However, in the next words of the five old stars, this imagination of the red dog collapsed.

“Okay, Warring States, we don’t need soldiers who have lost their fighting spirit, from now on you are no longer a deputy marshal, and the air general will come to sit and command!”

The air is now stationed in the Holy Land, not far from the former naval headquarters.

Letting the air come directly to command the navy is the best option.

After all, Sora itself has experience in this position.

In addition, the air can now command the garrison of the world government plus the CP army, which is more convenient for mobilizing military forces.

“Good.” Sengoku nodded.

The five old stars didn’t say anything more, and hung up the phone directly.

What honorary lieutenant generals, retirement benefits and the like are not available.

For the Warring States, this is very unfair.

First of all, the merits of the Sengoku were not significantly less than those of Karp, especially those who participated in the Great War of Wano Country.

Although Sengoku did not directly participate in the battle, he only shot a few times.

However, the mediation of personnel and materials, etc., has made a lot of effort.

And it was perfectly executed, making sure there were no problems.

Even if it is not comparable to Karp, it is definitely stronger than these people in cranes.

With rich experience, Sengoku is also able to teach young navies.

Just like Zefa, it has cultivated many students.

But the five old stars did not say anything at all, which made the Warring States a little chilled.

Even if you know this result in advance, there is still a glimmer of hope in your heart.

“Deputy Marshal.” The pheasant made a rare opening.

“Don’t say it, I’m not a deputy marshal now, what I’m waiting for now is the arrival of the air commander, and I’ll leave after the handover.” Sengoku waved his hand.

Seeing that the Warring States were so determined, the green pheasant didn’t say anything more.

It took less than half a day to arrive at the former naval headquarters.

When he saw Sengoku, Sora just patted Sengoku’s shoulder.

“Leave it to me.” Sora said.

“Hmm~.” Sengoku nodded, feeling the burden on his shoulders disappear.

His first thought was to go to the East China Sea to meet old friends.

Drink tea and eat senbei together, and never pay attention to these things again.

In fact, the air is also well aware of what happened in the first half of the great voyage.

There is no need for the Warring States to report at all.

I even understand that the situation has reached this point today, and it has nothing to do with the Warring States.

It was only after hundreds of years of people’s dissatisfaction with the nobles that there was such a strong backlash now.

However, Ku still listened to the report of the Warring States.

“So many islands have been attacked, and we don’t know which one to help.” Sengoku said.

Kong Shen groaned for a long time and said, “What we care about now should not be which one to help, but their next target.” ”

“Every island can be a target, and now there is no pattern.” Sengoku shook his head helplessly. In the past, the countries of revolutionary army uprisings had a characteristic.

That is, the people did not have a good life and could not endure the rule of the local nobility.

But now things have changed, and the countries that were loved by their citizens have changed.

The most famous is the Land of Sand.

Although the king was highly respected, the people were no longer satisfied with their rotten physique.

Even if a king is good.

There is no guarantee that all future kings will be Ming monarchs.

On the contrary, this kind of country is more easily changed by the revolutionary army.

Because the king understood righteousness, he was willing to obey the will of the people and change the country.

“What about the capital of water?” Sora said, pointing to the map.

The capital of water! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Not only the Warring States, but also the three major generals shook their heads one after another.

“The water capital is an island under the jurisdiction of the World Government, and there are many garrisons on it, so it should not be attacked.” Yellow Ape said.

The Water Capital has a direct train to the Isle of Justice, so it has long been a city under the direct jurisdiction of the World Government.

“That’s right, the revolutionary army has never had a precedent for openly attacking cities directly under the central government.” Sengoku also nodded.

Before that, naval strongholds in many places were breached.

“And we have not received news of the appearance of the revolutionary army near the water capital.” Akainu added.

Now the Navy’s defense line is shrinking, although the surveillance area has become smaller.

But the density of surveillance has increased.

If the navy wants to attack the water capital, such a big move is absolutely impossible to go quietly.

So many pairs of eyes are watching.

“Although it didn’t happen before, it doesn’t mean it will never happen, and we can no longer look at the revolutionary army by conventional means!” Once the water capital is contributed, it means that the first half of the great route is basically lost, and our navy has no room to retreat! Sora said slowly.

Sengoku claimed to be a wise general, and he immediately understood the intention of the void.

“Commander, you mean to build the water capital into a fortress and prevent the further advance of the revolutionary army!”

“‘That’s right, we can’t afford to lose any more places, especially the water capital! You can’t wait for this group of revolutionary troops to reach Chambordi Island and start counterattacking! ”

Kong’s words made the three generals nodded involuntarily.

Seeing the water capital as a target, at least not like before, does not know how to deal with it.

“Air Commander, it’s time for me to leave too.” Sengoku also realized that his mission had come to an end.

“Okay, say hello to Karp instead of me, that guy can obviously still fight.” Sora smiled.

“Thank you!” Sengoku thanked the air for not being difficult for himself.

So he no longer hesitated, took off his marshal’s clothes directly and left the office.

Watching the Warring States leave, the three major generals also had mixed tastes in their hearts.

I didn’t think of a generation of legends, and finally this ending.

If this battle with the revolutionary army is lost, what will happen to them in the end?

“Commander, why don’t you invite Marshal of Heavenly Punishment to participate in this battle?” Qing (Zhao Hao Zhao) Pheasant asked.

“Marshal Heavenly Punishment is now in charge of guarding the New World, where missions are equally important!”

After speaking, Sora waved his hand, signaling not to continue the topic.

The agreement between the Holy Land and Road Dust is not known to everyone.

However, all three generals were puzzled.

If it was twenty years ago, then the new world was indeed stormy, and all kinds of sea thieves were rampant.

Without the navy guarding, the New World would definitely be out of order.

But now the situation is different, the new world has been quiet for many years.

Even quieter than the first half of the Great Voyage.

So much so that all three of them don’t have to stay in the new world and can come here.

“The capital of water is very important, the two of you Red Inu and Blue Pheasant are stationed there first, and then wait for orders.” The air has already begun to line up.


“As for the yellow ape still staying on Chambordi Island, there must be a general guarding it.”

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