In the face of Hawkeye Mihawk, he maintained and fought and retreated, and it has to be said that this strategy was very successful.

So to be able to save Marko now.

“Daddy! Beware of red dogs. Bista suddenly screamed.

It turned out that the red dog had also come to Whitebeard.


The red dog’s right fist turned into a magma-shaped hungry wolf, and the blood basin was fierce and terrifying.

As if to devour the whole world.

In the face of this fierce attack, Momonosuke completely collapsed on the ground.

There are only two words in my mind: fear.

It turns out that this is the momentum of the top powerhouse!

Just an ordinary move, in Momonosuke’s opinion, it was already like a divine punishment.

It’s hard to imagine how terrifying it would be for Akato to really use his full strength.

Growing up on the Whitebeard Pirate Ship, Momonosuke faced little danger.

Even if there is a fight with someone stronger than himself, the other party does not dare to kill Momonosuke.

After all, Momonosuke is a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, and everyone understands the consequences of killing the Whitebeard crew.

Under the wings of Whitebeard, Momonosuke thrives.

But after all, it is the flowers in the greenhouse, which cannot withstand the storm.

In the plot, after the white beard has fallen.

The entire group of whitebeard pirates did not break up at the beginning, but recommended Marko to become the new boss.

However, he soon faced numerous attacks and was eventually eliminated by several pirate groups.

I had no choice but to disperse and no longer dare to inherit the reputation of Whitebeard.

Otherwise, an even more ferocious attack will follow.

“Boy, you’re so rampant!!”

Whitebeard also punched up, and he had no time to care about the feelings of the people around him.

Facing the challenge of the junior of Akainu, Whitebeard must fight back.

In front of the whole world, it proves that his white beard is not easy to provoke.

The two fists collided together, and suddenly the red dog’s fist was scattered, and the magma was scattered all over the place.

Whitebeard’s fist not only contains domineering, but also has the ability to shock fruits.

Those who bear the attack will suffer the power of the aftermath of the Shock Fruit.

Ordinary people have been shattered by the bones of the whole body at the moment of touch, and there is no resistance at all.

But Whitebeard knows that just like this, it is impossible to kill the red dog.

Otherwise, they are not qualified to sit in the position of generals.

Sure enough, the red dog took a step back and stood on the deck.

When the fist returned to its original state a moment later, it was already covered in blood.

“It’s worthy of being a white beard~.!” Chi Inu’s face did not change at all.

As if the arm was not your own.

“Boy, you are also very powerful, but you are still too tender!” Whitebeard gave Akainu a high evaluation.

In the new age navy that Whitebeard faces, the red dog is the most powerful one.

Before that, Whitebeard had never said this to any new person.

Of course, the newcomer in the eyes of Whitebeard refers to the newcomer who debuted brighter than himself.

So even if Akainu is already a senior admiral, he is still junior in the eyes of Whitebeard.

Just like in the plot, Brooke once called One Piece Roger a newcomer.

“However, today is where you are about to fall!”

As soon as the red dog’s words fell, he launched another fierce attack.

“Dog sneering red lotus!”

The scarred arm turned into a vicious dog again, a move that was even more ferocious than just now.

At the same time, the red dog also strengthened its domineering spirit to avoid being easily defeated like just now.

In the face of overwhelming attacks, Whitebeard also went all out.

On Whitebeard’s fist, every blow is the power that contains domineering and shocking fruits.

Although he wanted to solve the red dog quickly, Whitebeard found it difficult.

The Shock Fruit is more destructive, but the Magma Fruit has the upper hand in hand-to-hand combat! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

These magma dare not be easily touched even by a white beard, otherwise it will suddenly be a hole.

Covering the body with domineering qi is to ignore the damage of these magmas.

But that would only be meaningless consumption.

Not good for the next battle.

After all, domineering is limited, and Whitebeard also regards Lu Chen as an opponent, and he can’t consume his domineering power too much here.

At this time, most of the people on the battlefield stopped and paid attention to the battle.

Both sides were cheering and cheering for Whitebeard and Red Dog.

“Interesting, the red dog has been able to fight with Whitebeard, and it doesn’t seem to be left behind.” Sengoku looked relieved.

Seeing that his junior has such strength, he feels that he can retire.

“The red dog is still too young, and the white beard is retaining strength.” Karp has seen this.

As Whitebeard’s former rival, Karp knows Whitebeard’s fighting style well.

Now just with fists, not even weapons are taken out.

“Of course I can see it, but Whitebeard didn’t think about it, can’t quickly solve the red dog, what consequences will come to it, I don’t know what his crew will think.” Sengoku smiled.

“‘What else, disappointed.'” Karp said the answer directly.

Sure enough, the pirates who were gradually watching the battle had a trace of disappointment in their hearts.

They also thought that the red dog could quickly solve the enemy.

But I didn’t expect that the two sides had fought for so long.

The strongest pirate in the world, even the general can’t defeat it.

And think that the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment will be so terrifying!

Moreover, the green pheasant who had just defeated Marko also stood aside and stood idly by.

Before the green pheasant froze the huge waves, this scene they still remembered in their hearts.

Since he has the same name as Akainu, of course, he also has the ability to fight with Whitebeard.

If the two of them go on together, won’t the father be able to stand it.

Whitebeard also quickly discovered this and realized that if he didn’t defeat the red dog soon, it would be quite detrimental to the next battle.

Immediately carried out fierce counterfire, and at the same time covered the body with armed color domineering to prevent being burned by magma. (Wang Qianhao)

When the red dog saw Whitebeard fighting back, he also immediately retreated.

But Whitebeard just feinted, and also retreated and picked up the weapon on the ground.

One of the twelve fast knives, Tiancong Yun Cut.

Holding Tiancong Yunche in his hand, Whitebeard laughed.

Physical skills are not Whitebeard’s best fighting style, and he is the strongest when he picks up the sky congs and cuts.

All because the reaction of the Shock Fruit is too strong, and you will also be damaged when attacking your opponent.

So Whitebeard had to practice a good knife technique.

Over time, this became Whitebeard’s main fighting style.

Seeing Whitebeard take up arms, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates cheered.

They knew that Whitebeard was going to get serious.

“Daddy, kill this guy!”

“District General, let him see how powerful his father is!”

“Red dog, today is your doom!”

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