On the execution table, Mitsuki Ota also saw the white-bearded figure.

Immediately recalled the scene of fighting with Whitebeard a few years ago.

Of course, for Mitsuki Ota, it was a few years ago, and in fact, it was already a matter of more than twenty years.

At that time, Mitsuki Ota was convinced by Whitebeard, so he followed Whitebeard to the sea.

“Come on, Whitebeard!” Mitsuki Ota was in tears.

“Take a good look, maybe this is the last figure of Whitebeard you can see.” Lu Chen said coldly.

“That guy called a red dog can’t beat Whitebeard!” Mitsuki Ota was very sure.

As a strong person, Mitsuki Ota also has a keen intuition.

It can be seen that there is still a gap between the red dog and the white beard.

“I ordered both the red dog and the green pheasant to strike, how can there be only one person to act.” Lu Chen smiled slightly.

Mitsuki Ota was stunned, and immediately scolded bitterly: “Despicable and shameless! Actually two fight one, is this still a samurai? ”

It’s just that after saying that, Mitsuki Ota also understood that he was wrong.

The other party is a navy, not a samurai at all.

“When the Whitebeard Pirates were bullying, they didn’t consider that they were relatively numerous.” Lu Chen asked rhetorically.

Mitsuki Ota had nothing to say.

Everyone understands that the Whitebeard Pirates can have a place in the New World with 993.

It’s just because of the large number of people.

Sure enough, as Lu Chen said, the green pheasant also jumped directly onto the deck and appeared in front of Whitebeard.

“Do you want two people to come together?” Whitebeard felt the pressure.

“Green pheasant go away, Whitebeard is my opponent!” The red dog shouted to the pheasant first.

“Stupid, the marshal asked us to strike together, don’t you understand?” The green pheasant responded with a red dog very rarely.

Chi Inu frowned, thinking back to what Lu Chen said.

It was instantly understood that the Marshal of Heavenly Punishment seemed to mean this.

Obsessed with fighting with Whitebeard, he forgot about this.

I was very upset in my heart, but fortunately I can save it now.

“It’s the first time the two of us have teamed up, but I hope to win.” The red dog took up a fighting stance.

I originally thought that there would be a contradiction between the two generals, but I did not expect that they now have a unified opinion.

The whitebeard’s face became more and more ugly.

“Daddy, I’ll help you!”

“Yes, if there are many of them, we can also rely on the number of people!”

Many captains next to him planned to come to support Whitebeard. (agfe)

“Stupid! Now is the great opportunity, and your goal is that place! Whitebeard snorted angrily.

He pointed the sky in his hand in the direction of the execution table.

The pirates already understand what Whitebeard means.

Taking advantage of the whitebeard to contain the combat power of the two generals, the next is the best time for them to rescue Mitsuki Ota.

“Brothers, rush with me!”

Momonosuke was the first to pull out his weapon and brandished it towards the execution table.

Infected by Momonosuke, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates also clamored to follow.

The battle began again, and the navy was ready for the enemy’s attack.

“Get out of the way! Make way for them. ”

Hearing these words behind them, the navies all thought that there were traitors inside.

After they turned their heads to see the person who spoke, they all took the initiative to give way.

It’s Toilet Lieutenant General Magellan!

The crowd of the Whitebeard Pirates did not understand why the navy would give them a passage.

But this is a great opportunity for them.

One by one, they attacked the execution table through this road.

The nearest pirate is only a hundred meters away from the execution table!

“Poison Hell!”

From Magellan’s mouth came a curse-like language.

I saw Magellan’s hands pressed to the ground.

Purple drops actually gushed out from the entire channel, like a yellow spring road. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The pirates who were running on the passage did not expect an attack to appear from underfoot.

Most of them were stained with venom and instantly pained.

Magellan’s venom can cause a variety of pains.

Numbness, pain, soreness plus burning, etc.

Almost equivalent to the most painful disease, making life worse than death.

This move alone made more than two hundred pirates lose their combat effectiveness.

“Abominable monster!”

But the real master still dodged this attack.

Some people stepped on the bodies of their companions, and others came to the positions where other navies were located, which was equivalent to sheep entering the mouth of the tiger.

Suddenly, a huge handprint shot out from the direction of the stands, like a wave of light, knocking down all these pirates who jumped in the air.

“It’s the Warring States of Buddha, and the deputy marshal made a move!”

“It’s worthy of being a deputy marshal, it’s really powerful!”

“Although the deputy marshal is known as a wise general, his combat effectiveness is not weak at all.”

“Of course, Sengoku Lord Cheng is also one of the great generals, the highest combat power of the Navy.”

The navy cheered.

Seeing that the Warring States have all made a move proves that this battle is coming to an end.

The Sengoku in the stands has transformed into the form of the Great Buddha.

Animal line – phantom beast species – human fruit – Great Buddha form.

It is the devil fruit eaten by the Sengoku.

The former title Buddha of the Warring States is also named for this.

“Did you make a move too? I’m so excited to see it. “Capmo fisted.

I also want to contribute my strength in this battle.

It’s just that in the end, Karp endured, this is no longer his time.

I’ve been retired for a long time.

If you continue to be in the limelight, you will be disliked by young people.

It’s not like the Warring States, who is still the leader of the front line of the navy, but he is not worried about this.

“Powerful, too powerful, is this a battle between the strong?”

A very familiar voice shouted nearby.

Karp’s eyes widened sharply, he was pretty sure this was Luffy’s!

“Luffy! Where are you guys hiding! Karp growled.

“Not good! Discovered by Grandpa! Luffy immediately screamed.

Karp listened softly this time, and Luffy was on the wall behind the execution table.

Looking back, I found Luffy and Robin lying on the wall looking down.

“Didn’t you not come? The fighting here is dangerous, understand? Karp was furious.

“Uncle, I brought Luffy here, he should have also seen the battle of the strong, didn’t you treat him quite cruelly before?” Robin covered his mouth and said.

As if saying that he messed up.

“It turns out that Robin brought him here, then it’s fine, but here are all pirates, I’m worried that Luffy will learn badly!” Karp immediately put on a smiling face.

Karp’s previous training method almost killed Luffy, and the danger was just an excuse.

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