But Joz is Joz after all, and the diamond fruit is not a decoration.

Even after receiving the heavy blow, Joz did not fall.

However, Ace, who followed behind, had realized that this was a perfect opportunity to attack.

“Flame Slash!”

Ace’s arms turned into flame knives again, rushing towards Joz~’s back.

“Joz, get out of the way!” Momonosuke yelled-.

Joz also sensed an attack coming from behind, but his body was no longer obedient.

You can barely turn sideways to avoid an attack on your entire back.

The Flame Saber slashed into the joint of Joz’s left arm.

Suddenly, blood splattered, and the diamondized left arm was actually cut off.

In terms of strength, Ace’s move is definitely not comparable to Yamato’s move.

However, the fruit’s ability to restrain comes into play here, and diamonds cannot withstand the intense heat.

Joz snorted and activated the ability again.

The wound on the left arm became crystal-shaped, avoiding heavy bleeding.

“Retreat, Joz!” Momonosuke covered in front of Joz.

“Hmm!” Joz was unwilling.

Unexpectedly, he was cut off an arm by two small navies.

From now on, what face do I have to continue to mix.

I thought it would be as simple as an eagle catching a chicken, but I was pecked by the chicken.

“Joz is injured, let’s cover him!”

“yes, don’t let Ziz be here.”

The Whitebeard Pirates also noticed this and came up to help Momonosuke and Joz.

“Retreat, you don’t have any combat power now!” Momonosuke’s words are even more heart-wrenching.

But after piercing his heart, Joz also understood that this sentence was true.

“Go!” Joz retreated in the direction of the Moby Dick on top of Momonosuke’s support.

“Abominable!” Ace clenched his fists and felt unwilling.

He almost killed Joz.

I want to catch up, but there are too many pirates gathered here, and they have blocked the way.

Otherwise, solving Joz will be a major credit for himself.

“Don’t worry Ace, sooner or later they will all stay! After no one attacked Wano Country, they could still leave in style. Yamato comforted.

“That’s right, but your psychological quality is better.” Ace recalled Yamato’s previous actions.

You can also plan tactics when faced with a threat of life and death.

It’s not like myself, I can’t think of so many methods just now.

At this time, Ace also had to sigh, or the heart of this girl was more delicate.

“Keep fighting!” Yamato had already begun to swing his mace again.

But this point has Ace fighting alongside him.

“It’s a pity that they almost took out a strong opponent.” Karp also watched the battle from afar.

Assuming it wasn’t for someone to stop him, Joz would definitely die at the hands of Ace and Yamato today.

“It’s no pity, it’s already great to be able to do this, Joz is now out of combat power.” Sengoku finally smiled.

In this battle, the Kazunokoku Navy performed much better than the Warring States expected.

In the face of the menacing group of white-bearded pirates, they did not fall behind at all.

On the contrary, it was some young soldiers who performed extremely well, exceeding the imagination of the Warring States.

In the future, these soldiers will become the backbone of the Navy.

Seeing that there are successors, of course, the Warring States will behave a lot more relaxed.

“Of course, these two people are Lu Chen’s disciples, hahahaha.” Karp laughed along with him.

“Speaking of which, you have also been retired for a long time, and there are no proud disciples who have been taught?” Sengoku suddenly became interested in this.

For the older generation of navies like them, the greatest wish now is to cultivate future generations.

“Of course there is, my grandson Luffy!” Karp looked proud.

“Then I’m looking forward to it, the people of the Monchi family are monsters, and that grandson of yours will definitely not be an ordinary navy in the future!” Sengoku nodded.

At the mention of this, Karp suddenly began to feel weak.

In his heart, he was angrily cursing this red-haired guy, how could he teach Luffy the thoughts of those pirates. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He wasn’t sure that Luffy would become a navy in the future and start to become fragmented.

“By the way, you haven’t cultivated anyone other than your grandson?” Sengoku asked again.

“There was originally a guy named Saab, who ended up running to the revolutionary army.” Karp covered his face and was very helpless.

After seeing Saab’s potential, Karp is also optimistic about Saab, and will definitely be a powerful navy in the future.

But what Karp didn’t expect was that one day Saab would disappear.

He also left a letter saying that he wanted to pursue the revolutionary army, which was his long-cherished wish.

“Revolutionary army? You guy won’t be sending talent to the dragon, will you! The Warring States suddenly became vigilant.

“How is it possible, if it is someone I sent over, eighty percent will be regarded as a spy!” Karp was helpless.

Because of the dragon, Karp was not less censored.

After all, his son is the most vicious criminal in the world, and of course, his father is inevitably suspicious

If it weren’t for Karp’s previous outstanding combat achievements, I am afraid that he would not have been an honorary lieutenant general long ago.

It is even possible to be imprisoned and turned into a tool to blackmail the dragon.

“That’s true, it’s good that there are no pirates in your family.” Sengoku nodded.

Karp was distraught and never said anything again.

On the battlefield, the battle between the two sides has entered a fever pitch.

But there is one corner where the Navy has an absolute advantage.

A female navy kicked a pirate fiercely, and the other party turned over several times before getting up.

But after getting up, there was not the slightest anger on his face, but a look of enjoyment.

“Please, please kick me a little longer!” The pirate pleaded.

“Cheap pirates, suffer death.” The female navy kicked it again.

This time, the pirate did not get up after turning over a few times, and had already fainted.

The strange scene naturally attracted the attention of the cadres of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Waitibey, known as the Ice Witch, arrived.

She has purple hair, a blue skull hat, and a pale face.

Even if the weather in Jiuli is shining, he is still wrapped in a scarf.

“Why don’t you fight back!” Waitibé asked suspiciously.

At the same time, she stared at this female navy cautiously, not knowing what strange abilities the other party had.

“Let me tell you the answer, because I am beautiful! So everything can be forgiven, even if it is kicking them! The female navy herself answered this at the same time.

She pointed condescendingly at Waitibey.

It was so proud that his body was on his back to nearly one hundred and eighty degrees.

This female navy is none other than Boyahan Cook!.

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