“Could it be that it hit the rocks!” Joz exclaimed.

“Stupid, how can there be a reef here, hurry over there!” Marko said, pointing to the bottom of the water.

“It’s the Fish-Terrans!” Momonosuke held his head and looked incredulous.

A huge fish ~ man tumbling under the water.

After the Whitebeard Pirates reached the designated ambush site, the Fishman troops finally struck.

There are no fish-man troops in Jiuli Harbor, because they have long been in ambush under the water.

Today’s fishman troops are even stronger than they were at the beginning.

It has been more than ten years since I received orthodox naval training methods, and it is not like it was completely based on physical talent.

King Neptune personally led this force to participate in the battle to defend the country of Wano.

The three princes, together with Jinping, also contributed their own strength.

After all, the current country of Wano is their hometown, and no one is allowed to disturb this peace.

The ships of the Whitebeard Pirates swayed, and it was these Fishmen who were trying to overturn the pirate ships.

Pirate ships that can sail to the New World are usually specially reinforced at the bottom.

Prevent serious impacts or sea king attacks while sailing.

The elusive sea king behemoth is the biggest threat at sea.

Only then did the Whitebeard finally understand why they didn’t encounter the navy along the way.

It turned out that all of them were hidden at the bottom of the sea, and they only made a move until now.

Five pirate ships have been overturned by the Fish-Terrans, and the pirates above have fallen into the water.

“Help, save me!”

“I’m capable, I can’t swim!”

“Rope, pass me the rope, Daddy!”

The screams came and went.

Without waiting for others to come to the rescue, these people who fell into the water were dragged down by the Fish-Terrans, and they were never able to surface again.

The entire group of whitebeard pirates is in danger!

“It seems that my worries seem superfluous, and the attack is going well.” Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief.

The Whitebeard Pirates had sent people to search the surroundings before, and the Warring States were very worried that the Fish-Ren would be discovered.

“Hehe, it depends on how many people can survive this level.” Lu Chen smiled and nodded.

Although far apart, the entire navy can see the battle ahead.

To be precise, the whole world can see the tragic situation of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The live broadcast screen has been switched to the inland sea, where telephone bugs are arranged in advance.

People all over the world saw this scene and rushed to amazement.

“I can’t imagine that my uncle has already included the Fish-Terran into the naval force, and the navy will become more and more difficult to deal with in the future.”

Long who was still in front of the TV smiled bitterly.

“I also didn’t think that the Fish-Terrans could trust the navy, and the hatred over the years has actually been resolved.”

Ivankov was also very emotional.

In the early years, Ivankov also went to Fishman Island, which was very repulsive to humans.

There will even be cases of humans who have fallen behind being attacked by the Fish-Terrans.

Of course, humans are not good at it, and poaching and fishing for Terrans to become slaves also happens frequently.

Ivankov once thought that this was an endless cycle, and no one could solve the problems in it.

Who would have thought that now that Lu Chen could do it, he would still be able to let the Fish-Terrans fight for the navy.

At the earliest time, the world government and Mermaid Island established diplomatic relations in order to absorb them into the navy.

The Fish-Terrans have a natural advantage in the sea and are the most suitable to become navies.

But this plan never came to fruition, and it succeeded in the hands of Lu Chen.

“This is my uncle’s ability, I am far from comparable, if my uncle became a revolutionary army, I am afraid that he would have overthrown the world government long ago.” The dragon sighed.

The difficulty of persuading the Fish-Terrans to put aside their hatred and live in harmony with human beings can be imagined.

As he grew older, Long felt more and more that the words that Lu Chen told him were intentional.

As if to help yourself on this path.

But now Lu Chen has become the dragon’s biggest enemy, which makes the dragon’s heart very conflicted.

Ryu thought that his uncle could also stand on a united front with him.

It’s just a pity that it’s just fantasy.

The dragon is well aware of the identity and location of Lu Chen. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Like Papa Karp, they are very determined navies.

“Whitebeard won’t even be able to rush through the inland sea, let’s destroy here.” Ivankov said in a deep voice.

“No, if Whitebeard only had this ability, he would not be the largest pirate in the world today!” The dragon smiled and shook his head.

“That is, this good show is not over yet?”

The corners of Ivankov’s mouth laughed.

If it ends so simply, then Whitebeard will be too humiliating.

Will be ridiculed by the whole world in the future.

“Of course it’s not over, it’s just beginning.” The dragon also looked expectant.

“Great, if it ends like this, I’m really sorry for those of us who are waiting so hard!” Ivankov nodded.

On the execution table, Mitsuki Ota looked pained.

“Whitebeard! Momonosuke”

Seeing that Whitebeard was in crisis because he rescued himself, Mitsuki Ota couldn’t bear it.

He was even more worried about whether his son Momonosuke was also on those pirate ships that had been overturned.

“Stop arguing, if Whitebeard falls here, he is not Whitebeard, not something you can compare.” Lu Chen smiled and shouted.

Mitsuki Ota didn’t know whether to be happy or sad.

He was indeed inferior to Whitebeard, and he acknowledged that.

Just being said in public, Mitsuki Ota felt very uncomfortable.

The navy of Jiuli was also cheering, and what they saw was that the pirate ship with white beards was taken out.

“The Fish-Terrans are too powerful!”

“What a envy, if only I were a Fish-Terran race, I would be able to sneak freely in the water.”

“It seems that there is no chance for us to play.”

Those who said these words were ordinary soldiers.

The general people above the captain were silent, staring at the live broadcast screen.

They all clearly know how powerful the Whitebeard Pirates are.

It is impossible to be defeated so easily.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the entire inland sea shook.

Even the entire land of Wano Country began to shake with it, and many soldiers fell unsteadily on their feet.

The power is so huge that the entire heaven and earth seem to be turned upside down.

I saw Whitebeard standing on the bow of the Moby Dick, his hands tightly clenched into fists towards the air on both sides.


Every shot, triggered by a violent shock.

The fish-man forces at the bottom of the inner sea were attacked by this force.

The originally neat formation was instantly disintegrated, and many fish people with relatively low strength were directly stunned and sunk to the bottom.

Even Neptune felt a cloud in his chest, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

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