Whitebeard had just noticed Joz’s injury.

Although the wound has now been bandaged, this is one less hand after all.

I saw Joz’s pale face without a trace of blood, and another burst of pain.

“Help him to the cabin and rest!” Whitebeard said to the other two pirates beside him.

The two pirates stepped forward to help Joz, but were pushed away by Joz’s other hand.

“I, I’m fine, I can still fight!” Joz gasped.


Suddenly, there was a loud knocking sound coming from Joz’s head.

With a bang, Joz was knocked unconscious and fell to the ground.

I’m afraid this is also the first time in his life that he has been knocked out.

Coming from behind was Momonosuke.

“Okay, you can carry him down.” Momonosuke said.

Whitebeard looked at Momonosuke with a taste of approval in his gaze.

At such a moment, he can still have such a decision, and he really deserves to be the person he fancy.

It is worth entrusting the entire group of whitebeard pirates to Momonosuke.

The only regret is that 06’s current Momonosuke has not grown up and cannot be alone.

If Momonosuke’s strength is stronger, Whitebeard can abdicate with peace of mind.

Thinking of this, Whitebeard couldn’t help but look at Ace in the distance.

He is about the same age as Momonosuke, but his strength is significantly higher.

If it weren’t for the Navy, he would definitely be included in the pirate group and regarded as a son.

In addition to that Ace, there are also many young talents in the navy.

This year’s naval newcomers are surprisingly powerful!

Needless to say, it must be a masterpiece of road dust.

I am afraid that in the future, after the new generation of navies grows up, there will be no pirates on the Great Route.

The initiator of everything is road dust!

Whitebeard looked at Lu Chen again.

Feeling the gaze of the white beard, Lu Chen also looked over again.

A smile appeared at the corner of Lu Chen’s mouth, and he said to the green pheasant and red dog next to him.

“It’s time for you to do it.”

Both the green pheasant and the red dog had their eyes slightly open.

“Who am I targeting?” Akainu asked the most.

“Pirates, of course.” Lu Chen smiled.

“Then it’s okay to choose the Whitebeard guy?” Chi Inu said lightly.

“As long as it’s a pirate.” Lu Chen nodded.

Hearing this, the red dog suddenly stood up with an expectant look on his face.

I thought that Whitebeard would be Lu Chen’s handpicked opponent, but I didn’t expect to let it out now.

This is a worthy opponent for the red dog.

But the green pheasant next to him had already rushed out one step ahead and headed towards Whitebeard.

“Abominable mute, the whitebeard is mine!” The red dog was anxious at once.

Immediately chased after it.

At the same time, he scolded the unruly guy in his heart, obviously he opened his mouth to ask.

If you want to do it yourself, it’s not good to ask in advance.

At that time, the red dog will not compete with the pheasant.

Looking at the two generals rushing towards him, Whitebeard’s gaze also became solemn.

Sure enough, I still did it!

At a time when the battle between the two sides was in a state of scorching, the Navy had more cards to play.

“Hugh wants to harass Daddy, your opponent is me!”

Marko in the air swooped in front of the pheasant.

As for Smogg, who had been fighting Marko, he was already scarred by this time.

After all, the perception of domineering is too great, and Smogg has almost reached the limit. ,

Even if Marko didn’t leave, Smog would have to find a way to retreat.

Smog turned into a puff of smoke and fell to the ground, both already unsteady on his feet.

“Obviously the strength is not strong enough, and I still go to find such a strong opponent!” Dusty caught Smogg, and his tone was full of complaints.

But his face was full of distress.

Smogg was like a pro-big brother in Dusty’s heart.

Although he is rude and irritable on the surface, he is actually a caring officer. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Hmph! It is the duty of the Navy to do our best. Smogg still didn’t admit defeat.

It’s just that he is almost unsteady on his feet, and he looks quite embarrassed.

“Mad dog, leave it to us next!”

“Yes, I didn’t expect that you really have a problem in your head, and you actually challenged Marko!”

“But you’re doing a great job, and the Marko guy is also very uncomfortable.”

“Mad dog, let’s drink together after the battle.”

Several lieutenant generals came from the side, all of whom praised Smogg.

Just a brigadier general dares to do such a thing.

None of them lieutenant generals are capable of this.

Invisibly, Smogg has received a lot of recognition.

The right to breathe has always been played with strength.

“Don’t hold me, I can still fight!” Smog stood up.

“Okay, I know.” Dusty said so.

But it was in front of Smogg.

However, Dusty’s worries are completely superfluous, and now the pirates have been unable to advance after repeated attacks, and their momentum has been much weaker.

There is simply no ability to launch an attack on the naval powerhouse.

It would be nice to hold the position and not let the Navy approach.

Especially Smogg had just fought with Marko for a long time, and his strength was obvious to all.

Looking at Marko who pounced, the green pheasant disdained.

Whitebeard’s right arm?

It’s just a small pirate, and it’s not the kind of number one at all.

“Ice World!” The pheasant activated the fruit ability.

But for the next few seconds, nothing happened.

This made the people around look confused, could it be that the green pheasant was scaring them 850.

Or the pheasant’s ability has lost its effect.

It’s impossible to think about it.

However, Marko, who was standing in flight, noticed an abnormality.

The temperature in the air became lower and lower, and the flames on his wings gradually disappeared.

Cold, so cold!

This is Marko’s biggest feeling.

In the next second, Marko was directly frozen and turned into an ice sculpture.

The flames on his body had been completely extinguished, and there was no life in sight.

Falling towards the ground, you are about to fall into a pile of powder.

“Marko!” Momonosuke couldn’t believe his eyes.

Who would have thought that the immortal bird Marko, the flame would also be extinguished one day.

None of them understood what the pheasants did.

Only Lu Chen understood that the pheasant had frozen the moisture in the air around Marko.

Concentrated all the power that could have frozen an island on Marko’s body, and Marko certainly couldn’t bear it.

Can the ice sculpture be reborn after falling into pieces?

It is estimated that no one except Marko understands this.

It is possible that Marko himself did not know.

A tall figure appeared below and caught Marko steadily.

It’s Foil Bista.

Now Bista can be said to be a captain of the Whitebeard Pirates’ side with relatively well-preserved physical strength.

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