“Ridious, you must be an able person!” Waitibé wasn’t convinced.

Although also female, Waitibé also had to admit that Hancock was unusually beautiful.

It can be said that she is the most beautiful woman she has seen in all these years.

But that’s not all the way everyone else loses their resistance.

Hancock was rescued by road dust and certainly didn’t have a chance to eat the sweet fruit.

Entirely by virtue of Hancock’s own charm.

One thing worth mentioning is that even in the plot, Hancock has not suffered that treatment.

Because Hancock has the mark of a slave behind his back, and Draco would never have that kind of thing with a slave.

In the plot, on Chambordi Island, Skyman takes a fancy to a nurse.

The first time is to check whether there is a slave mark on the back of the other party, and only after seeing that there is no is it that he decides to snatch it back as a wife.

“Ice Witch Waidibe, you have a bad reputation in the new world of “May 13”, and today is the day you are arrested! Hancock made a declaration to Waidibe.

Don’t look at Waitibey’s young appearance, looking like he is in his twenties.

But Waitibey was at least fifty years old.

By the time Marko was a trainee crew member in Whitebeard, Waitibé was already an old qualification.

When Whitebeard enters Wano Country in the manga, Waitibé is on the ship.

Now, after so much time, Waidibe can still maintain a youthful appearance.

This is also the reason why she was called the Ice Witch, and the outer seconds have never changed.

From this point of view, it is similar to road dust.

But what is certain is that Waitibé is definitely a capable person of some kind of fruit.

“It’s ridiculous, it seems that although you look beautiful, your head is not bright!” Waitibé has taken note of Hancock’s rank.

Just a major general!

In Waitibé’s view, he is also a famous person in the new world.

The other party has no fame, and dares to speak out.

“Did you notice my rank?” A smile appeared at the corner of Hancock’s mouth.

She had noticed Waitibey’s gaze on her own epaulettes.

“Yes, it’s just a major general, do you know how many major generals died at my hands?” Waitibé also smiled disdainfully.

Waitibey’s notoriety in the New World is definitely not just talk.

Since she is known as the ice witch, of course, she has committed many evil crimes.

From this point of view, Whitebeard is definitely not an innocent pirate.

Under his command, pirates like Waidibe can be said to be numerous.

Subordinates do things, of course, Whitebeard can’t get rid of it.

“You’re proud?” Hancock also noticed.

Waitibey always had that confident smile on his face, something rare seen in pirates.

“Of course, it’s based on strength!” Waitibé confidently drew his foil from his waist.

“Strength? I heard that you have been by Whitebeard’s side for many years, and now your position is getting more and more marginal, and you dare to say that it is based on strength! ”

Hancock began to laugh.

This poked at Waitibé’s sore spot.

In terms of qualifications, Waitibé is indeed a veteran in the Whitebeard Pirates.

But now he is just the captain of a subordinate pirate group.

In the final analysis, it is a matter of strength.

In the past, when the number of whitebeard pirates was relatively small, Waitibé could have a place.

But as the number increased, of course, she was pushed out.

Marko, the former trainee crew, has become Whitebeard’s right-hand man, and Waitibé is not even qualified to speak.

“Abominable Navy, there will be one more person to my death list, and that is you!” Waitibé rushed over brandishing his foil.

“Fragrant feet!”

Hancock kicked Waidibe’s weapon away.

Waitibé did not expect that Hancock’s rank was only major general, but he had this kind of strength.

And the most important thing is that this kick is also added to domineering, and the shock of Waidibe’s hand hurts.

“Overlord-colored domineering? This is impossible, how can you still be a major general with such strength! Waitibé looked at Hancock incredulously.

It stands to reason that such a strength should have reached the level of lieutenant general.

Even if the merit is not enough, at least he will be promoted to brigadier general. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“What’s wrong with the Major General? Major generals can stay in the country of peace for a long time, you don’t understand this truth. Hancock said lightly.

Today, except for Hancock, her two remaining sisters have left the Wano Country Naval Headquarters and are stationed elsewhere.

In order to accumulate merit and start climbing upwards.

But Hancock chose not to leave Wano Country, but stayed here all year round.

As for the reason, Hancock never told anyone else0…..

Waitibé couldn’t figure out what Hancock meant.

But Waitibé already knew he wasn’t Hancock’s opponent.

Although his appearance has never changed, Waitibey’s age is here.

In the pirate world, it is not like a martial arts novel, the older you get, the stronger your strength.

Physical strength will gradually decline as the body ages, and domineering is the same.

“What are you guys looking at, let’s go together!” Waitibé began to urge the pirates around him.

“We don’t want to be enemies with her!”

“I’m willing to be caught!”

“Please take me, I want to be your slave!”

The male pirates showed a floral look.

Seeing Hancock was particularly disgusted.

“Kill me all these disgusting things!” Hancock pointed at the pirate and said.

Next to Hancock, there are quite a few navies.

Some of them were brigadier generals and lieutenant generals, but they were now under the orders of Hancock, who was much younger than them.

“Kill, for His Highness Hancock!”

“Take your life, pirate, dare to look at my queen!”

Although naturalized Hancock was not the king of Daughters Island.

But in the eyes of many navies, she is still Her Majesty the Queen and the Queen in her heart.

“Don’t run! , you are also a captain like this. Hancock also noticed that Waitibé was planning to escape.

“Hmph!” Waitibé doesn’t care about reputation at all.

Saving your life is the most important thing.

The two people chased and ran 4.3, which caused many people to look over.

Similar scenes are playing out everywhere on the battlefield.

However, it is not the navy that occupies the advantage, and in many places the naval casualties are also high.

The situation is in a stalemate, and the two sides are indistinguishable for a while.

However, the white-bearded man standing at the bow of the ship became more and more solemn.

Marko, Joz, Waitibé and other main players have already played on the field, but they cannot open up the advantageous situation.

On the contrary, until now, there were no super strong people on the naval side participating in the battle!

The only one who made a move was the green pheasant that blocked the huge wave in the first place.

This is also in response to their own attacks.

And that most terrifying enemy, Marshal Heavenly Punishment, just looked at himself coldly!

“Daddy! Joz was injured and his arm was broken! “Momonosuke brings bad news.

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