Sengoku squeezed out a smile, he was not as confident as Lu Chen, thinking that the navy would definitely be able to win.

Today’s Whitebeard is unlike any of his previous opponents.

The first is Whitebeard’s strength, known as the strongest pirate in the world.

Secondly, there was no such powerful and loyal subordinate like Whitebeard among the previous pirates.

Only the Cross Pirates are close.

But in terms of number and quality, the Cross Pirates are not as good as the Whitebeard Pirates.

Whitebeard, who had been on this ship, had realized the shortcomings of the Cross Pirates after leaving.

The Whitebeard Pirates, formed on this basis, are even more powerful.

Especially after so many years of development.

Some people who have not witnessed history may think that the Cross Pirates are stronger.

After all, people like Whitebeard, Auntie, Kaido, etc. were once members of this ship.

However, although the Cross Pirates are tricky, they have never been able to fight the navy head-on.

Not to mention the storming of the headquarters of the Navy.

Only Whitebeard did that!

“This is the first war against pirates, how can I not be nervous.” Sengoku smiled bitterly.

Sengoku also wants to be like Lu Dust 810, it seems so relaxed.

It’s a pity that the Warring States can’t do it, and his nature is much more cautious.

“The Whitebeard Pirates are not enough to call it an army, and it is not a war for us to fight them, there will be a war waiting for us in the future, if we have not yet retired.” Lu Chen shook his head.

In the plot, the top war can be said to be the most exciting part.

Characters with heads and faces appeared in the battle before.

However, in Lu Chen’s view, this is far from being a war.

Because the Whitebeard Pirates and the army are far apart, the attack on the naval headquarters is also to rob the prison.

They are gathered together entirely by relying on Whitebeard’s charisma.

After Whitebeard’s death in the comics, the Whitebeard Pirates also fell apart.

Sixteen of the 43 pirate bands were wiped out by Edward II, known as the son of Whitebeard.

The rest were all hidden, turning into a plate of scattered sand.

Assuming they are still united, even if Whitebeard dies, it will not be broken by each person.

“There will be a war in the future? You wouldn’t mean the revolutionary army! ”

When it comes to the revolutionary army, the Warring States are really worried.

“Of course, the whole world may fall into chaos in the future, and that is when we are busy.” Lu Chen smiled.

“If it weren’t for you Monchi people, there would never have been a fuel-efficient lamp! Looks like I’m looking for an opportunity to retire! ”

The Warring States people couldn’t help but mutter.

In the past, when I was with Karp, I was not less tormented by Karp’s big nerves and went crazy.

Now with Lu Chen, I have experienced what is called madness.

Most of Lu Chen’s plans were like this, as were the execution of Mitsuki Ota and the use of the Demon Slaying Order.

The Warring States could barely withstand it.

There is also a dragon at the beginning!

Karp’s son, Lu Chen’s nephew, the most vicious criminal in history!

It’s definitely not just a joke.

“Haha, Karp also has a grandson named Luffy, maybe you will be troubled by him in the future.” Lu Chen laughed.

Today’s Luffy is just a little ghost, and he can’t make any waves for the time being.

But not necessarily in the future.

Sengoku looked at Karp in the distance again and felt a chill.

He was even more certain of his idea of being away from the Monchi family.

The people sent out by the Whitebeard Pirates soon returned, and they had already determined that there were no warships around the inland sea.

It’s just that there are some sporadic navies in the woods watching them. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Those trash fish don’t bother! Sortie! Whitebeard ordered.

Forty-three ships began to advance one after another.

Since there are no warships to ambush, some of the sporadic navies are simply not enough.

They walked slowly towards the Nine Mile Base (AFBH).

“Look, there’s no intrigue.” Joz did not forget to tease Marko.

“There’s always nothing wrong with being careful, don’t forget the means of the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment, I’m not a guy without brains, I will only rampage.” Marco snorted coldly.

Although everyone usually has a good relationship, no pirate can endure being ridiculed and timid.

Not even if Joz said so.

“Who do you say has no brains!” Joz stepped forward angrily.

One of his arms has turned into a diamond.

Marko’s words were clearly speaking of himself.

“Of course it’s you, who else can you want to taste the flames?”

A hot flame appeared on the ship, and one of Marko’s arms turned into wings filled with flames.

Diamonds, which are actually the hardest items, have many weaknesses.

Flames are one of them, and cracks will occur when encountering flames that exceed eight hundred degrees.

After all, the basic composition of diamonds is charcoal everywhere.

Although both sides showed their moves, they did not make a move.

Because on this white-bearded pirate ship, there is a rule that cannot be violated no matter what.

That is, you can’t do it to your companions.

Whitebeard treats all his subordinates as family, and how can family members kill each other.

Those who violate this rule will be hunted down and killed by the entire Whitebeard Pirate Group.

Seeing this scene, Whitebeard couldn’t help but shake his head.

Before this, although Marko and Joz often bickered, they had never been so tense.

If he is gone, what will happen to the white-bearded pirate group that he has worked so hard to build?

“The fight between the two of you this time is crucial for everyone, and at this time it is not a time to quarrel, and others see what to do.” Momonosuke stood up at this time.

Marko and Joz also noticed that someone on the other pirate ships had already looked towards this side, with worried looks on their faces.

There is no benefit in quarreling before the big war.

As Captain Fan, how could they not understand this truth.

It’s just that the big war is imminent, and both of them are a little nervous.

Joz is actually very stressed, which is why he looks particularly irritable, and he himself does not notice this.

“It’s worthy of being my good sons, so it’s a family!” Whitebeard laughed.

Not only for the reconciliation of the two people, but also for the performance of Momonosuke.

One sentence can convince Joz and Marko that Momonosuke usually convinces them.

Although Momonosuke is still young, he is fully able to bear the position of his heir.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise at the bottom of the boat, and everyone thought it was tentacles.

The next second, the calm inland sea suddenly set off waves, and the Moby Dick began to shake violently.

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