploration.

It has already made the world government regret it.

For the ethereal One Piece treasure, I don’t know how many pirates have devoted themselves to the great voyage.

In other words, it is not a bad thing to be able to awaken more people before death.

I’m afraid I won’t have that opportunity.

Assuming that it was Lu Chen who came to execute himself, Long was also worried that he would not be able to say anything about Lu Chen.

After all, many of the dragon’s ideas were heard from Lu Chen.

“The Navy’s technology is so powerful, the signal can actually be established so strong, even we can see it here.” Ivankov was concerned about other things.

This kind of live streaming technology has not been seen before.

At least for the first time in the world, I don’t know how much financial and material resources it takes to do it.

“This is the heritage accumulated by the world government, and I heard that a method has been developed to be able to cross the windless zone, and in the future, the ship of the world government will be able to freely enter the great route, and the revolutionary cause will be more difficult to carry out.” Long said in a deep voice.

On both sides of the Great Voyage there is a long windless belt that prevents mankind from entering the Great Voyage from here.

There are a large number of sea kings in the windless zone, and if they run aground, they will surely die.

Although there were gambles to get through the windless zone, no one succeeded.

No amount of fuel to carry over long seas is enough.

As a result, the only way to enter the Great Voyage can only be achieved through the Red Earth Continent. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But this invention of the Navy has the potential to rewrite the entire pattern of great shipping routes.

“Then are we going to speed up.” Only then did Ivankov begin to worry.

“Well, take advantage of the fact that the navy has no spare strength to deal with us this time, of course, speed it up.” The dragon smiled slightly.

This smile caused Ivankov to laugh as well.

Maintain revolutionary optimism at all times, this is a phrase that Long often says.

Nowadays, members of the revolutionary army often say this to each other.

It was this sentence that made everyone survive in the most dangerous time.

“Okay, I’m already motivated, what are we doing now!” Ivankov has already rubbed his hands 0…..

“Of course, I watched the live broadcast, and I don’t want to miss this kind of big event.” The dragon sat very steadily.

“Oh yes, you can’t miss it.” Ivankov also sat back in silence.

At the same time, a large number of pirate ships suddenly appeared in the outer waters of Wano Country.

These pirate ships were silent before, and I don’t know what means to evade the surveillance of the navy.

Some have rushed into retrograde waterfalls.

Although the peripheral forces of Wano Country have been removed, there are still communication soldiers of the navy hidden in various key roads.

Report on findings at any time.

Brubru, Brubru!

There is another school phone worm in Lu Chen’s arms, which is also constantly sounding alarms at this time.

There is only one thing that this phone bug rings, and that is the appearance of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Hung up the phone worm, representing that Lu Chen already knew about it.

“Why don’t you do it yet, haven’t you already declared my guilt?”

Mitsuki Ota questioned, he no longer wanted to live.

Every minute is a humiliation.

“Hehe, it’s not time yet, the real protagonist has not appeared, and your crime does not matter at all.”

The broadcast phone bug has been shut down.

Therefore, Lu Chen’s voice can only be heard by Mitsuki Ota and the executioners beside him.

But the executioner will not leak secrets.

Mitsuki Ota 2.6 will soon be a dead man, so Lu Chen doesn’t mind telling Mitsuki Ota the truth.

“What!” Mitsuki Ota’s eyes widened and he couldn’t believe it.

Just now, Mitsuki Ota had accepted that he was a sinner and must be executed in front of the whole world.

Now Lu Chen said that his guilt did not matter!

“If it weren’t for the purpose of drawing out Whitebeard, there was no need to make such a big movement, you don’t have this qualification.” Lu Chen shook his head.

Of course, Mitsuki Ota must die, there is no doubt about this.

Those who have been to Ralph Drew will definitely be silenced by the world government after they are caught.

Everything there cannot be seen by the world.

The world government will even have a special organization to search for this information to ensure that the truth of history is not discovered.

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