“Dad, we can’t let people say that our white-bearded pirate group dare not fight the navy, let’s rush!” Joz said again.

“Stupid! At least develop a strategy. Marco scolded.

The previous strategy is completely invalidated, and now you have to start all over again.

“Strategy and strategy, if you continue like this, Mitsuki Ota will be executed!” Joz was frantic.

When Mitsuki Ota was still in the Whitebeard Pirates, most of the captains were still newcomers and did not have the ability to stand alone.

Therefore, they all admire Mitsuki Ota very much.

Especially knowing that Mitsuki Ota had gone to Ralph Drew with Roger, many pirates regarded Mitsuki Ota as an object of worship.

Didn’t they sail in the New World to conquer here?

Joz’s words also reminded Whitebeard that time was running out for them.

“Joz is right, we don’t have so much time to discuss, now it’s a collision of strength!” Whitebeard pulled out the infusion tube on his body.

Now Whitebeard’s body is not so bad, and it is not maintained by infusions all the time.

Just infusion at a fixed time every day can ensure that the body can exert all its strength.

“Everything listens to Daddy!” Marko nodded.

Since the father has spoken, Marko will definitely not have any doubts.

“Go, go retrograde to the waterfall, and attack the country of Wano!” Whitebeard slammed his weapon heavily on the ground and shouted angrily.

“Attack the country of Wa!”

“Kill, kill the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment!”

“Rush, rescue Mitsuki Ota and let the navy know how powerful our Whitebeard Pirates are!”

The Whitebeard Pirates have a total of 1,600 people, but they are divided into 43 affiliated pirate groups.

The order of captains does not represent strength, and the number of subordinates is uneven.

Some powerful captains are not captains either.

But now all 43 pirate groups cheered at the same time, excited for the next battle.

“Thank you Daddy’!” Momonosuke also expressed his gratitude.

Momonosuke was also worried just now that if Wan repeatedly delayed, the navy’s early execution would be in vain.

But since Joz was speaking, Momonosuke didn’t say anything.

“You’re welcome, we’re all family, of course we have to help each other.” Whitebeard looked like he didn’t mind.

Because Whitebeard had been to Wano Country before, plus Mitsuki Ota was by his side for a long time.

Feel free to Whitebeard know how to survive a retrograde waterfall without any damage.

The journey was very smooth and there were no obstacles.

Forty-three pirate ships were all intact and managed to cross the retrograde waterfall and enter the inland sea of Wano Country.

In the past, ships that entered Wano Country through retrograde waterfalls would be glad that they were lucky and did not wash down.

But after Whitebeard and the others entered the inland sea, they did not have a joyful look on their faces.

Originally, they were all heavily guarded one by one, waiting for the attack of the navy.

After all, this is the domain of the country of Wano, and setting up an ambush here is the best way.

“Hey, it’s too quiet.” Marko’s uneasiness grew stronger.

Cold sweat was already oozing from his forehead, and he looked nervous.

The unknown danger is the most frightening.

Marko is not a timid man, and it can even be said that his personality is more unrestrained.

The owner of the Animal Fruit Phantom Beast Species Immortal Bird Fruit, Marko can be reborn in Nirvana at the moment of death.

In a sense, Marko is not even afraid of death.

How can one be afraid of this naval attack. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Whitebeard glanced at Marko, the captain of the First Team was a bit disappointing today.

This is not Marko’s true strength, otherwise Whitebeard would not have appointed Marko as the captain of the first team.

After all, the team manages Whitebeard’s pirate ship and belongs to Whitebeard’s henchmen.

Now Marko and Momonosuke are known as Whitebeard’s right arms, and this sentence is not unfounded.

Both are Whitebeard’s most trusted.

However, Whitebeard did not blame Marko, because Whitebeard knew why Marko became the way he was.

It’s fear!

Not the fear that there may be a trap, but the fear of the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment!

In Marko’s subconscious, the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment is invincible and invincible.

As a result, Marko never had the courage to face the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment.

So Marko always feels danger, not cautiously but fearfully.

“Look ahead, you can already see the tall building, it is the Jiuli Base of Wano Country!” Whitebeard pointed ahead and said.

Trying to freshen Marko a bit.

Some words can’t be said directly, which will only make Marko’s blow harder.

“It is said that it was only remodeled a month ago, and it was specially prepared for us.” Marko was temporarily relieved of his doubts this time.

“Interesting, I don’t know if this is my white-bearded grave or his marshal of heavenly punishment!” Hahaha! Whitebeard laughed.

Infected by this laughter, the surrounding pirates also laughed.

“Daddy! I suggest that we should search the surrounding area first to avoid warships ambushing nearby, and wait for us to be wrapped up! Momonosuke suggested.

“It is worthy of being the son of Mitsuki Ota, thinking about Zhou Dao.” Whitebeard was relieved.

It’s not easy to keep a cool head at a time like this.

It seems that Momonosuke not only inherited the talent of Mitsuki Ota, but also was more flexible than Mitsuki Ota’s mind.

In the future, the Whitebeard Pirates will be handed over to Momonosuke, and Whitebeard will also be able to rest assured.

Soon, the Whitebeard Pirates began to send people to search.

At this time, Lu Chen, who had received the news of the discovery of the Whitebeard Pirates, returned to the viewing platform.

His men returned more detailed (King Li’s) information.

The Whitebeard Pirates stayed at the entrance to the inland sea and did not continue forward, seemingly launching a search.

“It won’t be discovered.” Sengoku came to Lu Chen’s side and whispered.

Obviously, the Warring States, who is a deputy marshal, knows some intelligence.

“Who knows? Maybe it’s that the Whitebeard Pirates are more alert, they don’t reach the designated place, the fishman troops won’t shoot. Lu Chen shook his head and said.

Just like when he was in All Nations more than ten years ago, this time Lu Chen also sent a large number of fishman soldiers.

This time the scale is even larger than before, after all, the Fishman Country has now all moved to Wano Country.

“Hopefully, this is our first attack.” Sengoku looked heavy.

Seeing this, Lu Chen patted him on the shoulder to relax him.

“It’s just a whitebeard, there’s nothing to worry about, are there fewer sea thieves we killed?”

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